Drop has a summer sale on and the well reviewed PC38X is usually $169.
The previous model PC37X is also on sale for $95.
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Drop has a summer sale on and the well reviewed PC38X is usually $169.
The previous model PC37X is also on sale for $95.
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Same internals (drivers/mic) on the gsp 500 and the pc38x.
That would be the PC37X.
Nope. GSP 500 has the same Drivers/Mic as the PC38X.
From the Drop page:
An upgraded version of the crowd-favorite PC37X, our latest collaboration with EPOS | Sennheiser (previously Sennheiser’s gaming division) is more comfortable, more detailed, and more stunning than the original. Featuring new drivers—the same found in the company’s venerable GSP 500 and 600 headsets
PC37X has the same drivers as the older Game One & PC373D
The PC38X was described as having brand new drivers at launch, les about a year ago by a Sennheiser rep… do you have a better source?
@illz: Some of the original reviews and info didn't clearly identify that while describing it as a brand new driver (this was around the time of the HD560S release as well, which gave the impression Sennheiser were updating several lines).
Happy to stand corrected there.
How did you get the price match at JBHIFI?
Did you submit an enquiry via website or call them?
Just via phone buddy. They'll raise the order whilst your on the line.
Number is 13 52 44
Hi, i was able to pricematch but they told me they aren’t able to add the sound card. They said the free sound card is only if u buy at ticket price not the price matched price.
They did it for me. Maybe call them back and say your friend got the deal?
I remember the guy added it to his cart and he was suprised it added successfully. They're probably just being difficult or they've changed it since.
Happy to provide my receipt..
Hmm I’ll try again
Tried it again didn’t work, they just said they must’ve made a mistake. I guess it depends on who you get. Good luck to anyone else trying it
Thanks for this. Had purchased these through Amazon for about $70 more. Cancelled and re-ordered direct through Drop.
This is still at a price where you're better off with actual headphones: good tonality, but no detail to the sound, sadly.
In order of preference for gaming: Sennheiser HD 560S, AKG K612 Pro, HIFIMAN HE400SE Stealth, Drop X HIFIMAN HE-X4, all in this price range, all substantially superior audio.
$2 gets you a good desk capsule mic at KMart
$10-$15 gets you a decent lav mic (Boya BYM1)
$30-$40 gets you a a Behringer XM8500 and a USB-to-XLR cable.
For a gaming headset on a budget, still worth looking at the Takstar GM200 (TakstarAudio on AliE) and the Cooler Master MH751 for sub-$80.
Actual headphones won't give the spatial sound/awareness needed by many for gaming. Especially in open world games.
Different products for different uses.
This statement is flat-out wrong. All of these headphones have superior imaging and soundstage.
You're regurgitating marketing via Redditor chatter, please stop.
I speak from experience, trying & owning both. Your regurgitating incorrect information above regarding the drivers.
@illz: Gaming headsets sometimes have modified frequency response to enhance certain sounds or vocal presence, but that's not an exact science at all, and isn't guaranteed to improve spatial cues, especially if the bass is clean on a headphone.
I absolutely speak from experience as well… which of these headphones have you used?
@jasswolf: I own the HD58X Jubilee & M50X's at the moment I defininitely prefer them for music, they are superior.
Have you tried the PC38X or the GSP Range? They sound really good for gaming man..
@illz: I own the Cloud Revolver, the Takstar Pro 82 v2, the HIFIMAN Sundara and the ATH-R70X. I've heard the GSP500 before.
The M50X has a wild frequency response, is spatially flat with good imaging, the HD58X is spatially decent with hazier imaging due to sightly loose bass and bumped highs.
Gaming tunings don't enhance much of anything against well-tuned headphones, which better resemble the equipment the audio was mastered and originally tested on.
In fact, the 38X aren't even tuned for such things: https://crinacle.com/2021/02/10/drop-sennheiser-pc38x-review…
@jasswolf: Fair call. Personally I've noticed better detail in the surround environment whilst gaming with the GSP 500 (Surround Enabled via Soundcard) compared to my other cans. Being able to pin point the exact direction & distance enemies are coming from.
