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Hungry Jack's Deals


Whopper Junior Value Meal - $4.95
Two Whoppers - $5.95
Two Bacon Deluxe - $6.95
Two Grilled Chicken Burgers - $6.45
Two Country Burgers - $6.95
Two Tendercrisp Premium Choice Burgers - $8.95

Link to ImageShack - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/808/38624247.jpg


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Hungry Jack's
Hungry Jack's

closed Comments

  • +1

    Cool….this should fetch a nice income from eBay.

    • +1

      Facedesk Guh, people.

  • +2

    Don't forget to exercise after for 6 hours to work off the fatty burgers.

    • +4

      Hungry Jacks is amazing to bulk with.

    • +5

      Funnily enough most of these deals are fine for a regular meal for two people.

      One whopper is only 2900kJ and the average daily consumption should be around 8500kJ, so it fits nicely as a meal. The problem comes if you start eating more than one, or add fries & coke. A large fries and coke adds another ~3500kJ and becomes three quarters of the recommended daily consumption.

      It's certainly fatty, but if you stick to a single burger for a meal you'll be fine.

      • -2

        daily consumption for who? if you are obese you should be trying to cut back not find excuses to eat junk food.

        • +6

          I did say average and around. Did it seem like a hard figure to you? You're very sensitive.

          Obese people shouldn't find excuses to eat fast food? Why what amazing insight. What about normal shaped people who don't mind a burger every now and then… what should they do?

        • -8

          hey buddy, unlike you I did some research before posting. so my insight is actually valid, your figures are way off

          Instead of bothering to write i'll let you read how wrong you are:


          http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Latestproducts/4719.…

          At the end of the day I don't care about the kj content, i know it's bad, but i enjoy it anyway.

        • +2

          Did I say you were wrong? Of course you weren't wrong, you were stating the most obvious thing in the world - fat people shouldn't find excuses to eat junk food. It wasn't insight, it was something a 10 year old knows.

          From your first link:

          Energy requirements (kilojoules/day)

          Energy requirements for people vary depending on age, gender, body size and activity levels. For more information on energy requirements for adults, see your local dietitian or follow this link to the Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand Including Recommended Dietary Intakes and go to page 20: http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/_files/n35.pdf

          And on page 20 there's a table to help calculate your RDI. And guess what? Unless you're a tiny person, quite old person and/or get zero exercise you're likely going to have an RDI noticably over 8,500kJ. If anything 8,500kJ was low according to your insightful googled up link.

          Your second googled up link shows fat people exist. Wow. Ground breaking stuff. You sure proved eating a single burger is bad for you.

          If you've got anything that shows a burger of 2,900kJ every now and then (let's say once every 2-6 weeks) for the average healthy person who gets a reasonable or even low amount of exercise is going to be a serious health risk, please share it.

          I'm not advocating having three burgers a day. I'm saying it's really not an issue to have one every now and then.

        • +4

          Tantryl don't ever fall into the trap of trying to have a logical argument on the internet, you'll just end up frustrated

  • lol I was just about to post this, seems like a good deal :)

  • Do Hj's usually accept printed coupons? (not sure if they're in my mailbox today but the deals look decent :) )

    • +1

      Will HJ accept scanned and reprinted coupons?

      • +4

        HJ Bass Hill (NSW) doesnt accept reprinted coupons.

    • Yes. I am yet to find a store that doesn't (in VIC anyway).

      Let us know otherwise.

      • +6

        HJ's @ Post Office Square in Brisbane CBD just rejected this due to a photocopy/print.


    • +12

      You don't even need the vouchers, you just tell them that you want 2 burgers "on the voucher" and it works every time for me.

  • +13

    Funny that the Whopper Jr deal with the voucher is inferior to what's available right now - the $3.95 one with a frozen coke.

    • +1

      i was thinking that too

    • Anytime I have asked, the stores have done the $3.95 deal with a liquid coke. Did take about 30 mins for my meal to be ready though ;)

  • +11

    This deal isn't as good as that $2 whopper burger awhile ago. i smashed thhat out like there was no tomorow

    • +3

      I remember when they use to have the $2 bacon deluxe coupons. That and ketchup was the bomb!

