So what exactly is stopping people from calling in sick Sunday night then getting a COVID test on Monday then waiting 3 days for the results and collecting $750? You don't have to use annual or sick leave.
COVID Disaster Pay and Taking Leave from Work

So nothing then.
just like how solomon lews company kept jobkeeper payments, whilst making big profits and paying exec bonuses :)
Nothing in return from paying taxes…….So you've never driven on a road? Spent time in a park? Been educated in a school? Looked after in a hospital?
Pity all the roads (or car parks), parks, (private) schools and well funded hospitals are in marginal seats.
It's interesting that some pay more than others to use those roads.
It's even more interesting that some get paid to use the roads that others have paid for.
Breathtaking comment.
Hard to know where to begin with such an abject lack of awareness, if it was shorter I would be sure it was a troll.
Maybe move to Somalia or Zimbabwe where you might be able gain an understanding of what you get for your taxes.Some truth to your comment and also to the comment you are replying to.
Ethics would have you believe the government deals ethically to all sections of society because there is a need. Unfortunately it seems like govern does less explaining about how they are spreading the money in a balanced manner and more time figuring out how to build female changing rooms at all male sports clubs. Also car parks in their own MP electorates amongst other things.
getting a COVID test on Monday then waiting 3 days for the results and collecting $750?
WOW It takes 3 days in NSW to get results?
What are the T&Cs for the payment? Normally it has a clause saying you have no access to any leave or sick leave payments.
It must depend on how many tests were done on the same day, we got our son's test back on the same day in January. Now is peak time for covid tests.
Same day for tests at public spots, in our family’s experience. We also have private clinics doing tests, who I presume only send their samples to private labs. A Friend waited 3 days for results in that circumstance, but another acquaintance got theirs overnight at the same place.
You may be surprised to hear that COVID swabs get sent all around the country for testing. When Victoria were experiencing their first lot of lockdowns a large number of swabs were being flown to Tassie to be tested in path labs down there as they had no COVID cases and a small number of people being tested.
Then you have pathology providers who fall under companies like Healius who send all their swabs via Toll to QML in Queensland for testing. Swabbed on a Friday? Yeah you'll be waiting a while.
Rapid tests however are always done locally and you can have results within 12 hours sometimes. Of course they're typically reserved for frontline healthcare workers and those at high risk. Rapid tests are most often in short supply with many hospitals only having a handful at a time.
you’ve lost income on or after day 8 and don’t have any appropriate paid leave entitlements.
you'll most likely get the result with 24 hrs
Got genuinely excited after seeing the post title & thought I could screw Gladys & ScoMo out of $750.
But, sadly, I have 600+ hours of accumulated sick leave, so won't be eligible. :-(
Start burning some of that sick leave, that's like 4 months worth of leave banked up.
Lol. Earlier post complaining taxes get you nothing, but champing at the bit to get your about on the taxpayer trough when you don't need to.
If $750 a week is a good deal, you might be better spending your time improving your qualifications and employability to get a pay rise, instead of worrying about your tax "burden".
When labor does it it's called economic mismanagement
When liberals do it it's called mandatory spending.When Greens do it, its called communism
When Fishing and Shooters do it, its called crazy
When I do it, Wife says its reckless consumerism.
I could be wrong here but I do not think the disaster payment works like that.
I think it is where you were expected/rostered on to work but for the covid situation, your employer had to cut your hours eg. at a restaurant
I think if you had to test for covid and had to stay home, there is another one-off payment that might be applicable. I can't recall the exact payment but it was designed to allow you to stay home whilst you were waiting for your result (and you had no other leave available to you).
I missed 2 days of work this week because someone at work was a close contact and we all had to get tested and produce a negative result to return to work. I signed up and got $375 because I didn't want or have to use my leave. From what I can tell the initial weeks were one off payments but now it's recurring and you have to cancel it yourself which I've already done.
How a policy is intended to work and how it pans out in reality - are often two different things
When a person with an ABN signs up to start a business - they have more options - as far as payments that they can receive
They do catch out some scammers - but loads get away with payments they do not need - especially big business
and the politicians rort the system themselvesI was able to get thousands back from a RoboDebt last year- 2020 was a great year in many ways- 2010 has been much more up and down….Sydney is potentially going to be in lockdown until September - very likely! as community spread numbers are increasing nowadays
is it means tested?
I suspect that it wont be easy to get your hands on. plus you'd annoy your employer
One of our tradies working as a contractor bragged the other day that every month he gets a covid swab and then gets $450 from Vic Govt. Apparently you can get it once every 30 days.
"Disaster"? lol
Maybe alluding to NSW's leadership?
There is nothing stopping people from doing this and things like this. They aren't checking eligibility (they may later though) It's the same with the $450 testing in Victoria as was the same with the super withdrawals last year.
Nothing. It quite specifically says that sick leave doesnt count as relevant leave if you are unable to work for reasons other than being sick to do with Covid. Couple of weeks ago I missed two days of work because I got the SMS from NSW health to isolate because I was at woolies at the same time as a covid case and claimed it instead of using my entitlements.
Ethics? Liking your job/boss/team?