Free paper craft material. Can be reproduced in the original size.
Please enjoy creating your G-SHOCK by yourself.
- Spent too much on watches?
- G-Shock fanboi?
- WFH and a little bored?
- Need to keep busy to fill a void in your heart?
- Only need the time to be correct once a day?
This free paper craft model might be what you’re looking for!
Jokes aside, this might be a bit of fun for horology types or their kids.
Additionally, this is supposedly a 1:1 scale so could also be useful for those skinny wristers wanting a rough idea of if they can pull off a g-shock.
The 5600 and 6900 are available pre-coloured and the 6900 also comes in a “Coloring paper” version.
just wondering what material people actually use for this kind of stuff?