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Free 3 Month Subscription To The Sizzle For COVID-19 Vaccinated


Hello Ozbargain!

I'm giving away free 3 month subscriptions to my tech newsletter, The Sizzle, for anyone who uploads proof of their COVID-19 vaccination. Normally 3 months costs $15, but as an incentive/reward for those being proactive and getting vaccinated against COVID-19, it's free - no strings attached, no payment information needed, single-click unsubscribe at any time.

Plenty of Ozbargainers are subscribers (they may even comment on this post!), but what is The Sizzle???

  • A brief email newsletter sent every weekday.
  • Three no bullshit summaries of the last 24 hours in tech news.
  • The freshest Australian computer & electronics bargains.
  • $5 a month or $50 a year.
  • Free for COVID-19 vaccinated new subscribers! No ads, no tracking.
  • Over 1350 issues since October 2015, sent to over 770 paid subscribers.

This offer will continue until 80% of Australians are vaccinated! Feel free to shout out in the comments if you have any questions.

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closed Comments

    • +1


      Jesus people…
      You can offer something for free to everyone!

      If I would live 10000 years I would not understand those people reasoning.

  • +2

    Quite unfair for the people who are trying to get vacinated when they actually cant. So they miss out on this deal not because of their actions but the slow rollout by the goverment.

    • +11

      Why would they miss out? There's no end date for the offer. Get vaccinated whenever you can, get 3 months free when you've done the deed!

      • This offer will continue until 80% of Australians are vaccinated! thats a end timeframe to this deal.
        20% of Australians will miss out. Including those that can't get vacinated for various reasons and not by choice.

        • +7

          Well people better hurry up and get vaccinated if they want to be in that first 80% and claim this awesome offer! For those who can't get vaccinated due to health reasons, please email me ([email protected]) with proof of your condition (same burden of evidence as proof of vaccination) and I'm happy to spot them a free 3 months.

          • @decryption: You don't get the point. Its not the peoples fault… Telling 'people' to hurry up when they're on a wait list doesn't help. I know of a lot of people on the wait list to get vacinated.

            Good for you to offer the same deal to those that can't get the vaccination.

            • +5

              @OnlyFans: They're on a wait list, they're doing their best! When they get vaccinated, they can apply for this offer :)

            • @OnlyFans: We're in the early days of the vaccine roll out. Once more supply arrives, you'll have your chance. Hopefully you'll do it for reasons other than a free beer, burger or subscription to a newsletter.

              • @ihfree: I'm actually full vaccinated. Again, i'm just thinking about others out there, this was not a complaint for myself. OP has answered my queries perfectly.

        • Are you waiting for the first 79% to get vaccinated? I can't even understand what you are talking about.

    • +2

      Imagine OnlyFans complaining about subscription to a tech newsletter. Wowsers.

      • -2

        I'm thinking about others and legitamate reasons why they won't be able to jump onto this deal. Just thinking about others :D

        • +5

          I hope you negged all the deals related to a person's name or time-limited deals requiring to have a birthdate in a given month, etc.
          You are now officially a #ChoosingBeggar :-D

        • +2

          Can you set up a Gofundme page so people can donate to all of these unfortunate people that obvious can't fork out $15 ?

          • @popsiee: Those poor people that live one paycheck at a time wanting tech news for free!

        • +2

          I'm thinking about others and legitamate reasons why they won't be able to jump onto this deal.

          Think of it as a targeted deal then…

          A bit like free coffee for healthcare workers…

          • +1

            @jv: More like targeted to those that are sensible and are doing the right thing…

    • +4

      At the rate of vaccination uptake in this country this is a very very generous time frame… If you miss out then you deserve to miss out

    • I got vaccinated now, and I went with what was available.

      Unless you are one of the very small % with a medical exemption, either you're vaccine shopping or should be grateful some of us are carrying you who refuse to look after others.

  • Plus one for the offer. Minus one for the Gov. not being able to let me book an appointment yet!

    • +1

      the Gov. not being able to let me book an appointment yet!

      Why won't they? Did you vote for the Greens ?

      Anyone over 18 can make an appointment…

      • Not true at all. There's over 223,000 in the queue to get a Pfizer booking in Queensland.

        The latest email I received says it won't be until October that I'll have the opportunity to make a booking.

        • +6

          Not true at all. There's over 223,000 in the queue to get a Pfizer booking in Queensland.

          How many in the queue for AstraZeneca ?

