• expired

1 Month Free Unlimited Mobile Subscription (Save $35): Unlimited Data up to 20Mbps @ Felix Mobile (App Required)

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Switch to felix mobile and get your first month free! Our mobile plan includes unlimited data at speeds up to 20Mbps, plus unlimited talk + text, all for $35/mth. Use code FLX010 when signing up for your first month free. Felix Mobile uses Vodafone's 3G/4G networks.

Get your first month free:

  1. Download the felix mobile app: https://flx.mobi/sXlGViNiQhb
  2. Apply the code FLX010 under ‘Add Promo or Referral Code’
  3. Order your SIM with free express delivery
  4. Keep your number or get a new one
  5. Activate it when it arrives

With 20Mbps, you can comfortably stream HD video, scroll socials, make HD video calls and more. See more at https://flx.mobi/e/lQDPaH1gQhb

New customers only. One per customer. For use in Aus. Offer ends 06/09/21. Then $35/mth. You can cancel at anytime in the felix mobile app. For use in Aus. T+C apply: https://flx.mobi/e/J5Ce59XgQhb

A $1 pre-authorisation charge will be applied to this transaction against your credit card at sign up (“pre-authorisation charge”) and will be released back onto your credit card by your financial institution within the next few business days dependent on your institution.

Referral Links

Referral: random (282)

Referee gets 50% off for 4 months. Referrer gets $10 credit.

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Felix Mobile
Felix Mobile

closed Comments

  • +1

    Hi Op can you choose your own number combinations while getting a new number?

    • +6

      Unless you bring your number across to felix, new numbers are assigned randomly - think of it as a nice surprise when you receive your SIM in the mail :)

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got one.

  • +3

    Use code FLX010 when singing up for your first month free.

    Karaoke time?

    • +1

      Looks like they fixed it.

  • +3

    Been a happy customer for a few months now can recommend

  • +1

    How is the vodafone network these days?

    • +1

      still bad, get 1 or 2 bars 4g indoor within 10km radius from Sydney CBD

    • +5

      As with anything mobile, it's highly location dependent. At my house Vodafone is a bit faster than Optus, while Telstra is terrible. With less people on Vodafone network due to its past reputation, it actually becomes less congested and better network throughput.

    • +1

      Depends where you are.

      In qld, they tower share with a lot of telstra. So, very extensive.

      If you're lucky enough to have a dedicated voda tower near you, they own a huge 4G spectrum compared to the other carriers, so you can expect faster 4G and no slowdown at peak.

      Do remember, thats an "if" you're lucky enough to be in reception.

      Also, their blackspot project, to put towers up where nobody else covers all across qld, was completed iirc about 2015? And means that even some suuuuper remote properties get voda.

      All in all, in qld, its "good", but there are obviously pretty significant spots where their network has less coverage.

  • +3

    felix is designed for use in a mobile phone. You can absolutely hotspot to your personal devices, such as your laptop when needed, but felix can't be used as a replacement for home internet, or as a hotspot for other people’s devices.

    So no replacing your NBN with this.

    • Incorrect.

      Read comments from previous deals. I'm smashing through 600-700GB a month without issue. Netflix Kayo Apple TV etc as primary device.

      • +2

        Sure but it is against the terms of service, that was my point.

        • +1

          No, not in a legal sense its not.

          That wording on a contract, indicates the service offers no guarantees toward a use case like that.

          Basically, its covering them from needing to 'meet expectations' of home internet users.

          It would need to say "a user shall not use" or such, for it to apply to the owner.

          You're all good :)

        • +4

          The main reason for that "condition" seems to be that if it were a replacement for the NBN, then it would be subject to the broadband tax, which would add to the monthly cost. So it's definitely not a replacement for the NBN, but you can use it however you like.

      • +1

        That's the way

  • +2

    What is the last day the SIM can be activated…13/8/21?

    After applying the code FLX010 under ‘Add Promo or Referral Code’, can the service be cancelled within the first month and nothing will be debited from the nominated credit card?

    • +1

      Would like to know this too

    • +3

      Service can be cancelled within first month without incurring any further payments. When signing up, you'll be asked for a valid payment card (we use this to verify your ID) - there will be a $1 pre-authorisation charge which will be released back on your payment card.

      You have approximately 18 months to activate your new SIM. Please note as part of T&C's the following: New customers only. One per customer.

      • +3

        Is it 18 months activation time for transferring a number across also? If I fill out the application with bringing my number across, will this effect my current service until I activate it? I want to try this service, but I am on a plan for a couple of months still.

      • +1

        I'm thinking of this for an aged relative but he only has a debit card I think…is that sufficient? Cancel that, just found out debit card fine (lower down in comment stack)

    • +4

      I can confirm this. Yes if you cancel within the first month nothing will be debited from the nominated credit card. You can still use the data for the one month from when it was first activated.

