Need to Get a Hair Cut DIY

Currently stuck in lockdown and can't see any way out of it with NSW gov't measures. Would likely take months now…

So unfortunately that I did not have a hair cut just before the lockdown. Now stuck with uncomfortable hair to get rid…

What sort of idea to get a hair cut by yourself? none household member have good idea of self hair cut.


  • +4

    Watch some diy youtube videos.

  • +5

    I tried it once, bought a whole kit. It's too hard.

    Went to a barber instead, "Whoever cut your hair, did a really bad job".

    Easiest is just to shave it with a clippers.

    • +3

      Hahahahahaha - should have had done a bald cut - can't mess that one up!

      • You can if you miss spots.

        • ok i guess maybe you can if you're not very dexterous…. i take my comment back. hahaha

    • +1

      Cutting hair -let alone your own- is something that needs practice. So yea it’s hard, but after maybe 50 goes you should be good :p

      • And 50 goes will be easier to accomplish with unending lockdowns. :)

        • I'm just letting mine go. I'm not going to see anyone ever again anyway.

  • +5

    Bowl. Clippers. Money

  • Whether it's a good idea depends on your skills and your hair style. My own "style" is an all-over number 2 cut with Wahl electric clippers, which is a simple DIY job.

    • +3

      Does it look like a number 2?

      • Underrated comment

  • Uncomfortable hair? Maybe not appropriate for your household to handle.

  • +6

    Buy a hair clipper.

    Forget a styled cut.

    Just do a #1 cut all the way, to give you even cut throughout.

    You may not like the look (super easy for washing hair), but when lockdown has finished, your hair would have grown back to "normal" length again :)

    • this maybe the idea i would probably go for at this time… no body would care my hair look for next 3 months stuck in lockdown ! ! !

      thx all for input

  • +7

    This is an easy DIY job.
    Get some clippers and just do the sides
    Do a number 2 at the bottom around the ear
    Then run a Number 4 over the rest of the sides
    Then use a 3 in the middle to blend the top and bottom.
    Run a 3 or 4 down a strip each side at the back to blend that part too.
    Just leave the top and the back so that it’s easy for a professional to fix when the time comes.
    Add in some leave in conditioner as a styling creme and for luscious locks.
    Don’t look in the mirror first thing in the morning.

    • +5

      Do a number 2 at the bottom


    • +2

      Just get clippers and shave it all off.

      It will grow back 2-3 times before you're out of lockdown anyway.

  • Easy 5 minutes with clippers done

  • Chrome dome

    • just leave it and do a skanky 90s dread head

  • If you have time you could make your own hair cutting robot

  • Hopefully it doesn't turn out like David Turpin's haircut 😂

  • will be giving this a crack soon if the predictions of lockdown ending in dec are anything to go by

    will be using the philips multigroom 7000, which i originally bought to maintain my covid beard, but will be redployed for haircut duties

  • Have you tried having long hair? It's in right now. Otherwise very simple.. order a clipper set on Amazon and DIY. I have not paid for a haircut in nearly 10 years.

    • Have you tried having long hair?

      You have to use shampoo and wash your hair and shit, then it takes like an hour to dry up. Should have gotten a haircut at July 10 but was too lazy, now it's too late for me.
      I am stuck with long hair for a while I guess.

      • I've ordered a drum set to match my metal hair. RIP neighbours. 🤘

  • +3

    Might be over-engineering, but a long term option is to get married.

    My last paid hair cut was end of Feb 2020, then the wife has been doing it since. Looks good too. My son's cut is fantastic and daughter too.

    Unfortunately she won't let me cut hers to save the most money.

    PS: Just had a thought… maybe get a cut buddy. Post sth in the Classifieds and see what response you get.

    • +4

      I think getting married will cost you more in the long run, compared to a $20 dollar hair cut every few weeks..

      • Agreed, OP wanted a haircut for his head not his wallet.

    • +1

      My last paid hair cut was end of Feb 2020,

      Mine was mid-2018, got a remington hair clipper for $25 from Target and my wife cuts my hair ever since.

      • Mine was 2002

    • +1

      I'm married and cut my own hair now too. I WFH most of the time. I do an average job at the haircut but who have I got to impress? The mailman? He doesn't even hang around after he rings the bell :(

  • Can't you get someone in to do it? Probably do others in the house too.

  • I've been cutting my own hair for over a decade. For a number of years I've just been doing a 'short back and sides'. Clippers really only cut against the 'grain' of your hair, so you can often cut around the edges safely because the grain of your hair will change at the crown. I just do about 7mm around the edges and then use scissors to cut the top to desired length. Leave it longer and it doesn't have to be so uniform.

    It's better if you have someone to check the back until your get some practise, but it's normally just 30 seconds to get bits that you miss.

  • +1

    I haven't cut my hair in nearly half a century, let it grow a little, it won't kill ya

  • +2

    Do it yourself. I said it before; the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is two weeks. I reckon we'll be in lockdown at least another two weeks.

  • Merged from Lock down Self Hair Cuts

    Hi All,

    Just wondering how people have been going with cutting there own hair during lock down?

    I'm thinking of getting phillip 5000 series clippers.

    Probably just try buzz gut myself with #3 or something.


    • Are you balding ? If no enjoy your hair while it lasts and lash out on nice hair cuts. Myself on the other hand have been cutting my own hair since Feb 2020, partly due to Covid, mostly due to baldness and the realisation that paying $25-35 for a buzz cut of a balding head just isnt worth it.… has been serving me well now since then.

    • Bought a Wahl kit from Shaver shop for about $25 years ago. Haven't used it for about five years. Dusted it off last weekend. #12 on top, #6 on sides. Good enough for med res Zoom calls for another four weeks in lockdown. YMMV but pays for itself after one hair cut. I think a cordless one would be easier to manoeuvre though.

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