  • +1

    Plot twist the conspiracy theories are correct in 5 years…

    • +10

      Plot twist the conspiracy theories are correct in 5 years…

      Plot twist… but they all died of covid before they could find out they were right…

      • -1

        Plot twist again: rest of you will die from the vaccine

        • +2

          Plot twist again 2: Not if we remove the 5G chip from our phone !!!!!!!!!

          • +1

            @jv: Plot twist 3: It's already in your brain and manifests as bold text in messages.

          • @jv: Plot twist again 3: 6G was actually the true killer!!!!!

    • Plot twist: it's 6 months

  • +6

    Amazing deal. If anything, the upvote ratio gives us the rough proportion of ozbargainers that intend to get vaccinated.

  • -8

    My health is very important to me so I'm waiting for the free chicken on sign up.

    • Live, dead or cooked?

      • Medium alive how bout that?

  • -5

    I don’t like bribes

    • +3

      Hahaha mr high and mighty over here. Too good for bribes

    • +1

      I do hehe :)

    • +4

      I don’t like bribes

      It's not a bribe. It's a targeted deal…

  • +1

    Should probably ask for proof of their vitamin d levels and co-morbidity status too whilst your at it.

    • Why

    • +2

      That's a bit rich coming from a koala bear.

  • +7

    Get vaccinated - don't be a stupid sheep.

    • +1

      Why? Literally, why would anyone do it? Your government already told you that there's no concessions for vaxxers, borders won't be reopen, vaxxers are not exempt from masks and lockdowns, so why would anyone with half a brain do it now with vaccines that are proven to not work with new strains and needing have booster shots every 6 months if you can just wait for a better vaccine in 2024?

      • +5

        Gov: here's free vaccine that reduces the complication of Covid. The chance you die from Covid is significantly reduced and its long term effect won't be as severe.
        Antivax: if i'm not able to travel to less fortunate countries who have difficulty obtaining vaccine, I'm not getting it.
        People with half a brain: ooh, I want it. Awesome, got free 3month subscription too!

        • -1

          People with 1/4 a brain after vaccination: Oh, do I really need booster shots every 6 months till end of my life? Can at least I get a free donut?

          There's practically no Covid in Australia and gubbamints are hellbent on continuing Zero Covid policy so your chance of getting one is negligent and there's nothing to reduce

      • +8

        because no one in the ICU with covid are not fully vaccinated, done, next question :)


        "Of the 175, 168 were not vaccinated. The remaining (seven) patients had one dose. There's been no patients in intensive care who have been fully vaccinated."

        Anyways, it's your life at stake, everyone I care about is vaxxed up so im cool, if your parents/yourself become one of those statistics dont say no one warned you

        • Let me expand on a bit you deliberately omitted and tried to make impression that there is 175 people in ICU right now:

          "There's been 175 patients admitted to intensive care this year across the country," he said. "Of the 175, 168 were not vaccinated."

          So when you include time frame when practically no one in this country was vaccinated do you really expect me trust anything you say?

          Next question indeed.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            So when you include time frame when practically no one in this country was vaccinated do you really expect me trust anything you say?

            When was there an outbreak as serious as the current one in NSW, anytime this year?

            Very weird of you to highlight that part…

            • @DogGunn: You can speculate as much as you want but I can guarantee you that weasel statement "this year" was not put there by accident.

              • @[Deactivated]: Yeah, because it would be pointless referring to the previous year, where 0% of patients in intensive care were vaccinated.

                Are you thinking this through before you posted?

                • @DogGunn: OK, so outbreak started month ago but we include statistics for half a year. Makes total sense. If you want hide something.

                  • @[Deactivated]: Not everything is a conspiracy dude.

                    Vaccination has only been available since about March in Australia. If they said "since March" the figures probably would've been very similar.
                    If they said since this outbreak began, they probably would drop off 10 or so cases.

                    There's nothing inherently suspicious about using this year as a time frame. 90+% of cases that have been in ICU would have been from the current NSW outbreak.

                    • @DogGunn: 10 or so? OK, let's see.

                      62 people in ICU Australia wide as of today.

                      Are you thinking this through before you posted?

                      • @[Deactivated]: With heavy mitigation measures…

                        Yeah, I'm not sure if you're thinking before you post.

          • @[Deactivated]: are you joking? theres over 120 people in the icu RIGHT NOW and not a single one is fully vaccinated, jeez your kind are dense

      • Why?

