• expired

Origin NBN Unlimited Broadband 50/20 for $59/Month (Ongoing) for New Origin Energy Customers


Was moving my power to origin, and asked about their NBN on the side out of curiosity as heard on whirlpool that it's now a white label re-sold Aussie Broadband product (exact same network and support staff from my understanding).

The advertised price for 50/20 unlimited is $74 for origin customers, but they are able to knock it right down to $59 with minimal hassle it seems if you ask for a deal, (ongoing too not just a 6 month discount rate). Other speed tiers with the same $10 customer + bonus $15 discount should presumably be available also.

My confirmation email mentioned the 'bundleplus15' code too so may help if you quote that or the like.

Edit: May be harder to get for existing customers according to comments, and some reps don't seem to know about the deal/won't offer less than $64 for some.

Note: White-label Aussie Broadband customers can not opt-out of Aussie's CG-NAT, and IPv6 isn't available for them either at present, so if you care about either of those be warned.

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (47)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (581)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • +4

    Feel like their energy prices are a bit jacked to make up the balance here but could be wrong.. electricty pricing is so far someone just making up random numbers in my opinon.

    • +2

      Actually moved to them because of another unadvertised deal with a 20c solar FIT for SE QLD, which is better than anything publicly advertised by anyone else at least, even with the slightly higher supply charges/etc which are easily covered if you export enough as I do. Also available as a 15c FIT deal with a 23% supply/usage charge discount but someone's already posted that deal it seems.

      • Hi mate how did you get 20c fit with them in Brisbane? Did you get solar panel from them too?

        • +3

          No, BYO panels, just called up on the 1800 number here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/538080 and literally just asked about the 20c FIT plan. Got it on their current 112.91c/day supply + 22.68c Kw/h usage rates + solar metre fees.

          • @GS9891: Did this also, went from paying $ to being paid $ (in summer). Loving it!

      • I’ve got 23% off + 15c feed-in for 2 years. Happy with that

  • I was also moving energy to Origin and they asked if I'm interested in NBN for $59 too. I wasn't interested at the time. I'm currently on Aussie BB and I was wondering if you get the same quality as ABB. I am very happy with the ABB at the moment and paying $79.

    • 79 for 50/20?

      • yes

        • +18

          What a rip off …

          • +1

            @HD9990: Aussie BB is the Bigpond of NBN in terms of pricing.

            • @abc: but unlike Telstra, ABB do actually have good service lmao

  • Going to try this with their opticomm plans. Thanks op

    • Did you have any luck?

    • Would like to know how you went with this as well?

      I'm Opticomm and don't want to switch wholesalers (to NBN), but happy to switch energy providers.

      • +1

        They wouldn't do it

  • +3

    Aussie Broadband’s new white label customer is Origin Energy

  • That's nice thanks OP

  • +6

    Doesn't work of you're an existing customer. I called them up and they refuse to offer it at 59$. The best the can offer is 74$ for the NBN 50/20

    • Didn’t work for me either. The best they could offer me was $64 for 12 months, then back to $74.

    • Existing origin energy customer or origin NBN customer?

      • I’m an existing origin energy customer.

        • Thanks, it looks like you will need to get it as a bundle when joining origin energy as a customer then.

  • +3

    One of the selling points for AussieBB is the customer service with local call centers. I wouldn't want to deal with any energy company when my nbn goes down, especially if using it for WFH.

    • That's the thing, apparently the support literally goes to Aussie's call centres (they probably just put on their orange hats temporarily and pretend to be origin).

      • +1

        Well that would be decent but apparently the $59pm is only for new Origin customers (posted above), I'm not going to bother for $5 saving.

        • Nope, it's not for a new customers only. I've been with Origin before with gas/elec accounts and decide to try Alinta Energy with electricity only but received a phone call from Origin asking to stay if they'll offer me a discount on both gas and elec accounts and got me that NBN deal as well. I'm pretty sure, it's like with Telstra rep atm, once you'll get the right person on the phone - you'll get good deal. And Origin using ABB so 50/20 for $59 per month is pretty good deal.

          • @PLIHA5: Will Origin be able to stop the move once you request for a move with new provider and origin ready to offer a counter deal which we accept ?

            Does that cancellation need to happen with in the cooling off period (10 days) with the new provider ?

            • +1

              @treekangagaroo: Origin won't be able to stop the move if you're ready and don't won't accept their counteroffer. But they want to keep you IN so will be ready to give some discounts. I've got discount on a supply charge and rates for gas and electricity even when tried to move electricity only.
              Yes, pretty sure that you'll have to cancel within the cooling off period otherwise you'll be charged first month fee. But I'm with ABB already so won't regret get it cheaper.

              • @PLIHA5: Sorry for confusion, I was asking specific to gas and electricity. Did you just call and asked origin for the best offer or tried in chat (to tell them that you will be moving )?

                Or did you request move with a new provider and origin retention called and you agreed to the new rates . If this is the case did you had to do anything with new provider to cancel etc or origin did it for you ?

                • +1

                  @treekangagaroo: oh right… ahah. Nope, I've got a better rate with Alinta from this deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/639059 and then received a phone call from Origin advising they've received a port out request.

