Hello everyone,
Could I please get your hacks on how to get the last bit of lotion out of the container? I'm having trouble with my 1L sunscreen tub I bought from Woolies where the plastic is really thick, and also the Cerave and Aveeno pumps or even the 250ml Olay lotions? The plastic is very tough on those containers.
Thanks in advance!
How Do I Get That Last Bit of Lotion out of The Bottle?

Why would you need Sunscreen before Sunrise?
Early breakfast topper.
Ranga under a full moon.
When you've used all the other "lotions" already for unintended purposes! 😋
In Straya we say "cream" not "lotion".
@Scrooge McDuck: I dunnooooooo… I go to Woolies to do a search and plenty of "lotions" come up! 😋
Morning glory supports.
A faster alternative is to attach it radially to an electric drill opposite a counter mass (or another container) and spin it for a minute.
Someone doesn't want to get the hose again.
a paintbrush or cosmetics brush. Remove the pump, stick your brush into the bottle and then paint your skin with it?
Oil Painting.
I use a small silicone spatula
Chuck it in the bin .
Now that's not the Ozbargain spirit we expect around here.
Have you no shame?
Microwave ~20 seconds.
= Cottees Ice Magic
Can I microwave sunscreen?
Probably? It's impervious to UV not microwaves.
Stanley knife, cut it in half then scoop the last out with a silicone spatula.
Use a pair of strong scissors, a kitchen knife or a small saw to cut the bottle in half.
Thanks everyone. I like the paintbrush idea
Scissors and cut the 3@stard open!
This is peak ozbargain.
Wanting to use every drop or not knowing how to cut open a plastic bottle?
The combination.
Hopefully this OP at least knows how to clean their fingernails…
Really? My sunscreen container is heavy with lotion and I can't get to it ! I don't wanna chuck it
No shade mate, power to you. I’ll be taking advice in this thread as well hahah!
Cut the bottle in half nearer to the bottom part. You can still use the top half as cover until it's entirely finished.
Thank U… But some of the plastic is pretty thick. I don't know how to cut it
Sounds like you’re pretty new to diy or craft type activities?
A sharp knife like a stanley knife should work, if you’re nervous around knives just puncture the bottle with a knife and then use heavy scissors or shears. Alternatively you could cut the bottle with a very hot knife, but that’s a bit more involved.
Cut in half and use tounge to clean it properly.
Can't decide whether poster means "tongue" or "lounge"…
Plastic bag and spin it around a few times. Works even better if the bag doesn't hit your head
It puts the lotion in the basket, or it gets the hose again
She rubs it on her skiiiin…..
Heat the item with your hairdryer
Thanks everyone 🙂
You are welcome. Hope you enjoy those last drop of lotion.
Most of those plastic bottles and tubes still have heaps of product left in them when you think they are empty. Another trick by manufacturers to make us buy more than we need. My current pet peeve is Aldi squeezy mayo in upside down bottle. It is so thick that some of the mayo at the top just will not slide down to the nozzle end - even with good solid shaking.
Like the others, I just cut the bottle or tube in half. You can usually get another couple of weeks use out of it. I just put it in a plastic bag to stop it drying out.
Just cut it open with scissors or a knife when near finished.
Turn them upside down. Come back to it at 5 AM.
Alternatively, place them in warm water to let the gels flow easier.