• expired

TicWatch E3 $259.99 (up to 100% Cashback by Completing 21-Day Exercise Program, Twitter Required) @ Mobvoi


Interesting deal - complete a 21 day challenge and post Twitter updates and get up to 100% cashback depending on how many days you complete.

NOTE: You have to show an average heart rate of over 130bpm for each 20-minute session, which will not suitable for a number of people. As an intense exercise, HIIT is suitable for experienced contestants. Contestants should consult their physician or healthcare provider before joining the challenge.

Details -

Order Period: July 12, 2021 — July 18, 2021
Challenge Period: July 12, 2021 — August 18, 2021
Result Verification: Before August 18, 2021

During the 21 successive days challenge period (weekends and public holidays included) complete the 20 mins HIIT workout for (only 1 time per day) -

18 times = 100% cashback
15 times = 50% cashback
10 times = 20% cashback

Start the Challenge:
Order a TicWatch E3 from the Mobvoi Official Website (before July 18).

#1 Post your challenge announcement on Twitter, with

  • Unboxing pictures or video of TicWatch E3
  • Hashtag: #hiitchallengewithTicWatchE3
  • Tag 3 friends and @Mobvoi_Official on Twitter

21 successive days after your challenge announcement are defined as your challenge period.

#2 Daily Check-In:

  • Complete the 20 mins HIIT exercise with your TicWatch E3 (TicExercise —> Choose "High Intensity").
  • Share your HIIT exercise record Watermark or Chart (from the Mobvoi App) on Twitter and @Mobvoi_Official.

#3 Challenge Verification and Refund:

DM @Mobvoi_Official (Twitter) to verify all your check-ins and the challenge results after 21 days (before August 18).

You will receive a full/partial refund within one month. Congrats!

Referral Links

Referral: random (11)

Referee gets 5% off. Referrer gets 10% credit.

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closed Comments

  • -1

    hopefully next deal is about tic tac

  • +20

    Tic watch: damn why this guy just got 20 sessions a day of furious HIIT that last 60 seconds????

  • +1

    These watches are fantastic by the way!

  • +2

    What if you dont have any friends? 😔

    • Guess we are not eligible :(

      • +4

        Who dont you two become friends sad faces..

        • +1

          Is that safe?

    • +7

      Go tag some politicians or randoms.

      • +6

        Scomo could do with a few HIIT workouts

        • +2

          Don't they do some dancing at Hillsong conferences? Or maybe it's just singing.

  • +3

    Are we likely to get this in 2-4 business days as described at shipping?

    • Says all orders ships on the 31st of July. I guess people who just saw this now are out of luck

      • Ordered mine on 13th around 8pm. Shipped that night and arrived 10am 15th

  • hmm not bad.. are those exercises doable?
    is this worldwide or USA people only?

    • +6

      *Due to the impact of logistics and regional policies, this event is only open to the following countries (AU, CA, DE, ES, FR, IT, NL, PL, SE, SG, UK, US

  • +8

    I could see this deal ending badly…

  • +11

    Strap your watch to your dog if you are feeling lazy.

    • +1

      is your dogs heart rate of over 130bpm

  • Don't have use my twitter account ever. No friends I can spam for free what to do…

    • +7

      Create fake twitter accounts for your "friends"? Not sure if you can hide when Twitter accounts were created…

      Or tag Rudd or Turnbull, they're always looking for attention and friends on Twitter.

  • +3

    Ordered. I have the original Ticwatch E (actually wearing it right now!) but it's seen better days. I've also been doing daily HIIT workouts, so this works perfectly!

  • -1

    Has their been anything similar in the past ?

  • +8

    Anyone willing to let me tag them as one of my friends?

    • +1

      Tag Scotty, Neil and JV..

    • +2

      I just ordered one. Anyone can DM me, I'll send you my email address for my junk Twitter account that I'll use for this (and used for video game giveaways in the past).

  • Anyone got a linky for what the 20 mins HIIT workout involves? A quick google didn't provide much.

  • +1
    • Each HIIT record should last at least 20 minutes, with an average heart rate above 130 bpm.

    is it easy to get av 130 ?

    • +2

      If you're not an elite athlete I wouldn't think it would be too difficult

    • What’s your resting heart rate?

      • with mi band 4C, right now, resting, 78.
        not sure accurate or not. but wow half from target

        • +2

          If that resting rate is accurate you'll probably hit an average <130 going for a light jog.

        • 130 average should be easy with that heart rate if you get your heart rate up beforehand. Maybe quick jog/run around the block and then whatever pace you take the HIIT at should be ok. If it’s still below for some reason have a bit of caffeine beforehand

    • If you're properly committed to doing a hiit workout you should be getting between 150-170.

    • +2

      once you feel like puking and getting hypertension, that when you get around 150-170.

    • +3

      130bpm is considered moderate - it's at a tempo pace and you should be able to sustain that for quite a long time. It's really good to work at this pace to train your endurance and aerobic fitness. I do most of my workouts where my heart rate is between 130bpm to 150bpm. I try not to go above threshold or go to the anaerobic state in too many workouts and for too many intervals as you need a couple of days rest at least.

      Most of my HIIT sessions go for around 30 minutes and I normally reach an average heart rate of 135bpm to 140bpm, so yes, it shouldn't be too hard to do. However, it depends on how used to this type of workout you are. If you're starting out, you might find you can only do 30secs on and 30secs rest, and as you get better, you'll be able to do 50secs on and 10secs rest. You can also start with low impact exercises first to familiarise yourself and minimise injury. It might not get your heart rate to 130bpm, but you could do 10 minutes of that as your warm up, record the workout, and start a new workout for 20 minutes as your main session.

