Great deal on this popular Chromebook convertible.
I've had one for a while now and have found it to be a great media consumption device.
Great deal on this popular Chromebook convertible.
I've had one for a while now and have found it to be a great media consumption device.
I do find my self using it more than my iPad Air, with my uses.
NO headphone jack.
Thanks for mentioning, that makes it really close to a deal breaker for me.
It comes with a USB C to 3.5mm adapter in the box if that helps.
@ruthlesskid: x3 for $8.85 with extra USB-C. Many opportunities to lose them (this time larger).
Please update that iPad has 3.5mm at much higher cost :)…
@Shamwow01: I know it's safe and all but the thought of plugging my earphone jack into that high wattage capable USB-C socket with its endpoint in my ear makes me irrationally uncomfortable haha. I'll just stick with Bluetooth earphone just in case.
Just buy a good pair of buletooth headset.
@ruthlesskid: There are ones in kmart that cost 15. I haven't tried the good ones. Or there are ones in aliexpress that cost less than 2.
Can bluetooth earphone.
The Officeworks version has a USBC to 3.5mm included in the box. Just got a price beat on Amazon, and got this instead the iPad for my kids school.
Teaching them apple isn't the way from early on, means that getting a pixel isn't going to be so hard in the future.
So saving in multiple ways
They are the same model - the Amazon one will come with the 3.5 adapter also.
The headphone adapter is quite handy and works with my phone (S20FE) also.
@repeat: Although getting it with ow helps with return if something goes wrong, so best of both worlds. Best price + best return.
@htc: Yeah when I bought it the sales guy said "once you open it you can't return it". I think he may have been a bit upset at the price I was getting it at and trying to discourage me buying.
Speakers are definitely softer than Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab, however I prefer this as a work / school solution because:
I bought this and the JVC 11.6" from Big W a while back. I use the JVC and gave the this to a family member. This a a very premium feeling device for the money, and but one of he detractions is that free versions of mobile apps e.g office don't work on this, it expects you to buy them. Not sure if you can side load the Android version but it's not in the store. If you rely on those and don't want to use other free options you might need to factor in the outlay
Microsoft Office apps will work with (a) android apps and/or (b) browser
@matt-ozb: Yeah but pretty sure if you are using android OS it's free, and and Chrome OS you pay. Happy to stand corrected, I can test later on
'tad slow' …. agree it is not as quick as my 11th Gen laptop for web browsing .. but it is a comparable speed to my Tab S7.
Performance was better than I expected for the price and battery life .. I would say most people would not complain about the speed.
Just my opinion .. and I previously bought graphics cards in my desktop for minor webpage rendering benefits.
Do you need this if you already have the S7 with Dex and the keyboard cover?
how many tabs can the chrome browser handles ?
does chrome browser ever crashed / force close, after too many tabs left opened ?
my 8gb ram win10 laptop , can't handle 200 tabs … always crashed every once a while
It can't handle too many.
It crashed all the time for me.
Why do you have 200 tabs though?
so this chrome OS is similar to win10 chrome browser that crashes after too many tabs ?
i don't know why i keep leaving more tabs open like some sort of reminder for later ….
tried to close most of them but keeps adding more
I regularly run >10 tabs in Chrome which include 2-3 email clients, 2-3 chats, 2-3 meetings and multiple documents for editing (primarily google sheets & slides) without issues.
Wow .. great price!
I bought one last week for about $340 :(
Pretty amazing for the price .. but not keen on the max video output res of 1080p.
1080p for less than $300 in tablet format with kB that isn’t a total POS - can’t say it doesn’t punch above it’s price bracket
Problem here is that you can't drive a high res monitor with it, so it's quite limited if you plan to use attached to something.
ps: it's great for quick notes and entertainment.
If you get a DisplayLink dock such as the WavLink one on amazon, it is fine. I have used our Duet with 1440p monitors with the Wavlink Universal dock and it worked fine.
@repeat: At 1440p native resolution?
Of course, I can output to my 1440p monitor at 1080p but that is the highest resolution after testing my X4 hubs that have usb-c to HDMI.
@matt-ozb: Yes the screen was at 1440p, I tested it with dual 1440p screens at the time out of the dock's dual DisplayPort outputs. (I no longer have the dock to do more tests unfortunately, but it was the Wavlink Universal docking station with power delivery from Amazon with the DisplayLink sticker on top and multiple USB-C ports on the front).
My order page links to this one which is close (but from memory the model I had had more than one USB-C on the front):
I am guessing any DIsplayLink branded dock such as the Wavlink and Pluggable ones should do the same though.
@repeat: That's fair - my docker from dell only do 50hz with a washed image - the typical displaylink crap.
Maybe displaylink improved their graphics/inputlag - I just don't trust it.
Officeworks price match?
i bought from officeworks last week and they did the pricematch to amazon less 5% = $340
obviously should have waited
Buy again return on the old receipt
Lol .. not a bad idea :)
I don't know if it matters or if it's normal practice, but when I purchased a couple weeks ago with a price beat, the serials were recorded on the receipt. I'm not planning on returning as I have 28 degrees price protection, but if that's a new practice I could see there being a bit of hassle.
Just a heads up if it goes out of stock by next morning you won't be able to price match. For $12.50 savings you might miss out on the deal.
