Hi all, first post so forgive me.
We are currently on TPG 50/20 FTTP NBN in our townhouse, but the 2.4ghz band is very average and we can’t get 5ghz upstairs at all. I’m wondering what I will need to do to get decent internet upstairs because the buffering and extended loading times are getting frustrating. Let me know if more info is required, I’m not the most tech savvy so I may have missed something.
nbn FTTP Router Replacement for a 2 Story House

I’m gonna say that it isn’t lead or concrete, it’s a relatively new house and very cheap made
The will halve your available bandwidth though generally.
I've also found most of them to be very iffy.
Home mesh
Do they actually work?
they definitely do, tenda mw6 is decent value
Yep. Tenda Mesh . Go for it .
@isthatallyougot: If you aren't the most tech savvy, the Google Nest Wifi mesh (3 pack) is about as easy as it comes to set up. Literally plug in, turn on, scan a QR code on the back and away you go.
@bmxr: There is Ethernet cabling to be used. Nest Wi-Fi doesn't have Ethernet ports on the Nest points.
@Twix: Sorry ethernet upstairs wasn't in the OP.
But you could still put the Nest Router upstairs and the Nest Points downstairs?
Sounds like there are plenty of solutions here for OP!
@bmxr: The Tenda is pretty easy as well . I was able to walk my mom through the setup when she was in another country :)
They work. I'm using one in a 2 storey place and get full bars anywhere in the house.
I've tried powerline adapters at first but the wires aren't great in this house and the throughput never maxed out, so switched to mesh.
Yes, I'm using Asus Zenwifi and disabled the 2.4 band completely. Works perfectly.
I'd check you channels first. Townhouses generally don't cover much area, a decent router should have no trouble covering one. I think you're probably just on the same channel as the neighbours.
I’ve contacted tech support and we’ve done all of the troubleshooting with the channels with no improvement. We are at wits end and even considering changing providers
what speeds do you normally get next to the router on wifi, and what speeds do you get plugged directly in?
On 2.4ghz next to the modem we can get up to 15Mb/s, but in the bedroom we get 3-5Mb/s. Plugged in we get about the same, never even close to 50Mb/s
@Twix: I’m not sure, the router we got is just the one we received when we signed up only 2-3 months ago, but has never had great strength
@cosmicjul: TP-Link Deco M9 or Deco M5 is popular around here. Purchase a 2-pack bundle. Remove the current router. Deco one gets plugged in to the nbn connection box, from Deco one plugin Ethernet to the Ethernet wall port and place Deco two upstairs plugged into the Ethernet wall port.
@Twix: Thanks, I will look into it. Seems like a good way to go. Out of curiousity, would you be able to run an Ethernet cable from the second upstairs router? Thanks
@cosmicjul: Yeah there is 2 Ethernet ports on each Deco. If you need more than 2 ports plug in a Gigabit switch to the Deco and this will give you 5+ Ethernet ports.
@Twix: Another vote for the TP-Link Deco system. Super easy and simple to setup. I put them in at my mums house a couple of years ago and she has never had any dramas with them, set and forget type of thing.
@cosmicjul: rather odd you can acheive 50mb/s on 5ghz but not plugged in.
Plugged in you should be receiving the best result…In view and most people's view is you need a better router.
Also a good idea to think about placement.You want the router to be in the middle of where you want your best coverage to be.
@dasher86: Unfortunately we can’t put the modem anywhere but in the pantry downstairs because of the terrible nbn wiring layout in our house. Looking like mesh might be the best option
@dasher86: Yeah wired should ALWAYS give you the fastest speed and ping.
As long as the cables/connectors/flyleeds are all in good nick, wireless NEVER beats Gig ethernet.
987Mbps (123MB/s) is the fastest home speed over Gig Ethernet.
I have yet to see those (real world) speeds over WiFi (even 6 ax). Best I've seen is about 800Mbps but that is at a distance of only 5 feet.
Hi Juliaeward,
Changing providers will not help if it's a wireless router / environmental issue. If tech support has already tried changing channels, and it hasn't helped, then it looks like you will need to consider another wireless router or repeater or a mesh wireless system.
As you mentioned you have a secondary ethernet upstairs, then it should be quite easy to buy a router and use that upstairs to propagate wireless to your upstairs clients (phones, tablets etc.)
Thanks for the advice. When we were on Telstra we didn’t have this issue (we had major frequent dropouts but never slow speeds) so I want sure if it was the telco. In regards to the upstairs Ethernet, would any 2.4/5GHZ modem do the job? I’m very clueless about this stuff. Thanks, Julia
@cosmicjul: There may have been a slight drop in speed from Telstra to your current provider, but it should not have affected your wireless signal strength which is within your home.
Any decent wireless router will do, as they should support both 2.4 / 5 Ghz.
But it gets complicated if you start to consider whether you want something that supports newer wireless standards (e.g. AX) which typically means longer range, better speed, long term support etc.
@cosmicjul: Most telco's provide really crappy sub $100 wireless routers.. just the nature of the beast I'm afraid.
Just get a decent mesh system and you won't look back.
Ethernet cable
We have a secondary port for an Ethernet cable upstairs but it affects our phones and not just a computer or TV
It doesn't affect your phones.
Sorry I meant we don’t get good reception in our phones as well so we need wireless
Connect upstairs to another wifi router. Then you get wifi signal from there.
Powerline Adaptor
Not when there already is Ethernet cabling.
Dumped over a grand on a Ubiquiti USG, AC Pro APs x3 and a 8 Port POE switch a few years ago.
Expensive sure, but perfect WiFi coverage around the entire house now.
Worth the investment if you own the house.
Can even cut a few corners - I have a TPlink router running DDWRT, 2 * Ubiquiti Lite APs with power injectors (one upstairs, one downstairs) - perfect coverage everywhere incl. outside
Yeah - on a UDM Pro myself with a AC Pro in one end of the house and a Nano HD in the other.
That Ubiquiti stuff just works. Never have to look at it.
Features are absolutely amazing. Just wish it had a bit of a more Parental Control feature but other than that it's perfect.
Can even cut a few corners - I have a TPlink router running DDWRT, 2 * Ubiquiti Lite APs with power injectors (one upstairs, one downstairs) - perfect coverage everywhere incl. outside
Wifi extenders can usually work unless your floor is made of lead/concrete.