This was posted 3 years 7 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4] Persona 5 Royal Deluxe Edition (Digital) $46.78 (Was $116.95) @ PlayStation Store


I'm currently ~70 hours into the base Persona 5 that came with the PlayStation 5 collection and am loving it. Have been considering buying Royal to jump into after I finish P5, had a look at the PS store and saw this.

Thought this looked like a good price for P5 Royal Deluxe digital edition. This is only a dollar or two more than the P5 Royal regular edition sales which have been posted on Ozbargain. Looks like the main difference for the deluxe edition is a few extra cosmetic items.

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closed Comments

  • +15

    The absolute pinnacle of JRPGs for me and worth every cent.

    Spoiler free hint for those going in fresh: save in a new slot after each palace. It'll save A LOT of repeat hours of play if you don't meet the criteria for the third semester.

    • Man I'm glad you mentioned this - playing Royal now and I'd have been furious if I'd missed out on this!

    • Also a separate save for when you get each confidant to 8 stars also.

  • +1


  • +11

    considering buying Royal to jump into after I finish P5

    As good as the game is, your going to be burnt out playing, essentially, the same game for an additional 100hours.

    • +2

      I wasn't. I've done two play throughs of P5 and three of P5R and now getting through P5S.
      Maybe jumping straight into one after another is a bit much, but they are definitely replayable.

      • Same.

        I also had two play throughs of P5R straight one after another with over 100 hrs clocked each.

        It’s the only game I ever played through twice.

    • Yep, agree with Pooka, played through the original fully twice and now considering picking up Royal. Just an endless game.

    • I did platinum both of them and did not play it back to back. Played P5 on launch and then P5R on launch also. It has enough difference in what you need to do to platinum and some small subtle changes around that make it feel like a different game.

      I guess playing it back to back makes you go like leonardo pointing meme while you play P5R.

  • P5: best game in the world.

  • My save file corrupted playing normal P5 on release about half way through and never went back which is a shame as I really enjoyed it, one day I will get back there!

    • +1

      Did you back up to cloud?

  • +2

    I found it tedious towards the end, it got very same same, but I guess that’s what happens in a 100 hour game.

    • Some of the palaces and Mementos could definitely be a little shorter, but I understand that they were made to do in multiple sittings. But given that it's optimal use of time to finish them in as few days as possible, it kinda pushes you into slogging through a 2-4 hour dungeon.

      The actual story content between the filler and all the character development was awesome.

  • does any one knows if I can carry my saved game from original to royal? Don’t want to finish from zero again, but would love to go back and play the new story part while focusing on other confidants.

  • I have 5 but not royal, is it recommended to play both or skip one in particular?

    • +2

      Skip the original, it doesn’t change until the very end!

      • I bought the deluxe edition of p5 standard, put a few hours in and got distracted… Should I buy this and forget about that?

        • Definitely. I played them back-to-back and was skipping every scene in p5r to get to the new stuff.

        • Also depends on how far we're talking. If you're 60+ hours in, you may just wish to enjoy the base game.

          If you're near the start, then definitely upgrade to Royal if you like.

          • @Erwark: i think i was only like 5-10 hours in… just annoyed i bought the deluxe edition and then royal came out lol

            • @KRiSX: The Deluxe DLC is a few outfits and some free but overpowered Personas.

              I'd take Vanilla Royal over Deluxe Regular.

  • +5

    Great game!
    Played the first game to death, 100 plus hrs
    Not sure if I can spend the same kind of hours on royal though.

    So many games to play so much happening in life.
    Thanks for sharing OP

    • +1

      Yeah, I've got the same (very first world) problem - too many games, not enough time to play them all.

      I also liked the original P5, but the only real problem I had with it was that it just went on a bit too long. Probably one palace too many. I don't think making it longer would improve it at all, so glad I played that version rather than Royal.

  • +2

    Not sure if anyone cares, but you can platinum Royal in 1 playthrough now. Passionate Listener is GONE. That fact actually tipped me over into rebuying.

    • +2

      Replying to myself. Just noticing the "deluxe edition" actually comes with basically nothing. I thought it was the ultimate edition with the DLC. Honestly, at this point, the Ultimate edition should be $48. This is probably too much for what is essentially the base version of a pretty old game (unless you've never played it before, and even then, they have had the DLC version at this price previously I think).

      • How many versions are there and which one is the most complete?
        standard? + dlc/ royal ./ royal deluxe?

        • +2

          Standard, deluxe, ultimate. Ultimate is the one to go. Lots more personas. deluxe is the scam version it seems. A couple of new costumes for the new addition character.

      • FYI, cheapest prices are as follows for the AU PSN store…

        Persona 5 Royal Ultimate Edition - $74.67 (about a month ago)
        Persona 5 Royal Deluxe Edition - $46.78 (now, obviously)
        Persona 5 Royal - $44.97

        so while this might not have everything, its less than $2 more than the lowest recorded price so far for the standard edition (as was mentioned in the OP) so its not a bad deal

        if you don't care about the costume pack but want all the content the 2 DLC's have been as cheap as (but not right now)…

        Persona 5 Royal Battle Bundle - $7.47
        Persona 5 Royal Persona Bundle - $6.72

        so you could argue thats a better way to go… standard or deluxe with those 2 dlc packs… all you miss then are costumes as far as i can tell?

    • +1

      I did get Passionate Listener in one playthrough last time but had to do partial 2nd playthrough for Satanael and secret boss.

      • Nice work. I kinda wanted to enjoy my playthrough without a guide, so I saved all the hard ones for a full second playthrough. Man I hated that fishing one.

        • +1

          Yea oh boy the fish and the timing to get the fish lol. Somehow it was super easy to do in P5R but there is no trophy for it. I had nothing to do by the end of the game with all trophies done except finishing the game and just went fishing everyday.

    • +1

      Yeah I was surprised by that. I've never been much of an achievement hunter and I'd have to double check but I think P5Royal might have actually been my first Platinum. Just had to do a few extra curriculum activities that I wouldn't have done normally (Maid Cafe, Fishing, lottery etc.) and I was done.

      Luckily you have so much extra time in this version compared to the original P5, especially with the extra semester. Got to the point where I had nothing to do and was burning days by the end there.

  • Give us PC version!!

    • +1

      It's fairly easy to emulate the PS3 version with 4k upscale :)

    • Persona 25th Anniversary in September.

      Crossing the 'old fingers for this and a P3FeS+PSP3 port/remaster.

      One can dream.. :D

      • +1

        It's definitely a possibility, there's been some positive signs, e.g. Persona 4 Golden

  • +1

    Also worth noting that the original version of Persona 5 is included in the PS+ Collection for PS5 owners. So if you've got a PS5 it may be worth weighing up whether the extra content here is worth it compared to just playing the original version of the game that you already have access to.

  • +1

    I've given up on this coming to switch :(

  • This or DQ11 for the best RPG of the last 5 years?

    • +2

      I'm playing through DQ11 at the moment after starting it a couple times and it is fantastic… both games are good but DQ11 is probably more of a traditional JRPG than Persona if my understanding is correct

    • I would vote for P5 for this one.
      As it's offered a more unique experience. (Played both to death)

  • Still playing the Persona 5 base game and loved the content, but finding the palaces an absolute slog. Last I checked I was up to the Egypt one, but I'm probably not going to bother finishing unfortunately.

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