What is the etiquette here?
I have been taking a new route to work due to living in a new suburb. I usually stick to the left lane of a two lane same directional road. (60km/hr)
I have been realising that cars are parked on the left so I have tried to get back into the right lane. (Then will return to my left lane after I have passed the parked car if it is clear)
My indicator has been given (Decent signal I thought), I have signalled and tried to get into the right lane only for that person to all of a sudden speed up and close the gap on me, making me jump back into the left lane.
I beeped, because well I thought it was shit form, and they pulled up beside me at the next traffic light and gave me a mouthful about how I was in the wrong and screaming at me using profanity saying they did not have to let me in….
Mind you this person also had their business stickers plastered all over the car.
Am I the asshole for wanting to change lanes and expecting them to let me in?
Do you allow cars in or do you also speed up to close that gap on them?
Edit 1: Agree that I was in the wrong, I just took offensive to the fact that they decided to speed up not to let me in. Thanks for your comments and replies. Next time I will just stay in the right lane on a road that is below 80km/hr. Cheers
I had a lane that was handed down from my grandfather to my father and then to me. I was very disappointed when the laws changed and I was not able to hand it down to my son. At least I'll be able to hand down the fishing spot given to me by my great uncle on my mothers side. We've kept it a secret spot all these years by covering over the X mark on the side of our boat so no one can see it each time we put the boat on the trailer.