      • +5

        Back in the good old days it was $3 for 2 Whoppers. Uni lunches. Good times. :D

        • +2

          I remembered that was like … 1996? LOL

    • I had more Whoppers in the "$2 whopper" timeframe than I'd previously had in the past five if not, ten years.

      And still I need to walk dozens of kilometres each day to make ammends. At least the $2 deal could be capped at a single burger, unlike the current "inflict it on friends or family" double deals.

  • Hi guys,

    I am not able to open the image link. Any ideas if its the same with anyone else.

    • My virus scanner killed the Imageshack link. Use the upload.ozbargain link to get the same image.

      • I don't have anti virus which blocks images. However i have tried upload.ozbargain link as well. But it opens up a gray rectangle instead of an image.

      • Try this link. Method 1: Left click the link. Method 2: Right click the link and choose Save target as…


  • i doubt Hj nsw will accept this, if someone can confirm would be good

    • They accepted my print outs of the $2 whopper vouchers in WA. This scan isn't as good though.

      • +2

        Thats different, that was from HJs facebook so it had to be printed out. This is a copy/scan from the newspaper/flyer in the mail.

        • Ah ok. Thanks for the explanation.

  • Have you guys tried those new mini-burgers? They are outrageously good.

    • +2

      Most, if not all, of them are much better than the ones at Maccas…

      • Hence the HJ motto/slogan. The burgers are better at…home?

        Love the good ol' maccas one: "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun!"

        • +2

          I can't believe I memorised that once upon a time, just to get a free fries or something. You had to recite it to the Clearasil kid on the counter. An Ozbargainer before there was an Ozbargain.

  • Awesome, thanks OP.

  • +2

    I miss the Aussie Burgers… :(

  • +2

    Gees just reading the description .. I could feel a heart attack coming on.

  • +3

    summer value meal only $3.95 without coupon, contains junior whooper, frozen coke regular size and small chips.

    • Yep, and you can swap the frozen coke dor normalcoke if you prefer.

  • So does anyone know if these vouchers work? Will hj's accept it if I present it?

  • The Grilled Chicken Burgers are only 1600kJ. Some weight watchers meals have more kJ than that. Not sure what they taste like though.

    • If only it was just the kJ that mattered. My current low saturated fat, low simple/processed carb, low sodium routine works wonders but not without a sacrifice, sigh..

      • kJ is a big part of what matters. It's not the only thing, no, but it's still the biggest component.

        Avoiding saturated fats, carbs/sugars & high sodium is a good thing. Never having them ever is just a little paranoid for the average person.

    • +2

      Grilled Chicken Burgers are really good. A favourite for me.

      But also, they are very small. I would need to eat at least 2, to get full though.

      • Me too
        I had a printed coupon in hand, went up to the petite blond girl in hyperhole ACT and she looked at me and said 'this is a forgery, we can't take this'

        I went back 30 min later, spoke with the manager without a coupon and told them I wanted to two grilled chicken deal they had on the voucher and got it.

  • Has anyone managed to use a printout of the above coupons in any HJ store? I see 72+ for the deal currently, but no one has confirmed a printout works….. Please let us know if someone has.

    • +1

      They should work everywhere in Melbourne. I succesfully used a printout yesterday at Hungry Jacks Campbellfield with no problems at all. They didn't even wan't the printout just had a look and said that it's OK.

      • Woohoo. Thank you thank you thank you. This is great news, I will now proceed to printing 10 copies of the image :)

  • .

  • they have improved the whoopers A LOT and its effin awesome compared to the yucky bacon deluxe

    • I haven't tried the bacon deluxe for so long but it used to be quite good. So it has become yucky?

  • +2

    Original coupons may be found inside letterbox deals (Sydney).

    Usually this booklet has junk in it. I just realised it looks like it and I got it back from the recycling bin…

    • upvoted for digging through the trash for a coupon!

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