Regardless of it being software based 7.1 they do give me that feeling. They do a great job, just my experience..
Having said that, I don't own all your high end cans, shouldn't really be compared though, different price points.
@illz: Cleaning up the chain and using a specifically designed DSP can have advantages to clarity and spatial perception. The HD800S (and soon, the HD8XX) would be the seminal experience of that, though.
I promise you that the headphones I listed in the price range aren't that far behind in audio quality (it doesn't scale linearly with price, but there are nice breakpoints), and in terms of flat frequency response with great soundstage and imaging, they're mostly better.
@jasswolf: The HD8XX are a little out of my price range unfortunately :P
Do you have any recommendations on a good all rounder? Audio/Gaming/Open Back/Decent Bass around the 200-300 mark?
It seems I might have to go down the modmic path in the future as all decent audio cans don't have mics.
@illz: K612 Pro if you have an decent amp, HD 560S otherwise, but check for how the 5kHz spike plays out for your ear anatomy.
If you were feeling more musical, the options are the HD6XX (at the expense of soundstage and imaging, but you gain timbre and resolution), and the ATH-R70X (shade of soundstage for more even treble), but both need an amp to really push through their bass and treble in a clean fashion.
My hope is that the HD8XX eventually gets to around the sub-$700 mark, but currently the drivers are still manufactured and tuned somewhat by hand. If Senny figure out something more automated, the price will drop sharply.
There's also more speaker driver types starting to move towards mid-fi, with ribbon drivers standing out for soundstage and imaging. That's still $1500+ territory though, and they need a speaker amp as they need to be driven like one in order to perform at the speed they do.
100% this.
I've owned heaps of "gaming headset"
astro A50's, 4 different turtle beaches.
blew my got damn mind when I started using my Senn. HD6xx for gaming. (yes these are open backs, but I don't got to LAN parties or anything and don't care for sound leaks) and it's the best thing I've ever games with.
I have the 6XX, but just bought the HD560S for gaming since 6XX soundstage and imaging is pretty much completely absent (3 blob effect).
I havent ried out the 560S for gaming yet since i only got them last night, but hopefully they will be better than the 6XX. If I hadnt just got the 560S i would definitely had jumped on the PC38X at this price.
damn shame its not wireless… really want a wireless headset for the freedom would be cool.
Audeze Penrose if you're happy to spend $400, otherwise wait for new releases.
Bought and returned a pair of these ~6 months ago. Not sure why the reviewers all pretended these were the the best you can get for FPS gaming, I found them a significant downgrade from my (unfortunately broken) ad700x. They sound “nicer” for casual gaming but are considerably worse for pinpointing footsteps. I tend to agree with crinacle’s review that these are actually music headphones marketed to gamers.
I bought another pair of ad700x instead, far better for CSGO and other FPS games, just no bass if that bothers you.
How are they comfort wise? For someone with large ears and a big head?
Like all Sennheiser headphones they start out with high clamping force. I had to stretch them out for 5 nights in a row before they got to what I considered comfortable, but I was coming from the ad700x which has almost zero clamping force so I might be more biased than most people.
Thanks for the info, much appreciated!
Great deal.
For anyone interested,
Just got the GSP 500 for $155 (price matched Amazon's price with JB Online, over the phone) & added bonus GSX 300 Soundcard.
Same internals (Drivers/Mic) on the GSP 500 and the PC38x.
GSP 500 is a Tank and has better build quality at the expense of comfort and gamery aesthetic. It requires a break in for some to get it really comfortable. Wasn't the case for me, super comfortable. Love the open back design.
PC38X more comfortable out of the box, lighter, understated & non gamery.
Offer still available if anyone is interested.
Price match with:
Would work out cheaper than what I paid. $149 with free shipping for both the Headset and Soundcard.