      • +4

        If I cancel the day after I activate, will I still be able to use remainder of the 29 days?

        • Previously offered in late March, early April. I activated on the 1st of May, on a spare no., and paused it on the 31st of May, b4 11:59pm e.s.t.
          An email, last week, said that service was no longer going to receive any txt or incoming calls.
          I'll grab this offer now, for my main no., as it's coming over from Optus.
          Tbh, you could pause it, aft 1 day, then wait a while, then un-pause the plan, to use the remaining free day's of the calendar month you started. 1st Oct, will give you 31 day's max, to spread out over 182 day's, afaik.

  • -2

    Can a MasterCard gift card be used for the pre-authorisation?

    • +2

      i tried but not work

  • +1

    no referral credit this time :(

  • +1

    Try to sign up but it does not accept my MasterCard. When processing my order it prompt a message: "Sorry, that didn't go through. Please check your card details in the app before trying again."
    However after checking my credit card statement, Felix has already made $1 pre-authorisation on my card.

    • +1

      it does not accept my MasterCard.

      I used Com bank master card with previous deal as I remember

  • +1

    Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Can I use referral code and the promotional code together to sign up?

    • +1

      Hey arctan, you aren't able to stack other promo codes (including referral codes) with this promotion.

      • Can one use the referal code for there second order/plan (how much again is the referal bonus, I think it was to both involved?), its for my mum but both will be on my name why I'm asking, great service/mobile plan too, very happy with my Felix service 👍😁

  • +1

    Hi op, does the billing period start from when you activate the sim or when you order?

    • +4

      Your billing cycle won't start until you've activated your SIM

  • +2

    Hi OP, when does the sim need to be activated by?

    Edit: found the answer, 18 months as per OP's post here

  • +3

    I was a very happy user with their last 1 month free promo recently, got very close to the 20Mbps as rated & downloaded around 750GB, Steam games & YouTube.
    Only left them as I can't afford $35p/m.

    Hey Rep, how long after leaving Felix would I become a new customer again?

    • +2

      Only left them as I can't afford $35p/m.

      Did you find a cheaper alternative?

      • +1

        No, ported 1 number to Kogan $14.90\3 months and also signed up on their $4.90 1 month.
        This tied me over for a few months.

        Wanted to join up with the recent Optus deal (450GB) but their customer service/sales team were absolutely useless and didn't know about this promo or could find it in their system.
        The issue apart from this one was a ID problem, another person had this issue also.

        Using Circles.Life again $22 for 50GB, so I'll see how that goes.
        Once I use up all data from Kogan.

    • +1

      Hey there, you're able to sign up to felix at anytime - we'd love to have you back! Unfortunately, this specific promo is just for new customers.

  • -1

    Op, I activated my service on 30/6/21 are you able to apply promo on my account.


    • +4

      Hey there, if you email [email protected] from the email linked to your account, include the link to this deal and your username, we can jump in and take a look at what we can do!

  • +2

    In the newsletter from felix the discount code was FLX001. On Felix website the code is FLX009, here in this post it has the code as FLX010, any difference? Assuming this is the way you track where the customer comes from?

    • +1

      Hey Sicaboy - that's right, the codes are all part of the same promotion, and all work the same way

  • +1

    i've found at -93dBm, the download speed is 13-19Mbps from this review (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvKUEYQ7T_k) , and the upload speed is only 2-5 Mbps. Cannot complain at this price point, but if they unlock the upload speed that will be great. It looks like telstra, vodafone (kogan, lebara, and felix mobile) upload speed capped at 5Mbps - slow for backup and sharing multimedia contents and only optus mobile upload speed is 8-20Mbps :D

    • Its a per channel thing.
      If you can get a Telstra connection, and a nighthawk modem to do band aggregation, you can get around the 200mbps or so upload.

      • +1

        Not really. I’m using a CAT20 device and when it comes to speed limit, you won’t be able to exceed the 20Mbps limit for more than 2 seconds.

        • +1

          Our telstra 4GX backhaul is managing significantly faster than that.
          Guess it's magic.

      • 👍😁

  • +1

    Is it 18 months activation time for transferring a number across also? If I fill out the application with bringing my number across, will this effect my current service until I activate it? I want to try this service, but I am on a plan for a couple of months still.

    • +2

      Hey there, your current service won't be impacted whatsoever. When you're ready join, log back into the felix app and commence the switch then. The entire switch usually takes a few minutes and you will continue to have service on your current SIM until the switch is complete. You can find out more over at the felix helpsite - https://help.felixmobile.com.au/support/solutions/articles/5…

      • +1

        Very prompt service..applied yesterday, received sim express post today! Good service!