                  • @PLIHA5: Thank you ! I see I am paying 30% more with origin .Looking to move out

                    • +1

                      @treekangagaroo: You'll have to call Alinta to cancel your request or ask Origin rep to transfer the call. I had no time to stay on the phone so did it later that day.

    • +1

      Good question! Has anyone already on Origin Broadband had to call on an issue? How was the experience.

    • I agree. They are extremely proactive too if you encounter issues.

  • +1

    I'm happy with TPG 250/25 for $84.99

  • +1

    Im with Origin and just called them to see if they would offer me the 50/20 for $59/mth, no go so far. He couldn't find anything about this offer and said he'd chase it up and call back tomorrow. I'll wait and see what happens.

    At the moment Im on the last month of a Superloop deal of $89mth 250/25. It's been nice and fast but I don't really need the speed and the $59mth would be a great $$ saver.

  • +2

    What horrible speeds. Welcome to 2013….

  • +14

    The only way to get a good deal with origin is to leave. Their retention team will call you back with a better/unadvertised offer.

    They certainly can afford to provide discounted broadband with their normal prices.

    Down vote for anti competitive behaviour.

    • +2
      1. I was on Red Energy and I've switched to Origin for better price.
      2. Red Energy called me and beat price. Switched back to Red Energy.
      3. Origin rang me and quote better price. They offer NBN with this discount price too.
      4. Red Energy called me again to stay with Red Energy. The guy from call centre was so aggressive! Couldn't be bothered anymore as two prices are almost same now.

      Energy companies don't give better price unless you leave. I feel that Energy companies are ripping off ignorant customers… They also increase price slowly while you don't even notice it. Be careful.

      • +1

        Agreed. Energy providers are one of the most greedy that engage in unethical practices

      • Same with insurance companies. People who don't check the renewal rates annually get ripped.

  • What is the different with actual aussiebb?

    • Might be a consideration - but no possibility of a Static IP.

      • I called them up today and they mentioned they can issue a static IP on request after the service has been made active.

  • Had the same experience as ihfree. My origin solar plan is due for renewal and back to cancel-retention team call-keep plan saga again.

  • With exetel, aqua mobile ITS $50/month at same speed

    • Yeah, was considering Exetel actually, but it's $50/month for 6 months only with them + they require cancellation a month in advance + ABB's network is still top-class.

      • Man I’m with Exetel. You get what you pay for. I have random drops during the day which is brutal.

      • I miss that superloop's NBN 25/5 Promo man it was so cheap $44.9 Their service and internet was excellent too, I really wish Superloop bring a NBN unlimited plan under $50/month again

      • Exetel seem dishonest to me.

        • Their no lock-in contracts actually means a minimum of 30 days as you are required to give notice
        • They mainly use Trustpilot as they are better rated than product review. If i'm using the site correctly, they're the bottom rated ISP there. They also have a rating of 1.9 on productreview
        • Credit check on sign up- this seems to bother some people
        • In their last deal, the linked report showed them having only 90.4% of users reaching their advertised speed, with only Dodo lower. (this does appear to have improved in the most recent report)
        • Talks about NBN mandating modems which isn't the case for non FTTN connections as a NTD is provided which you connect a router to
        • There are complaints about international speeds

        Their users seem to be overly loyal to the company and occasionally make statements like "I have few complaints… I’ve had the odd dropout from time to time but its never for long"

    • +1

      Exetel cheap plans are no longer. The 50/20 is now $75!

  • But…

    25mb/s $44.90 per month (first 6 months)
    50mb/s $54.90 per month (first 6 months)
    100mb/s $74.90 per month (first 6 months)
    250mb/s $94.90 per month (first 6 months)

    +$25 credit per referral


    AGL is far better if you have solar anyway.

    But use a proper comparison website like wattever for your best provider and plan.

    Do it over 1 whole year. Don't just compare 1 bill.

    • Nice username. What's your Solar FIT?

      • 17c FiT

        • +1

          Not bad, I'm on Orgin 20c FIT, see above comments.. you need to call every 12 months, but worth it IMO.

          • @WhyAmICommenting: What's the plan?

            Don't you need a origin solar system for this?

            I might change.

            Supply charge $0.2315
            Supply charge $0.97
            Solar metering Service $0.07
            FiT $0.17

            higher consumption rates and daily charges usually go with higher FIT. So be careful guys

            Origin Solar Boost Plus QLD
            Our highest feed-in-tariff
            Available only to customers who have bought a new Origin solar system
            18 c/kWh
            total feed-in tariff

            • @Korban Dallas: Similar, but daily supply is higher. Own panels etc from someone else.

              Origin - unadvertised deal (GST inc)
              Supply: $1.115
              Solar Meter: $0.067

              Peak: $0.2394

              FIT: 20c (no limit mentioned)

              So, FIT is 3c/kWh difference, 1.12-0.97 = $0.15, if you export more than 5kW a day you'd be ahead I guess. Also usage is just under 1c worse per kWh.

              Oh, this is in Brisbane btw.

