So moving house end of the month and need to arrange stuff. Victoria.
Gas and electric, I've done the Gov Comparison site on Electric - and the first 8 companies I've never heard of. Theres only 1 wire/1 pipe for gas, surely there shouldnt be $700 difference from cheap->expensive.
What are the traps to look out for/consider when choosing NobodiesEverHeardOfMeButImCheap electric supplier or gas supplier…?
Most want direct debt, not a huge fan but not deal killer… I always get caught out with some sort of fine print.
Been with Lumo at current place for few yrs, their billing is shitful, as is their accounting/support when you call - they came in about 12th in the list.
I just use iSelect and let them sort it out for me.
After a few months, I'll call the provider again and do a spot check. Often they will add an extra discount or something in.