Gym Won't Give Me a Discount - What Should I Do?

Hi all,

My local gym, which I have been a member of for almost a year, has recently closed down its two indoor pools and sauna and spa as it undergoes a significant renovation. The gym is still operating and they also offer classes which are also running, however, they recently found asbestos in the main room, and whilst they are still running classes from it, there is tradie equipment everywhere whilst they slowly rectify the issue (scaffolds, etc). They have advised that the asbestos is not dangerous to our health but it's seems like a haphazard workaround.

The only compensation the gym is offering members is the opportunity for members to suspend their memberships free of charge (usually 50c a day) until the pool renovations are complete.

I sent an email to management and asked for a discount considering my fees include pool, spa, and sauna access which are not currently available. They replied and said they can't offer discounts, their rates are very competitive for gym-only centers in the area and I can suspend for free if I like.

Their rates are not competitive and are 25-75% more expensive than other local gyms. They also have a very small gym area. I was comfortable with this upon signing up because of the access to pools/sauna/spa and classes.

Given the significant issues above, I think it's a really poor form that they have not offered members a meaningful discount (or apology). I guess they are just hoping that no one kicks up a stink. Suspension is an option but I'd rather move to a gym that is fully functional in the meantime.

In my eyes my options are to:
1. Push back and ask for a discount, state the prices of local gyms, and even raise OH&S concerns,
2. Ask for them to waive the 6-week fee upon cancelling a contract and move elsewhere,
3. Bikies

I'd rather not move gym as I mainly use the classes/gym but the exorbitant fees are really hard to swallow given the above issues and lack of interest from management so this is not out of the question.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



  • +33

    Cancel, move, done.

  • +15

    Suspend for free. /thread

  • +15

    I'd rather not move gym..

    Well, cancelling your membership and moving gyms is the most powerful option you have. If you insist on not taking that option, I'm not sure how you think anyone else can help you.

  • +2

    I seriously doubt they are operating a gym whilst asbestos is being removed. If you are positive they are then I would report that to someone as I doubt they should be open.
    Why would you want to be a member of a gym that has so little regard for its members?

    • +2

      OP said they found it, not that it was being removed. Finding it is fairly meaningless. It may change the approach to work being done but every building built prior to the late 80s will have asbestos in it somewhere.

  • How long until the indoor pools and spa are completed?

    If it's 6 months or more suspend your gym membership and take out a 6 month membership somewhere else.

    • Small (leisure pool) is anticipated end of August. Large pool sometime in November at this stage.

  • +1

    The gym is still operating and they also offer classes which are also running

    Your profile says Melbourne…. we are in lockdown, indoor classes are a no no.

    • Sorry since moved interstate. South Australia, timed that well in hindsight.

  • Home gym.

    Bodyweight exercises/gymnastic rings.

  • I'd rather not move gym as I mainly use the classes/gym

    So if you don't use the pool and sauna, I don't see why you are so concerned? You have been given lots of options, but it seems the only option you want (a discount) is not on offer.

    If it's really a discount you want, and there are other gyms in the area that are cheaper, cancel your membership and move. You can try and argue your way out of the 6 week cancelation notice period due to the works being undertaken…

  • +2

    They have advised that the asbestos is not dangerous to our health

    Yeah, nah.

    They replied and said their rates are very competitive
    Their rates are not competitive and are 25-75% more expensive than other local gyms

    Just like when employers say that they pay competitive salaries but are 20-30% below market rate.

  • +1

    If you have the declaration about asbestos in writing, you could nail them to the wall. If nothing else, paying for a service and failing to 'deliver' availability would be grounds for an ACCC complaint.

    However, if you wish to continue using it after reno's are done then you may simply have to keep the peace and go for the suspension instead.

  • -1

    gyms are easy to get refunds/discounts from

    step 1: fake heart attack
    step 2: while on the ground, blame staff and equipment
    if fail, try again two days later - after a year of this, they will grow tired and bend to your will

  • -1

    They have advised that the asbestos is not dangerous to our health

    That’s right, not immediate health problem. By the time (20 to 40 years) symptoms occur, it’ll be blamed on some other factors.

    I’m not a health professional, source:…

  • -1

    They have offered you a discount … on the suspension fee.

    As usual, you can ask for whatever you like. Whether they give you an answer you like is an entirely different question.

  • +2

    if they no longer off the service you signed up for then you can cancel for free. I have done it before but had to get fair trading (or whatever they are called now) involved.

  • +3

    Suspend for free, go do a few free trials at other gyms to fill in the time and if you find a decent one move to that one…

  • +2

    Just ask them to cancel the membership, and refund any credit that you have already paid, AND MOVE ON TO A CHEAPER GYM DONT LOOK BACK

  • Panic.

  • At least your gym is open

  • move gym

  • The gym has offered compensation by allowing members who use these facilities to suspend their membership
    That is very reasonable indeed !

    Its OP that is being unreasonable by expecting a discount.

    Sounds more like OP has suddenly decided they don't like the gym and is looking for excuses.

    In my eyes OP should just move on then and stop complaining.

  • Just suspend or cancel membership completely - have bank place a bar on any deductions from this mob.

    Look, they don't care about you. Sure they are all smiles, but at the end of the day, you are simply an income stream.

    Take your stream to another valley.

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