        Because ALP might get that $300 thing through.
        Don't you want a free $300? I sure do!
        AZ is available everywhere right now, for free.

    • Hold up isn't it a sheep to get vaccinated cause most people are doing it?

      • +1

        Then be a rebel, and get the AZ, most people are leaving it

        • Bro was just pointing out the obvious don't have to neg me lol

  • +5

    Came here for the punches and popcorn. Did not disappoint!

    • +1

      This thread is a better love story than twilight and more dramas in it than a Korean drama. Pawfect!!!


  • I think this post will reach 500 plus vote. Well done op.

    • What did it cost? 28 negs lol

  • Good that op is giving it free, but I am against him collecting everyone else certificates

    • but I am against him collecting everyone else certificates

      Good point that the part stopping me with this deal .

    • +5

      I know it's tough to trust a stranger, but I've already deleted the certificates of those who took up the offer (around 90 so far). If there was a better way to validate someone's vaccine status I would prefer that :(

        • Would that also give away your phone number even though the photo you submitted disappear?

          • @htc: Haha yeah

            • @ChadHominem: Still a good feature to know. Will use it one day.

          • @htc: That's a bigger problem with Signal as it currently stands that you must register with a phone number; there are ways to register landlines and other non-mobile numbers…

            It would be better [for Signal] if you could choose to associate your mobile number to or for "chosen" people, rather than do so without control and also better to not rely upon a phone number of any kind whatsoever. Apparently this may be a thing one day, to not use numbers. In any case you still ahve to trust the device you are using, be that Android, iOS or a desktop.

        • Yeah, that's as pointless as snap chat if the receiver wants to use another device to snap a picture of a message before it disapeears.

      • I think op is simply verifying so op can provide 3 months free service to those vaccinated, he is all ears if there are better alternative. I think it is more work for him, checking and deleting certificates.

  • -8

    Ewww, bad deal.

  • -3

    Show some respect to the people that have died from taking the vaccine

    • +4

      That's like saying show some respect for the delivery drivers who have died on a menulog/uber eats deal.
      We are here for bargains.

    • +3

      You could do that by not posting what you did.

    • The first AZ death lived around the corner from me. They were incredibly altruistic (like raised a lot of money for others with illness) and I’m not trying to speak for them but they obviously believed in vaccines and the greater good, so I don’t believe this is disrespecting them?

      • Not at all, don't think op had that in mind. His intention is quite clear, encourage more to vaccinate to get out of lockdown. Not sure if this is a good analogy, Toyota is advertising their car on tv and website, are they showing disrespect for the victims of car accidents?

  • Take vaccination proof screenshot.
    Change name on photoshop to yours.

    Congrats! Your are vaccinated.

    Now, the amount of Karens on this post… Hahaha
    Don't like something, ignore. Move on.

    • +6

      Pretty much - not like I'm going to check the screenshot for more than 0.5 seconds. Only really bad photoshops will be rejected.

      • Just I guess everyone doesn't become jv in the submissions hehe .

      • Btw thank you Anthony. I was the novavax guy that sent the email screenshot.

  • -2

    So anyone can promote their business by the goodwill of vaccines. But no one is responsible if you die because of vaccines or if it doesn't even work

  • +1

    As long as it's a bargain, people's opinions on topics outside of the deal are null and void. If it's a freebie that's easy to take part in (which applies to most of the populace) and for those that can't? See it as a geo constriction that often occurs.

    This is a bargain website not a soapbox opportunity to ridicule others for their personal choices (for or against) and arguing with strangers isn't going to change their mind either.

    Food for thought. It's an offer, on a bargain website - let's remember why we are here.

  • Alright going to go get my jab now just to get a free subscription worth $15….. Not

    • +2

      Just the fact that you and people around you are less likely to be hospitalised and die should be a good reason, but apparently that's not enough for everyone.

    • -1

      Don't travel too far, as you know the world is flat.

      • +1

        You know, it would be helpful to have the "FB /like/" range of responses without needing a comment (+/- is not enough) …. LOL to the "world is flat" comment, cheers. (not that I want to give any credit to FB either).

        • No worries. Bro. Unfortunatly I had to leave work and get tested thanks to being in a shop 2 hours after someone else. Despite having had 2 doses of Novavax, and having no symptoms, I could unwarilly, have the virus, and spread it.
          God I wish Aldi delivered.

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