Nice healthy lockdown snack, stock the cupboards with 3kg of popping corn for less than $12
Sells for $5.29 at Harris Farm
Nice healthy lockdown snack, stock the cupboards with 3kg of popping corn for less than $12
Sells for $5.29 at Harris Farm
I bought one, same price as last month and didnt have Min Qty.
Me too
Couldn't practically use 3 kilos in my remaining 50 years.
Pretty sure you could if you tried.
It says it's temporarily unavaiable, stock is probably limited to specific stores.
I'm confused, is it Indian or Australian?
My 1kg bag from Amazon says Australia and has the Kangaroo Aust Made Logo
No idea why it's "Authentic Indian cuisine".
What do you do with this?
Pop it and throw it at people.
Make bead necklaces of unpopped kernels to showcase your true love of popcorn.
Pop today poop tomorrow.
Time to practice popcorn balls for Christmas.
If you're looking for something low kj to put on this for some extra flavour, these seasonings are great.
Woolies stock some of their products now as well so you might want to check there first.
P.S. Their plant based chicken is excellent as well.…
Awesome was looking for some cheese seasoning for ages, cheers
Flavacol FTW
2nd that. Bought the starter pack with my partner and it's all top notch. My favourite seasoning by far is the veggie dust. It goes well on anything!
The plant-based meats are all really good too (coming from a meat eater).
Is anyone able to confirm that this is the Thunderpop strain? There's no way I'd get through a bag if it turned out to be Snopop or Blaster.
Suspect without asking Galaxy directly we're not going to get an answer.
Where can you get the blaster type in retail quantities? I like the Cobb style popcorn
on ozbargain, it doesn't have to be retail quantities…. where can I buy thunderpop strain of popping corns kernals!!??
6c cheaper because minimum quantity of 3 :)
Ah, you're right, was looking at unit price… trust you to pick up on that one! :)
I'd pay the 2c to buy Australian owned and grown rather than imported.
But they are BOTH Australian?
Not sure what your interpretation of imported is but I'm taking a wild guess and saying not Australian.
@OzBragain: It says grown in Australia on the bag. Description says India. You're both correct have a gold star.
Nice deal OP - dunno about 3kg (what is this, coffee?) but is what it is.
Slightly more expensive for 0.5 kg ($5.14/kg) but you get away with only ordering one bag.
literally came here to post the exact same comment! take my upvote.
Expired I think
What do people cook their popcorn in?
(We usually just get the microwave packets so trying kernels from scratch.)
Large pot on the stove with oil, but that is less healthy…
Saucepan with lid, add coconut oil and pinch of salt, medium flame. Easy.
If you like salted caramel popcorn it's easy too. Just sugar, salt, butter and bicarb heated up together then add popcorn. Nice for an occasional treat.
What's the bicarb for?
So it foams and coats better/finer.
I have two of these:
Never a burnt kernel, great product.
Whirley Pop Popcorn Maker
Anyone have a method for perfectly recreating Cobs sweet and salty?
Honey, butter and salt
I'm lucky I live in Adelaide. Gaganis Bros have popcorn popping seed for about $3 for a kg bag. I'm also supporting small business too.
Popcorned Out!
During the lockdown I have learnt a lesson, What goes in as dry fiber comes out as expanded fiber.
Pop corn is delicious …. Butt time is horrendous especially when TP is rationed.
Just a lesson in life
p.s Computer keys get very "wet"
$23.34 + delivery (3 weeks away) for 450g of cheese powder? Holy shit.
Mine are coming today :)
For those who want cinema style popcorn buy some flavacol. Comes in one of those cardboard milk containers and it will last you a lifetime.
I bought one in 2015 for $20 including shipping, lasted a few years**…had a quick google for some now and although they cost low teens, seems like shipping is more than the product, so expect to pay at least $30 (unless you happen to live close by and can click and collect or something).
** I eat an unhealthy amount of popcorn.
Yeh I bought mine a few years ago and still have 3/4 container left (mind you we make popcorn quite often too!). Can't seem to find any local sellers it seems most are international and yes the shipping kills it. If you search popcorn salt on ebay there are a number of sellers with what I assume is just flavacol but packaged in smaller quantities.
I was looking to purchase some the other day, all seems very expensive. On eBay there is a seller only selling little packages, must be making some very nice profits considering the whole carton only costs around $10 wholesale..
Saw this, but out of stock:…
FYI Your flavacol link is back in stock
This is good popping corn - 3 bags last forever - I got these after my local Woolies and Coles both ran out and I'm finally on my last bag after a few months. Didn't realize it was 1kg per bag (I used to buy 400g)