Road Rules in NSW Re Bicycle Headphone etc

Hi All,

I recently purchased a pedal assist eBike and would like to know if I can:
1) Use wireless head phones to listen to music while I ride my bicycle? I can’t seem to find a straight answer online.
2) Can I dock my mobile phone in a cradle to view GPS maps while riding ? If yes, can I click on it to change the address as an example or that’s illegal ?

Sorry for some silly questions for most of you but just been two weeks I found through this forum that electric scooters and fully ebikes are illegal here.


  • +7

    1) Yes, but not recommended, especially noise cancelling ones, as you need to be listening to changing road conditions and hazards around you.


    • Ride to survive.

      I don't even use noise cancelling headphones as a pedestrian when crossing roads etc. Don't do it whilst riding!

  • +1

    Under the law bicycle = vehicle so most driving rules apply to bicycle riders. The only exception I’m aware of is that bicycle riders can not be stopped for RBT. They can be charged with being under the influence, but the police must use other means to determine and cannot randomly brews the test a cyclist.

  • +5

    1) legal, yes, recommended, no. Hearing is one of your main safety senses on a bike, plugging it up and filling it with noise takes that vital sense away from you.

    2) would be treated the same as a car, as other have said, under road rules, bicycles are treated as “vehicles and thus, unless exempt from a particular road rule, all of them equally apply to a car as they would to a motorcycle or a bicycle.

    The road rule relating to mobile phone use with regards to vehicles is Road Rule 300

  • Just be sensible and safe. Have the volume only loud enough so you can still hear external sounds in case you need to avoid something coming at you or someone trying to get your attention.

    I think you can only ride on road. Well that is what is the case in Vic. Also the Kw power is the issue with the legalities of these thing. Law hasn't caught up.

    Sure use nav on phone and for your music player, but do it in a safe manor. Have control if your bike and avoid not looking ahead. Someone may door slam you if they come out of car and not see you which happens alot.

    Police are too busy looking for other crime than to bother with a cyclist. Unless they are on a blitz. Most likely for not wearing helmets.

    Just my 10c worth

    Enjoy your bike riding and stay safe

    • +1

      Police are too busy looking for other crime than to bother with a cyclist.

      Saw a police officer just yesterday drive past 4 or 5 illegally and dangerously parked cars outside a school to pull over a girl on her bicycle because she had her helmet hanging on the cross bar.

      Police are looking for soft, easy targets not for "other crimes".

      • +2

        And if the cop had been dealing with the cars and the cyclist rode past, you would be whinging that the cop ignored the cyclist over the soft target cars that are an easy ticket for the revenue raising power crazed coppers……

        It's likely that the cyclist got a timely reminder to protect themselves (potential Darwin award winner) and the cop returned and dealt with the cars shortly thereafter…..

        • +1

          The cyclist was the anomaly. Random. The drivers parking like entitled arseholes is every single day.

          The copper drove past a woman letting her kids out, on the traffic side of her car while she was parked with her back wheels on the pedestrian crossing, then past the guy parked across a the driveway in front of her in a no stopping zone. Past a woman parked in the handicapped parking spot letting her kids out both sides of the car (who isn't a handicapped permit holder). Finally past 2 other cars parked in a no parking zone where there were no drivers in or near the vehicles.

          No, I wouldn't have given a (fropanity) if the copper ignored the random bicycle rider to book these people who do the same shit parking every morning. And no, the copper didn't return to deal with the regular arsehole parkers.

          The bicycle rider was the soft target, the 5 Karens in their SUVs parked like arseholes would have taken some legwork to ticket all of them.

      • +2

        Police are looking for soft, easy targets not for "other crimes".

        Gotta meet those KPIs!

  • +1

    Get a portable speaker and point it out front of you. This way you get to listen to music and more people can be aware of your presence so less chance of accidents. It leaves your ears to hear cars etc but still enjoyable.

    • That's also very annoying. I imagine how would that be if everyone decides to take speakers around to listen to their preferred radio stations, podcasts, or playlists while driving, riding, walking.

      Every time I see someone doing that in public areas I imagine this person is someone who is selfish and can't live in society.

      I recommend the Aftershokz Aeropex headphones; they are pretty amazing for this purpose.

      • It's annoying if you're stopped in one spot for 10 minutes but someone going by for 3 seconds shouldn't ruin your day.

        • +1

          No, it's always annoying, even for 10 seconds.

          I don't know where you live (or ride) but where there is a bike lane there are bikes, often a few at the same time. Noise pollution is a thing.

          Sydney CBD is extremely noisy, Melbourne is a bit better, but cyclists playing music everywhere shouldn't happen.

  • +1

    Thats the easiest way to put yourself and others in danger. If it is absolutely impossible to live without it, look for earphones purpose built with poor noise isolation like plantronics 3100

    • +1

      Or a pair of those Aftershockz I've seen on here a few times. Bone conduction so keeps your ears open.

    • Would you recommend Aeropex or Plantronics 3100? 3100 seems to go inside the ears

  • +1

    Please don’t ride wearing earbuds. I take it from your questions that you are new to cycling. You will find that you need every one of your senses working well to avoid danger, particularly at first. Once you have been riding for a few months you will be in a better position to make a decision about earbuds for yourself.

    Legal or not, if you survive encounters with car-tards not sure about insurance situation for injured cyclist using earbuds.

  • -2

    Running with headphones is fine. Cycling with headphones is fine. Roller skating with headphones is fine. Roller skiing with headphones is fine.

    Listing to music while exercising makes it more enjoyable. Life used to be more fun before the government decided to start to chip away people's freedom.

    • It’s fine, but being smart about volume so you can hear other things is important.

  • +1

    I think by doing that you're putting a lot of trust into drivers and other cyclists to keep you safe.

  • +3

    Invest in a set of these.

    Not only are they actually very good for your use case, but they're a hell of a lot safer than normal phones/buds.

  • +2

    Also, please make sure you have appropriate lights front and back and use no matter the time of day/night.. anything to make you highly visible and be safe.

    Regardless of pedal or engine power, The way some people use the roads is incredible….

  • +1

    Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. If you were collide with a vehicle, guess who's gonna go to the hospital (not the one in the car!).

  • Wow I’m so moved by all the responses. I had a crazy week and glad my Covid results came negative. Yes, I’m new to cycling and I’m so happy I decided to pick up this at this stage of my life. My partner observed I seem like a kid and overjoyed when I’m riding my bike.
    With lockdown my mental state needed this perfect remedy. Thanks to everyone in this forum to help me choose a bike and now the rest.

    1) These Aftershockz seems like a game changer. I never knew of these headsets. So if I get this on and ride my bike that’s legal ? Of course I’m going to use very low music / GPS sound or to pick up hands free urgent calls. If I’m found talking on wearing this device is it legal ? As far as I know with cars you cannot use headsets of any sort.
    2) if I have my mobile phone in the cradle and stop my bike completely then use my mobile to set GPS coordinates is that legal ?

    I have to buy this pair of Aftershockz. Are there any good deals going on around ?

  • Not once the report tells you that electric scooters are illegal in NSW. How come more and more companies are popping up in NSW ?…

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