And Officeworks might update quickly anyway. Grab it now. Bird in the hand!
Thank op, was literally online for past few hours looking for a laptop for my daughter
IMO this is more a tablet than a laptop though to be fair.
If it's for use at a desk/table it'll be fine but you wouldn't want to use this on your lap.
You'll also need a dock if you want to plug in a monitor and charge at the same time (battery life is pretty great though so you might be able to get away with a full day on one charge).
i was up looking for a work laptop for myself last night, the 400-600 range is generally junk celeron or below par AMD but i did find this which has solid benchmarks:…
Stay away from anything electronic that has the name kogan in it. You will regret buying it sooner or later
Honestly though, their Android TV TV's are not bad. My only regret is that it has tiny storage so I can't install many apps on it. Still good for the price.
Nice one op
Can you use this for media transfer on iTunes, browsing youtube and other simple tasks? Looking for something for my parents
iTunes no.
YouTube - easily yes.
Yes, of course for YouTube .. performance is pretty solid .. 1200p screen with decent brightness … only problem is a 10" screen is a bit small for older folks .. it is not an android tablet interface.
I prefer the Duet to my Tab S7 and Tab S6.
I'm selling both tablets and will stick with the Duet for my tablet requirements (and some other computing requirements).
That's very strange, as both Samsung's have much better screens
And better performance to compare with duet which always lagging and nonstop installing chrome updates
Yes .. better screens but the Duet screen is still pretty decent.
Same here, had the Tab S6 Lite which was returned for the Tab S7+ and now I'm selling that after buying the Duet. Yes, very different class of device from the S7+ but after passing up the Duet during my search just on processor specs, I tried it out at Officeworks recently while researching devices for someone else, and was surprised how well it performed.
Android apps are a bit slower than the S6 Lite, but otherwise the device feels more responsive. S6 Lite UI performance was more frustrating to me. Obviously no comparison to the S7+ by any metric. For me though, Chrome OS is so much more useful for most tasks that it offsets the hardware downgrade and saves a chunk of cash. Combined with having the keyboard with trackpad included, I find myself using it for more than I did the S7+.
Nice. Perfect for most home schooling!
Yes. But keep in mind to teach your kids good posture from early age. Mine were not while using these type of chrome books. Ended up getting them laptop stand and kids keyboard & mouse combo.
Any cashback on this? Is it classified by Amazon as a tablet or computer?
It's in the computer category
Thanks. Grabbed one anyway. Will be handy to take on an interstate trip later in the year providing we get to go?! (No lockdowns then, please)
is there still any commercial ads when you tubing on Chrome book?
Not for the first 3 months! (you get 3 month of YT Premium for free)
Install a Google extension like adguard to disable the ads lol
Yeah pretty sure 99% of extensions work great on chromebooks.
It runs a full desktop version of Chrome, not the crippled iOS/ Android version.
Wow nice price, shame I already ordered an ALLDOCUBE iPlay 40 Pro 10.4 inch 2K Android 11 with 8GB ram/256GB storage tablet from Aliexpress at AUD$280 for launch discounts + cashbacks!
wow! very nice! I love ALLDOCUBE!
When did this happen? Shame I cannot find any ALLDOCUBE iPlay 40 Pro on Aliexpress now
Yeah it was a July 26-28th launch special
Nice! How’s the quality? From Alldocube’s official Alexpress store? They always look so tempting.
I haven't received mine yet - should have it next week. Decided on Alldocube as Whirlpool user reported good experience for is iPlay 40 non-pro and the iPlay 40 Pro youtube reviews were favourable.
Not this product, but I got an Alldocube iWork 8 back in 2016. The thing still works fine, but it's slow as a pig now compared to modern devices. Still, they seem to make devices that can last. Techtablets on YouTube gave the iPlay 40 Pro a great review too.
Dam this is cheap.
Can anyone recommend a good stylus to use with this?
Rubbish. It should be usi pen, it's completely different pens
Yes for best performance only USI pen.
ok thanks
Look up USI pens. Any USI-compatible pen is best for proper pen functionality with chromebooks.
Lenovo usi pen, around $50
links pls.
Just go to the Lenovo website its $59 delivered or $44 on education site.
Part number is 4X80Z49662…
@John Kimble: Looks like special at the beginning of the year.
Anyone wants to comment on the quality? There are some reviews on youtube,
I use the Alogic USI Pen bought from JB Hi-Fi. Working pretty well and comes with an extra stylus tip.
Links Pls.
I purchased the Penoval on Amazon when for my duet and it works great.…
Official Lenovo pen is cheaper
Can use office 365?
Yes, chrome store / google play store has the MS suite of products these days, including MS Teams etc
Edit - I’m not sure if the apps include all software features.
Never like mediatek shit
Every mediatek ever made is 3 generations behind snapdragon
2 generations behind exynos
1 generation behind celeron
It is the worse of the worse and oem use it for kiddie tablets for the 5 years old
pls explain like I'm 5
I like shit that works, and does everything I require of it - including my mediatek tablet that I am using to write this.
They aren't that bad. A well specced Mediatek is better than a low-end Qualcomm.
An Atom CPU of old would deserve that level of despisal.
It's good value but the speakers are very quiet and it's a tad slow.