This week's imported cheap beer (lager) deals at Get Wines Direct, 157-161 Burnley St, Richmond, Victoria.
24 x 330ml Kronenbourg 1664 $29.99 WEDNESDAY ONLY (22/02/12)
24 x 330ml Carlsberg $29.99 THU-FRI ONLY (23-24/02/12)
Walk in only (not online) Cash only, while stock lasts, must present coupon, 1 coupon per customer per day, limit 1 carton per customer.
Please make the effort to support the independents against the duopolists. These deals wouldn't exist without them.
Go straight to their Richmond store and avoid the bother of playing cat and mouse with Dan's/FCL. Otherwise, get copy of Wed Melbourne Herald Sun. Theoretically, You can price match at most Metro Vic Dan Murphy or First Choice within a certain distance - this varies and involves a lot of time and patience.
You can taste almost 100 wines for free (seven days a week) while you are there. They leave the reds open, unrefridgerated for quite a couple of day, so they have sometimes gone a bit bad. But it's free, so you can't really complain!
check for details
God damn you! I read Kronenbourg as Kopparberg! :(