  • +2

    Just to confirm this is definitely a prepaid, not a postpaid? There are some providers that market like they are prepaid but are actually not, e.g. Belong.

    • +1

      Hey wildstone, yep - the plan is prepaid!

      • But since its direct debit it sort of behaves as postpaid, never took any notice can I remove the direct debit and have a couple months break, usually one has within 6 months to start up a prepaid by paying for the month, so one doesn't loose there number when no credit in prepaid simcard plan, so since this is prepaid will one still receive calls while no credit monthly within account

        Basically how does Felix prepaid behave as compared to normal prepaid plans?

        Again great service 👍😁

        • Being that there's a pre-paid authorization charge, yet a credit card is required, it could be a post-paid plan, in sheep's clothing. As i commented previously (above this comment), my incoming service, aft pausing the service, was only 2 month's. Kogan haa been as little as 7 day's. As long as you are aware, then it's pretty simple, and unlimited data is worth the trial, to see if you need NBN, or not…

  • +2

    I tried. Won’t accept my commbank world debit card. Orwell

  • +2

    Anyone tried to order 2 Sims for 2 people in the same house?

  • My Optus data plan is currently speed limited at 1.5Mbps as I went over my allocated data

    But for some reason using Oakla speed test app I can get speeds to an Optus Melbourne server with speeds over 85Mbps

    I'm just wondering anyone else experiencing the same while speed testing with there Telco while speed limited?

    • +3

      Makes sense.
      Optus wont speed limit their own servers, since it costs them nothing, as you're not leaving their network.

      Very common back in adsl days; you'd hit your speed limit for downloads; then just spend the rest of the month gaming online on your own iSP's servers at full speed.

  • Hi OP/Felix Mobile, I've already paid 2 months ago for the $35 simcard/plan just wondering what time frame do we have too activate simcard? Just my current provider Optus offered me 3 months of free 150gb data so was hoping too activate my Felix simcard say another 3 months time, so 5 months total since I purchased the Felix simcard/plan

    • To myself 18 months 👍😁

  • +1

    Hi op, just checking that the free month start from activation as long as its before 13 August?

    • +1

      Yeah, can you order it now, then activate it when you want it sometime before the 13th?

    • +1

      Order by 13th August, activate within 18 months.

  • +1

    Can someone provide some hints on how to get higher speeds at night? I've tried a few tricks such as putting it above a cupboard.

    • +1
      1. Move it closer to a window. Try different windows for the best one.
      2. Plug in the modem / phone so it's powered.
      3. Make sure there are no other Wi-Fi devices around it causing interference.
    • +2

      If you're using it in a modem (even a little pocket cube portable modem); never underestimate the benefit antennas make.
      It has tiny -3db antennas internally, you can get a pair of 12db external antennas for below $50.

      Most cheaper phones with a removable back-plate still ALSO have an antenna port, if you look closely.

      • +1

        My dad is using a Samsung note 3 as a hotspot connection for his TV.
        We were with Circle life previously but the internet connection was terrible (It was actually OK at the start).
        Would this contribute to the slugish connection?
        Any recommendations on what type of modem would make the speed connection faster? Even a little pocket cube portable modem (One not too expensive or under $50)

        • The 5G Telstra Wifi Pro (ZTE MU500) modem I have I noticed running on 4G was better speed and signal then my cheap Alcatal/Huawei 4G portable modems, I'm guessing cause the ZTE has mimo antennas built into it, I think are 2x2 antennas and it also has carrier aggregation but there expensive on eBay around the $350 mark mind you second hand (but they hold there value) but my main reason for purchasing one is it has the option to connect external antennas on the 4G side and also an ethernet port out I use to connect directly to my pc through an ethernet cable, also its capable of connecting to 5G mmwave not that it will be available for few years to come, I'm actually still waiting for sub 5G to happen in my area were I live or even better 4G speeds to happen, so come on Optus your so close one tower away lolz

        • +3

          No sorry, I've always used 4G as a replacement for home internet, so it's always warranted a decent modem, for speeds and reliability.
          I've never needed something that will just do, I've always wanted it to perform well (I'm a network engineer).

          The NETGEAR LTE 2120 was my go to, I've deployed it at over 100 sites, including rural towns and it's been wonderful.

          That said, things like these exist also:

          Unfortunately licencing the 4G bands costs money, so if you're only willing to pay pennies, then most of the 'value' for the manufacturer gets eaten up in licencing.

