This was posted 13 years 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sydney Morning Hearld UniPass ($40) for 7-Day Home Delivery & Digital Edition


Rushing at the moment.
But here it is

Nothing much to it but damn good deal :)

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The Sydney Morning Herald
The Sydney Morning Herald

closed Comments

  • I'm guessing you found this at an open day/week? :P

    • hahas yea Unsw :D

      • Wasn't there a free SMH (I think?) yearly subscription at o-week last year? It'd be cool if they had that again this year since I missed out last time.

        • +3

          It's free daily telegraph that is free the smh costs money!

      • -4

        yeahhh UNSW represent! :D

  • Good deal mate! Wondering how much the usual subscription is though…

    • +10

      It is $40 a year and you have somehow come to the conclusion that it is $2000 a year. What is wrong with you?

      • -5

        Where does it say it's for a year?

        The only frame of time referenced is $40 for 7 days. The website says the same.

        Edit: Ah, I see now, the FAQ mentions that this is up until 31 December. So yes, it does seem like much a better deal now.

        • +6

          $40 for the paper to be delivered 7 days a week (aka one paper delivered per day for a year).

          On an unrelated note, I had the paper delivered on weekends and pickup from unishop last year. The first few weeks were cool. After 2 months I didn't care. After 6 months I never wanted to read or see another paper in my life.

    • Would not be per week. Similar deals are for a semester/6 months or something similar and are normally really really good deals if you can get them. I'm sure the OP or no doubt another member can shed some more light on this…

    • rookie mistake was made

    • +3

      Your username suits you perfectly.

  • +2

    it's gone up by $10 but seems a better deal than last year. For the $40 you can have it delivered home every day, last year it was just three days a week. And the digital edition as well, which will be useful with the iPad

  • +8

    Hmmmmm…. seems like you need a University education to subscribe to this deal. That eliminates any existing SMH readers.

    • +1

      Surely yu know uni family friend or kid. lols.

  • "Print and Digital"? Isn't Digital completely free?

    • The digital one is the "read the paper format digitally". Do you remember that advertisement on television with the guy in the lecture theatre. o_O!

      Anyway, I hope there is something about the Australian soon. I've been using a loophole to get free access for a while, but I miss the paper.

      • Oh okay cool, that's heaps better than the website! However I'm pretty happy with the iPad app that sits somewhere in between and is probably much easier to read/navigate.

  • I am still able to read ALL the articles on my iPad without even logging in.

    • They charge for it to be viewed in newspaper format though don't they?

  • So how do they confirm you're a Uni student ? Can High School students get it ? Also notice they have the offer for Uni staff / teachers but not school teachers ?
    Update: I see the field where they ask for Uni details upon sign-up.

  • anyone know approximately how early these are delivered?

  • Appears not for QUT students..?

  • Btw you might want to mention that home deliveries are rare not sure who or under what conditions you get it, but I never get home delivery for things like these uni deals.

  • Hmm in previous years you'd present your student ID at the campus outlet before you could get receive the card that entitles you to pickup the paper. However, if it's just delivery how do they confirm you're actually a student? Email details to each uni to check?

    • They cant, who says the paper yu pick up aint for a neighbour even if yu do pick it up on the way back from uni.

      This is just something yu cant prevent.

      • +1

        its all about yu isnt it?

        • yu bet'ya it is.

  • Great deal but no uni students at home anymore :(

    But I did subscribe for a 7 day/6 months subscription for $79.90 just last week thru a door to door salesperson.

    • Ouch.

  • +1

    I called them up last year when i was having trouble renewing…. she said oh just make a new account then i said how do u actually proof im a uni student she said oh we take it on good faith we hardly ever check then she laughed… so i said i guess a sale is a sale… she was like haha yea..

  • +3

    What about The Australian?

    • +1

      I appreciate your comment raphy.

      I, like many people here, definitely come to ozbargain to judge bargains based on others political views and not on sheer monetary value :)

      • Agree. But then this guy is one off and has received "-11" votes. I don't like politics on this board either, but just to be fair every time there's a Murdoch paper offer etc you'll find scores of people righteously demanding people not buy the paper and redirecting them to some The Age deal etc. Only there no one questions their mouthy aggressive waffle - indeed, they positive tick one another's screed's up and down the board.

        How about everyone - this one right winger or the scores of lefties - keep their spleen to themselves and make it about the monetary value of the deal. Or, if they can't suck it up, at least find an appropriate board to vent. I'm pretty sure the majority don't want to hear it (from either camp).

        • "How about everyone - this one right winger or the scores of lefties - keep their spleen to themselves"

          Someone fired the first shot here, and it definitely wasn't the 'scores of lefties'

        • "Someone fired the first shot here, and it definitely wasn't the 'scores of lefties'"


          These deals (and plenty of others recently) with their endless rants against 'the other team' precede this deal - unless your stop watch started with this one guys other-end-inane post on this deal?

          A few choice quotes - which worse, are all zealously positive ticked up and down.

          "Woefully removed from integrity and intellect this editorial might be useful for a chicken coop or litter box base, to catch animal poo & piss."

          "Surely the people of OzBargain have more intelligence than to read the Herald Scum. I'll think for myself, Rupert."

          "Playing hard to get: "Limit 1 per person … Limit 1 subscription per residential address".Pity for all those Murdoch fanbois who want two or more."

          "You even get your IQ lowered for no extra charge! Bargain."

          "Cheaper than toilet paper"

          "The content is as good as toilet paper."

          "I might actually consider vehemently wiping my arse with Andrew Bolt's vacuous crap, however I don't think Andrew writes on Sunday. Such a shame really, there's always Miranda or Piers."

          I'm the furthest thing from right wing; truth be told i have no interest whatsoever in reading Bolt either (hell, my best friend writes for The Age!) But i'm not interested in reading this sort of look at me tripe here on a 'bargain website' from either camp - this guy, or those scores of lefties pointed out above swarming recent equivalent Murdoch paper deals (if again your stop watch starts a little earlier than this guys stupid post).

          There are places for it, but OzBargain isn't one of them.

    • Communist crap? I'm guessing even something like SMH might seem left-leaning if you you read the Drudge Report and Fox News.

  • It's a good deal, just remember you have to pick it up each weekday at the campus newsagency

    • +1

      No, you don't, this year they're offering 7-day home delivery, even during semester. You can choose Fri-Sun delivery and Mon-Thu pickup on campus if you find 7 papers a week a little overwhelming, but it's the same price.

      • are you sure?
        For (The Age) renewals I was told it was $30 for the 7-day digital edition,
        and an additional; $15 for the weekend delivery & weekday campus pickup, but
        you had to subscribe to the digital to get the weekend/weekday papers.

  • Wish telegraph did an offer like this

  • The SMH Uni Card/Pass has a discount benefits program for those that weren't aware:

    Gets updated with new discounts every now and then.

  • Nice work OP, I subscribed.

  • Hrm, for the people that bought it on campus, did you get a receipt? I'm kinda paranoid because I paid in cash and forgot to ask for one.

  • USyd students: keep in mind that the 2012 ACCESS card (Union membership - required to join clubs and societies) includes the $40 SMH Uni Pass. ACCESS membership is $110 for new, and $90 for renewal (and cheaper for multi-year).

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