This was posted 3 years 7 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Whittakers Chocolate Blocks 200g-250g $3.60 @ Woolworths / $4 @ Coles & BigW


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closed Comments

  • +3

    Why do they advertise the Peanut Butter, if it isn't in stock anywhere?

    Scratch that, it's $4 at Big W as well.…

    • Agreed! None in WA (Woolies or Big W). I could pay to get it shipped from a Big W in SA though.

    • +1

      It's a crime that they don't sell this everywhere! Sooooooo good.
      This is 1000% better than Reese's Feaces

  • +29

    Best chocolate

    • +5

      I could live off these (for as long as that would last).

    • +11

      This is one of those items I buy at RRP.

      So much better than Cadbury chocolate.

      Coconut and hokey pokey mmmmm

      • -1

        i dunno i feel like i like cadbury more than this brand

        • +16

          Name checks out.

    • +11


      Whittakers has single-handedly ruined every other chocolate brand for me.

      The rich bean flavour and the creaminess of Creamy Milk is unmatched. By comparison Swiss/German/Belgian/Cadbury stuff tastes like a sugary paste with a hint of chocolate flavour and a melted/oily consistency.

      • +2

        Try haighs if you haven't already. Whittaker's is my #2.

        • +1

          This is better imo

          • +10

            @DannyBoy: Plus, Haighs is too bougie for Ozbargain. We like things that go on sale

        • +1

          Wifey buys haighs almost daily - live at BJ where there is a store - kills me - I bought 5 whittakers today (hide it from the kids) - the best - no substitute - no arguments ! Sorry to neg over chocolate.

      • +1

        but Whittakers, like most chocolate sold in Australia, is about 50% sugar, whereas Swiss brands you can get with only 30%, 20%, 15% or even 10% sugar.

      • Have you tried the aldi brand one

      • Which is your fav Whittaker's flavour? Plain milk chocolate?

  • +2

    I don't know why WA stopped stocking the creamy caramel one.. it was my go to..

    • +2

      I think it's at big w

  • +5

    There it is: definitive proof that Woolworths is superior to Coles. Woolies gang for life!!!!

    • +1. Woolies 💚

      • Unfortunately both the coles near me stock more of what I need than woolies does.

  • +15

    New Zealand…where chocolate bars are still 250gms.

    • +3

      Well said. They keep shrinking almost everywhere else under the pressure of profit margin.

      • And basically brown palm oil with cocoa flavour.

    • -8

      And all the women are 250kg

      • +6

        Australia and New Zealand have almost identical obesity rates soooo…

      • Just harsh … I'm a good 50% of a bar

      • Haha Speights arse mate

        (In NZ, the girls to off to college and drink a lot of beer (Speights) to develop their Speights arse)

  • +9

    Sugar sugar how you get so fly….

    • People still remember that song?? That was like 17 years ago.

  • +4

    The reason why NZ has won so many medals in the Olympics, a delicious energy hit!

  • +1

    Picking one flavoured sugar from the long list is too hard for me.
    I am out.

  • +11

    I recommend these ones more though (currently on sale in Coles):………

    They keep these in international aisle (NZ section) so you may not find them along with other chocolates.

    • Oh they sound scrumches!

    • My local Coles has none of those.

      • Have you checked the international aisle?

        • Yes, nothing there. I don't believe those varieties are sold in Melb.

    • Hard to justify $3.50 for 100g when this deal is $3.60 for 200g-250g.

      • The difference in flavour justifies it. You gotta try once.

        • +1

          Agreed. Just tried some of those in the international ailse. Very nice indeed.

  • +1

    Nice, it's been a while.

  • +7

    Been WAITING for the major supermarkets to 'hopefully' stock this:

  • +3

    Best chocolate ever, unfortunately we don't get all the flavours here in Aus :(

  • +1

    Choice bro! The best thing to come out of NZ since.. since ever!!

    • +4

      Since Pavlova 🤣

    • ***** ricky baker ***** easy *****

  • +7

    Devastated they stopped the dark peanut slab

  • +1

    devastated they stopped making their milk chock and cashew bar…

  • I doubt it's connected to the anniversary. Even Lindt is 40% off right now.

    • Its like ebay trying to steal amazon anniversary sale customers with thier sale.

  • Yessssssssssss!

  • +1

    The peanut block is my fave, but yes I have never seen it at Woolies. Only Coles

  • +1

    I can vouch for the Bundaberg Ginger Caramel. It's amazing.

  • lindt schmindt …. thats a bit lightweight 100g's ONLY

  • +1

    I tried their rum and raisin and it's awful, just so bland tasting. Cadbury's gold rum & raisin tastes 10 times better. That said, I do like Whittaker's peanut and almond slabs.

  • +3

    Also available only at Coles is Dark Almond. IMO it’s hands down the best dairy-free chocolate money can buy!…

    • +1

      It's actually my favourite Whittaker's too! I've now added it to the list (:

    • +2

      Yep. Agreed. The Dark Ghana is pretty awesome still.
      With peppermint not as good, but okay.

      • +1

        the Dark Peppermint was the only flavor i bought and i would eat a block a typical friday night in front of the TV… and since stupid Australian Woolworths removed it, i have not found a suitably yummy dark mint (i also am dairy free-lactose intolerant) but Countdown in New Zealand still have and stock it. i need a kiwi to send me some… STAT!

    • Yes gotta agree. The Dark peanut slab was the previous 🐐 but discontinued. Was the perfect hiking energy boost. Yet to find a dairy-free as good but the almond is decent enough.

  • +1

    For less sugar/extra-Dark Chock lovers they're $4 at BigW too…

  • +5

    I've always hated coconut chocolate until I tried theirs… insanely good.

  • bloody stores in Australia removed the Dark Peppermint blocks… yet in New Zealand they still stock, i contacted Whittakers and asked why they removed it, they said because it was a discontinued flavor… BUT BUT NEW ZEALAND!!!! it was the only flavor i loved and could eat.

  • Wow. my local lollie shop / candy store is selling this block for $9.60.
    I do love the coconut block.

  • Best chocolate in Australia. 2nd best is IKEA. All other are disappointing.

    All according to my taste buds.

    • Aldi dark chocolate blocks are decent. Aldi truffles are excellent

  • +1

    Thank you. Bought 9 blocks across Woolies, Big W and Coles today including 3x Peanut Butter blocks from Big W. Rest of the year's worth of junk sorted.

    • +2

      Do you really think 9 blocks will last a year? I saw some at shopping today and brought the Whittaker's Jelly Tip Chocolate Block as my daughter loves the jelly iceblocks. We all tried some when we got home and it was amazing! Going to sneak back tomorrow and grab a few more of the limited edition bars and see if hiding them out of sight will aid our willpower… We all have to do 40 push ups and then get a row each and that is the theoretical allowance a day… I never tried Whittaker chocolate before and now hooked :(

  • Collect 5x pts from Big W

  • Meh. [Brushes Whittakers chocolate off table]

    Lindt [Holds up Lindt chocolate]

    Apologies to Ronaldo.

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