          • @MasterScythe: Same here I actually now hate fixed home internet as it's not portable, more expensive and (4G/5G) mobile data are usually have better deals even better when mixed with one's mobile plan and the deals keep coming (another benefit one can share there data on all plans with the 3x big telcos), actually my cheap Alcatel/Huawei 4G modems are not to bad, but yes spending on a more expensive 4G/5G modem as we have is a great investment if ones gonna stay with 4G/5G data plans especially to replace home fixed NBN

            • +1

              @Italkdigital: At the very least, if you want performance, finding out what frequency is used by your local tower, and buying a pair of antenna for the modem, will SKYROCKET the performance.

              I basically refuse to help people who have an LTE modem, claim it's slow, but have no antenna yet (other than telling them to buy an antenna :P)
              I've seen quintupple the performance in one site!

      • +1

        When I was researching antennas I was lead to believe those inexpensive antennas have no effect.

        You would need an externally mounted antenna to the roof and some cabling, and the cost is around $200 iirc.

        But if you've had success with the crap on eBay, then more power to you

        • +1

          You were led to believe wrong.
          a PCB antenna can at most reach -3dbi.
          An actual antenna (either mono or dipole) can basically be as much gain as you wish; they tens to start at 3dbi.
          A lot of the ebay ones do not have a ground plane, and people buying them have never studied antenna theory; which is probably where that rumor comes from.
          They'll probably put them on their desk, or something NOT made of metal.
          I mount my antenna onto a baking-tray to act as the ground plane, and have seen upward of 7dbi increase (it's the same as when you build tinfoil ground planes for your WiFi modems)

          Whoever led you to believe that, should probably be struck from your list of reliable sources.

          If you're keen to learn about antennas, in an actual useful way (that will get you a skill for your resume also!) I'd suggest getting a HAM licence.
          It's very interesting stuff

          • @MasterScythe: Actually always have wanted to get a HAM radio licence though haven't really investigated into it

            I'm just one of those nerds that drives around to different areas and 4G towers trying to beat my past speeds tests now more so with 5G towers

            A great Android mobile app I've found helpful is "Aus Phone Towers" to find a towers bandwidth and number of frequencies on that tower, shame were my place of home is I don't have great speeds though one part of my home I have reached over 85 Mbps (suxs couple towers down there is a 5G tower, so I'm waiting patiently) why important owning the ZTE mu500 modem and other portable 4G modems to move around to the best location, so big thanks might try out your idea of using a baking-tray as part of an antenna setup

            I'd say also you must have some juicy speed tests to share with us?, some of my best speed tests so far


            • @Italkdigital: Honestly, nothing I keep logs of.
              I used to be in charge of setting up remote connections in super rural areas of inland and far north queensland for the company I worked for.
              So it was more about getting a usable speed, via directional antennas in area with previously zero reception, than it was breaking new speed records.

              I'm also a latency and reliability nerd more than anything else.
              I'm excited for 5G because every normie will be slowly migrated to it via 'new phones'; and as that happens the longer range 4G network will get much less congested.

  • Does this stack with the free month from referal?

  • -1

    Hi OP, I know it says 1 per customer, but I have 3 services in my name, one for me, one for my 12 year old son, and one for my elderly (76 year old) father. Would I be able to order 3 services if I use a unique email for each one?

  • Wow very happy I'm just wondering is this using the same network as KOGAN?

    I'm in the country and KOGAN is pretty slow here but I guess for $0 I'll try it out for a month. I just ordered one thanks guys.

    • Yes, they are both Vodafone.

      Whatever 4G modem you use, it's worth getting antennas, you'll be amazed with the difference.

  • Excellent deal

  • Felix starts sending warning emails for those who use the sim in non-voice mobile device!

    • What do they say?

      • +2

        From 'the other forum';

        "We’re writing to inform you that we’ve detected unauthorised usage on your felix account. This is in breach of our SFOA and Fair Use Policy.

        We request that you immediately cease using your felix SIM in a non-mobile voice device, otherwise your service will be suspended within 7 days."

  • For me I think they did some studies and figured out the very high demand in using the sim as a replacement for NBN, so they're starting to block and deploy a TPG home wireless broadband plan, everything is the same with felix plan, just the price will +20$, so 55$/m. We are on track. They give an attractive benefit, turn the blind eye, lure people to use, then create a motion to move people to the higher price. You can still use it if you could DYI to turn an old 4G phone to a router until the day they apply other policy. I do not support for unfair usage, but it's interesting to do. Just deem as a promotion for a while. Never last for ever.

    • Well, it's a no brainer to choose NBN over wireless.

      I think we all have known the true speeds are more like 10/10 during peak times, with it usually going to 5/5.

      How much did you download for them to terminate you?

  • Has anyone else received an email for using the SIM in non-mobile device? I've only seen the one reported so far

  • Thanks Op. This should suffice until nbn is connected at my property (3-6 months).

  • Hi all,
    Anyone have any idea if I'm eligible for this as I have already been their customer in March (I used the first month free deal) this year but the number has since been ported out ?

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