  • Did anyone have any luck with 100mbps plans? How much per month were you able to bring them down to?

    • +1


  • Interested for the 1000 plans? Will give them a call, on the website it was $144 so not worth changing.

  • The "best" he could do was $134 on the 1000/40 plan. Maybe he could try a little harder

  • I used to be with Origin. Their energy rates were expensive. Not sure if it's still the case

    • I'm in SA and I've been with Origin for the last few years. I cannot find a cheaper retailer. Still too bloody expensive…

  • Does Origin have VoIP plans that replicate Aussie Broadband?

  • +1

    Spent an hour with them tonight trying to get this deal but they couldn't find it and said they would put me on the $64 plan and call me back tomorrow to check for extra $5 discount tomorrow….Hope this actually goes through. I'm trying to get the offer for gas only (Origin Go) and broadband.

    Has anyone else had any luck?

    • I call tonight, same as you, could not find this deal and will call back tomorrow!

    • Had the same issue, tried twice and the best they could do was the $64 for 12 months.

      Those that have been successful, are you ringing a particular number or going through a particular team to get this?

  • Hi, if you don't mind, are you able to share the screenshot of the confirmation email without your detail? I got asked by Origin for proof. Thanks in advance!

    • Below is the relevant text from the auto-confirmation email, not sure how good it'd be as evidence. As some have mentioned though may only be for new customers/dependent on what rep you get.

      Name: XXXXX
      Service address: XXXXX
      Postal address: XXXXX
      Contact phone number: XXXXXX
      Plan/product selected: Experience nbn50 Energy Bundle $10 Off
      Email address: XXXXXX
      Account number: XXXXXX
      Your add-ons

      Promotional code applied to your account: Total monthly discount will be $25 which is a $15 credit per month in addition to our standard $10 energy bundle. (bundleplus15)

      • Thanks, I will give it a go!

  • Signed up this morning to electricity (solar boost 23% discount and 15c FIT) and broadband with the 10+15 discount. Thanks OP.

    • Are you new or existing customer.

      • New customer. When I asked for their best offer for the 50/20 plan I was originally offered $64 / month but got them to check and they eventually offered $59 / month on the Internet.

  • I've just signed up, note you need to have both Electricity and Gas to get the $25 discount.

    • Got it with just power myself, (no gas onsite at all).

  • I phoned Origin to come in as a new customer for power and gas but they wouldn't do it for me. The CSO I spoke to hadn't heard of such a discount. In the end she offered the 50/20 for $64 - this was after actually visiting OZB and reading the posts. Still a better deal than my current ISP (Tangerine) but I just couldn't bring myself to go ahead with it when I know others got it for $59. I might try my luck again later.

    • Worked for you ? Curious to know so can try myself

  • can we get $64 pm for 50 Mbps without getting Electricity and gas with them etc?

    • +1

      Doubtful, $74/pm is already the default customer discount. Unbundled by default is $84.

  • Took $64/month deal for first 12 months - thanks OP

    Will go back and forth between Superloop and Origin every 12 months provided Origin keeps ABB as their provider.

  • No good on there live chat - currently have Origin gas

    • +1

      Try the retentions team on 1800 557 700, seems to work the most from my understanding.

      • Thanks

        • I called 1800 557 700 today and just told them I want to add the internet as a bundle to my existing accounts (Electricity + Gas), received a total discount of $25 ($10 existing customer discount + $15 additional discount for 2 active services).

          As long as both utilities services are active, the discount will applied on monthly basis.

          Good Luck everyone!

          Thanks ajs900 for the phone number.

          • @Yenyen611: Probably helped you had gas too, they weren't helpful in the chat at all.

            Ended to going to aqua for $50/month (first 9 month promo), for the 50/20 plan.

            • @G-rig: Yes, online chat was not helpful at all. They kept ask me to ring up the internet team number.

  • Could get it down to $64

  • No luck on the Chat, not helpful at all. They claim you need to show them the email and that it was for existing Origin NBN customers.

    What About the AGL bundle? Seems like the normal price is $80 for 50/20 or $15 off when bundled with elect/gas = $65.
    Not sure if it's ongoing after 6 months, who they use etc.

    I think the rates I've still got with Origin since Jan are still ok (?):

    Charge description Units Charges (incl GST)
    Peak Usage cents per kWh 19.6270
    T33-Controlled Supply(Economy) cents per kWh 14.7790
    Supply Charge cents per day 91.4290
    Supply Charge - T33 cents per day 2.1220

  • Does anyone know if Telstra modem will work with origin NBN or do I need to pay for a new modem if I chose to switch to Origin ?

    Connection type FTTB

    • Apparently Telstra's VDSL modems aren't locked, so it should (at least if it's a DJA0230): https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2736694

      • Thank you

        What I have is a LH1000

        • +1

          From the thread it seems some people have it working, but it may be more buggy with non-Telstra ISPs.

  • Can you get this deal online? I spoke to them on the phone and they did not offer it to me. They only offered me standard $10 discount with 50/20 being $74 per month. Thanks

    • Definitely not online, try retentions on 1800 557 700, I went through them as a new customer no issues.

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