This was posted 13 years 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bright Star (Blu-Ray) $2 Delivered @ JB Hi-Fi


Saw this on JB Hifi online. Bright Star on Bluray for only $2 with free delivery! I ordered a couple and the order went through fine. Let's see how we go?

EDIT: Wow, that was quick! It's still $29 @ JB Hifi. Going to keep this open to see how we go…

mod - members advise this is back in stock at $2 again

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closed Comments

  • Yup. Just ordered one so let's see if it'll go through. Thanks!

    • +12

      PROTIP: If you're going to order 10, keep it to yourself on this site.

    • +5

      thanks man. Really appreciate you ordering all of the stock.
      Good work - I always love it when everyone shares the deal.

  • Researched a bit, apparently it's region free, so those with Region A players and PS3s feel free to get it.

  • i enjoyed this movie.

  • +15

    Thanks for the deal OP.

    Pity some people have to abuse it and order 10.

  • Thanks for this!

  • +9

    Is it even any good a movie??

    To who ever ordered 10 what are you going to do with them? Have them waste shelf space or give people crappy presents?

    No idea why you would bother cause now you stopped 9 other ozbargainers from getting 1.
    kinda selfish really

      • Look, they're sold out and many of us are missing out.
        This happens with most deals on this site.

    • My guess is this person plans to eBay the extra copies. There's a small chance it will be worth something as the movie was released with a study guide. It will probably get use in a Year 11/12 course somewhere in VIC/AUS.

      • +8

        if he puts the extra copies on ebay, maybe we can find out where the cheap bastard lives……

        • And then do what?

    • Agreed! It's a good story. I'm not sure that it is regular OzBargain fodder - but it pushes the right buttons for me.

  • El Taco, did you stumbled across the deal or is there a way to search JB-HIFI site and sort by price?

  • Nice thanks for the post! Ordered it, looks like a nice movie to watch with the wife :)

  • Ordered one. Very good review on "At the Movie", but very bad on "comments"! Apparently it is a movie for people to watch and feel by the heart but very boring to see by the eyes or ass whatever….

    PS. I maybe those find it boring, what what the hell, it is 2 bucks!

  • +1

    It has 7/10 on IMDB so that's good enough for me to purchase.
    Thanks Op, let's just hope it's not an error that this rush of orders alerts them to.

  • yeah gave up from JBonline
    mine got cancelled a few…… after waited for 45 days…….

  • +1

    let see if it will work. Thanks Op

  • +1

    Ordered, at $2 you can't go wrong.

  • Not wasting $2 on it. Will wait for it t be shown on free to air TV sometime.

  • Cheers OP, ordered one.

  • Ordered one, thanks!

  • Thanks, just ordered one. Hope it would ship.

  • +1


    • +12

      No wonder if some selfish person ordered 10.

  • Ohhh, missed it :(
    Hope the person/people who ordered more than their fair share get burned (or at least for JB to cancel their order!). Sorry, i'm a bit vindictive sometimes :)

    • Yeah, it'd be nice if JB said, "Sorry, the boxes of 10 got damaged, so we can't supply them. Everyone else, they are OK".

  • BTW, its still $29 in-store.

  • Says in stock again guys!

    • YIPPPEEEE! Score one, thanks :)

  • i actually went to a shop yesterday and they matched the price online. I had a bad experience of JB sending blu rays with loose discs.

  • Ordered one..In stock!!!

  • Mine has been posted. My friend who ordered multiple copies (5) has had his order cancelled because they can't do commercial quantities online.

    • Thats awesome to hear - on both accounts. Good to hear JB are sorting through the 'bulked' orders (i.e. people who are most likely going to purchase them to re-sell).
      I guess its still easy for some to order 1 each day, or to multiple addresses, but still could they be bothered for that…

  • Deal is expired as at 19/02/2012. Must only have been back in stock for a very short time.

    • Maybe they cancelled all the orders with more than 2, and with the left over 'cancelled' items they put them up for sale again to those who missed out due to the greediness of others :)

  • +1

    Anyone had there's shipped yet I ordered 1 and still waiting ?

    • JB (well, in my past experiences) aren't the quickest at posting orders out, usually takes about 3-odd days. Then on top of it holding this cheap deal… maybe they over-sold?

  • Ok so its been over a week since we ordered (5 business days) and mine is still processing.
    Has anyone received or at least had it shipped?

  • Just got an email:
    Order Notification
    Hello ,
    This email is just a reminder that your JB HI-FI ONLINE order is currently in progress. We apologise for any unexpected delays.
    You can check the progress of order #417**** by clicking here….
    <clicks here>
    … Order Status: IN PROGRESS

    So it looks like it is delayed but not cancelled (yet).

    • Ditto. At least we didn't get charged yet.

  • Mine just got shipped. Got this in the mail:

    Hi [redacted],

    Thanks again for your JB Hifi Online order.

    Your order [redacted] was dispatched from our warehouse/supplier today and will be delivered to the address below.


    1 - Campion, Jane & 7 others. - Bright Star (Blu-ray).

    • Yes mine too.
      I guessing a Tuesday delivery is likely.

  • Me too, shipped yesterday. Credit card debited for $1.99

  • It arrived in the mail this morning. :)

  • Man, my order is still 'processing', they really did oversell this product!

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