Getting a Swimming Pool

Hey Ozbargain peeps!

Building a house and its almost finished so looking to get a pool installed.

Have gone along and gotten a few quotes so far but obviously this isnt something you do very often and as such, wondering if anyone out there has any advice/recommendations? Fairly big investment and not wanting to get to badly screwed on the price.



  • +9
    • pool filter and pumps cost lots to run. solar power will definitely help
    • solar heating.
    • mineral or salt water pool
    • rectangular shape pool with soft radius internally, not a kidney shaped pool
    • away from neighbours boundary if it is higher
    • shade for the pool
    • no astro-turf, or fake grass
    • non glass pool fence.
    • exposed timber decking will require lots of maintenance to keep it looking good.
      • Working on solar quotes currently, looking at larger residential systems to account for the pool pump/filter etc
      • Going electric heating, again looking at large residential system
      • Benefits of Mineral vs Salt?
      • We were thiking rectangle anyway
      • Boundary not a issue
      • Contemplating shade sail for the pool as well
      • Wife suggested glass fencing, wasnt a fan especially due to extra cost/keeping it clean
      • Need to look into what we will put around it
      • +1

        Benefits of Mineral vs Salt?

        better pool chemistry and better for your skin (mineral pool).

        Need to look into what we will put around it

        short landscape is good trees are bad. even ones that are not in your yard. i get gum leaves from a tree 2 houses down. so if the tree is in your yard i would see if it is possible to remove it,,

        astro turf looks good, but get it super hot that you can even walk on it in the height of summer

        decking requires regular maintenance to keep it looking good. but when you do look after it, it's amazing,

        Wife suggested glass fencing, wasnt a fan especially due to extra cost/keeping it clean

        exactly this.. and the reflection of the glass depending on direction gets hot as well

  • Are you looking at fibreglass or custom concrete?

    Pool robots are awesome but pretty expensive.

    • definately looking at fibreglass option, already expensive enough without custom concrete

      • I recommend going rectangular and as long as you can afford. Been a while since our install but longest option used to be about 11-12m.

        Those short or squarish plunge pools are pretty useless especially if you have kids.

  • +4

    If your in the southern states don't .

  • +8

    Best thing I ever did was filling in my pool

    • +4

      Having a pool was one of the reasons we sold that house

    • +5

      It’s interesting when people say this. I think it’s the experience for many, but personally I love our pool. Use it heaps in summer to cool down, and for teaching our little one to swim, but used it a lot before he came along. Had one as a teenager in our family home and friends loved coming over for swims. My mum also used hers daily before going into care. I’d be actually keen to heat ours to extend the swimming season. So for some it is a very worthwhile expense.

      • +3

        Yeah not sure what people's problems with pools are. Cheap entertainment and fun, don't have to go anywhere, swim anytime you like.

      • +1

        Got very young kids, they love it. We have been in a rental for just over a year and over summer we had a hard time getting them out every day.

        We will be going down the heated pathway so it can be used year round

  • +4

    Bought a house with a pool. Used it couple of times.

    After some years of neglect, we filled her up and no regrets here.

    You gotta clean and maintain the pool like you wouldn't believe…. the work & money involved is substantial.

    But that's just us. Good Luck.

    • +6

      Chlorine or salt?

      Our salt pool requires bugger all effort as long as you are consistent with maintenance.

      • Us too. Not heaps of maintenance. We don’t get a lot of leaves though as no overhanging trees.

      • +1

        Ours was a chlorine pool. Admittedly, I had little experience with maintaining a pool.

        It was always getting grubby and hard to keep clean. Maybe I wasn't diligent enough.

        Well it's filled now and I got a nice lemon tree growing there. Have a good one!

        • Straight chlorine pools are the worst, no wonder you had a bad experience.

  • +8

    Forget the pool, just dig a hole and throw endless amounts of money into it. Will be cheaper and achieve the same result.

  • +4

    Family getting one dug now and it is poisonously expensive at the moment, as everyone is renovating cause they can’t travel.

    The OzB way would be to have an above ground with a deck around it for the 10 years the kids will be interested, then “take it away boys”.
    Probably save enough that way to retire two years earlier.

    • +1

      But the neighbours have an in-ground pool so….

      • +7

        Come to think of it, moving in next to neighbours with a pool is the real OzB way!

  • Take a look at Compass Pools as they have an in-floor cleaning system(

  • Pool = Money Pit

    Got rid of mine and put up a 9mtr x 6 mtr shed.

    • +2

      Pool = Money Pit

      Waiting for Scrooge McDuck to enter thread.

      • Brilliant my pool is only used for my FIFO Ducks lol ( really its is true ) hehe .

    • Could have kept it and converted it to an underground bunker.

      • If only Furze' youtube videos were out back then….

  • -1

    They should ban you for mentioning it hahahahaha maybe you might ask for a career change so you can make the money to pay for it.

  • Do you have kids? If you have no kids, then spend the money on something else. If they are young, then go for the pool. If are older and probably moving on in the next 5 years, then think twice.

  • +1

    All I can think of is high Capex and Opex.

  • As another option, have you thought about a spa or swim spa? We got a spa put in a year ago and use it all the time. Reduce the temp in summer so you can cool down. I know heaps of people who regret their pools, but don't know anyone who regrets their spa. Just a thought, anyway!

  • +4

    Have had a pool with a couple of houses.. couldn't wait to sell and get away from it. PITA. Never again.
    Usually makes a property difficult to sell as most people don't want the hassles of having a pool.

  • Be sure to have your pool filter away from neighbours or at least in a soundproof storage compartment.

    Your neighbours will thank you.

  • I would be getting a swim spa, the Olympic swim team have them, most were forced to when lockdowns started happening last year.

  • +2

    Get the Naked Water system. It’s a couple grand up front but you get to swim in fresh water and there is hardly any ongoing pool maintenance. No harsh chemicals etc…. I basically just have to add 100ml of acid once a week and the ph is perfect with the heat pump set at 28c.

    We have travertine all around ours. Stays cool in the summer and non slip.

    Also make sure that the pool pump has a permanent line plumbed in so you can by pass it and drain water from the pool when it starts to get full with rain water.

    You can install the pool fencing yourself to save some money. It’s pretty easy.

    If you set up your pool right you can get away with about 15 mins work a week. Really not as difficult as some people say…

    • I've been looking at getting a similar system installed on our new pool. How much did you pay for the system and do you have any problems with the silver-copper system due to leaves/organic matter?

      • +1

        It was $2200 from memory when I installed the system new with the pool. No issues with organic matter. Just clean the pool of the normal junk and let the robot vac do its job. Honestly best thing ever.

        Jump in and swim, get out, and it’s like fresh water swimming. As a Canadian who grew up on the Great Lakes I can’t stand salt or chlorine water.

        Do it. You won’t regret it.

  • +1

    Bit like owning a BOAT Bring Out Another Thousand.

  • As one mentioned, stay away from any timber decking. Neighbours had it done and less than 2yrs in, they’ve had to rip it out. One was due to incorrect installation, nails vs screws. Neighbour was not a diy, type person which didn’t help and as such failed to maintain/ redcoat it. Chlorine really damaged the look.

  • What sort of prices are you getting back from builders and what style (pebbelcrete/tiled) pool are you looking to get?

    • I think he’s going fibreglass….

  • My auntie has a mineral pool from MagnaPool, and she said it's the best decision she ever made.

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