I'm sick of crappy lighters. Talking the long-neck, BBQ types.
I figured this technology should be utterly perfected by now, the year 20-bloody-21, but no - every long-necked lighter I can find takes 10 attempts to light, the flame/fuel control does nothing, and they go out if somebody on the other side of the planet passes gas.
Can anybody recommend a quality lighter?
Must have:
- Long neck
- Refillable
- Works as you expect a lighter to work; in other words, it reliably creates fire
- Flame control (again, that works as it should)
- Lockable
Bonus points for:
- Flexible neck
- "Jet" flame
- Not ridiculously expensive, but at this point, I don't really care
This must exist in the world.
Thanks in advance.
Cannabot should know more about this than us mere mortals.