      My normal routine is alternating days of cardio HIIT and weights/strength HIIT. The weights session usually will result in a lower active heart rate but it's equally as challenging. If you need to meet this challenge, you can do combined weights and cardio HIIT sessions and I still think it shouldn't be too hard to do them continuously for 18 days.

  • +6

    "Each HIIT record should last at least 20 minutes, with an average heart rate above 130 bpm."
    Great initiative, but doing HIIT 18 days in a row would not be considered healthy due to the intensity the workouts take a toll on the body for.

    • +4

      20mins of HIIT workouts daily is not detrimental to ones health unless you already have underlying issues or you're absolutely over doing what you're capable of. If we were talking heavy weight training without rest days I could certainly understand the concerns.

      • -1

        HIIT's not ideal for muscle growth i hear; low impact over longer duration better

        • +5

          Nope, it’s not. It’s great for burning fat and in addition to any sort of resistance training it can help you lose weight and maintain muscle.

          I did this exact combination of workouts to lose 35kgs.

    • +1

      It does say that you can adjust the intensity of the workout to suit your fitness level. Also says not suitable for beginners and it's not their fault if you break yourself haha..

      • +1
        • Complete the 20 mins HIIT exercise with your TicWatch E3 (TicExercise —> Choose "High Intensity").
        • Yes you might be right!
          I thought that meant the type of workout to choose from their list, ie choose high intensity (HIIT workout) and then going by this clause I thought it would have a difficulty setting once you are in there: "Contestants are responsible for setting the appropriate HIIT training intensity level"
          Probably wrong though and we're all going to die 🤣

  • +21

    These are the best deals. The last time my gym had $10 off a yearly membership for every kg lost within 3 months I lost 30 kg because I only get fit with financial incentives

    • +3

      and more importantly something to burn off all those cash back pizza deals TA has been posting!

  • +6

    Smart marketing ploy - they know most people won't get through the required exercises.

    Am tempted to get one.

    • +3

      Agreed though I think if you're an active person, and as long as you set a reminder to do it, this actually won't be very hard. I'm more worried about whether they'll actually pony up the cashback in the end.

      • +2

        Be a marketing disaster if they didnt.

    • +2

      Likewise, a free watch if do 3 weeks exercise is very tempting. Paying $259 if I don't isn't.

  • Does that mean I need to have 63 friends (3 friends for 21 successive days) and posting 3 of them everyday on twitter?

    • +1

      Seems to be just the challenge announcement where you tag 3 friends. The rest of the days is simply uploading the HIIT activity chart from the app as a daily check-in.

  • 18 times = 100% cashback.
    Is that ^^^ you can do 18/21 times and still get 100% back.

    • +1

      Yep, but I’d probably go 21/21 in case they pull some s*** and say only 17 were valid and u only get 50% back

  • +1

    Am seriously considering this, yet at the same time wondering if I can survive 20+ min at 130BPM+.

    -and whether I can I wear 3 watches and carry three phones at once…

    • +3

      It’s not 20 min of non stop. It’s interval training. Like 1 min on, 1 min off.

      • i'm so unfit i would probably fail to reach 130bpm and forfeit 5 days

        • +6

          the less fit you are the easier it is to attain a higher heart rate (usually)

          • +2

            @seraphim2017: my heart aches just thinking about it lol

            • +1

              @capslock janitor: probably already above 130 for the win! Win a refund, but watch your body fail in detail!

              joking, I'm usually fit enough but in summer I can force my heart rate cycling in 45 degree heat to break the 190 barrier, and it jumps to 140-150 fast but drops fast once i finish.

              I found knowing my heart sleep stress made me more mindful of taking care so could be a total win for you!

    • I honestly don't think that it would be invalid if your heartrate wasn't that as long as you posted your valid looking workout. There's such variability in people's heart rate, plus it says you can choose different workout intensity levels. Think this is just a guide to ensure people actually do the workouts? Doubt someone would be paid to examine them in too much depth

      • you need to post the chart i read? so you cant take rest for too long watching tv for example

      • +1

        considering theres $200+ aud refund on the line, and average slave labour wage of <$1/day, yeah I'd say it IS in their best interest to find any reason to invalidate your entry.

  • Anyone know the battery life, how many days can it last before I need to charge the watch ?

    • FWIW A review of the watch is here: https://www.techradar.com/au/reviews/ticwatch-e3

      Thanks OP for a great deal - but I'm not going to bother. Aside from having no friends and being lazy (either of which rules me out from the competition), you have to charge these daily so no sleep monitoring unless you charge it somehow during the day.

  • seriously what relatively easy to do/achieve to get 130bpm, in 20mins?
    do we need to run constantly for example? i dont think doing yoga will get us to that high bpm?

    • To be clear, you make a HIIT exercise program on the watch and then do it You pick the types of exercises you do e.g. squats, pushups, etc. You have to ensure it lasts at least 20mins. This is just what I've gathered from reading the site and watching the videos. I've ordered my own to give this a go.

      • Can the watch tell if you are not doing the hiit like push ups? Or can it be just jogging as long as the bpm reached the 130 and the setting is hiit? Can the watch shows that?

        I can run a long time, but can't really do jumping jacks, etc

    • +3

      When I look at my last (a while back) ParkRun, my average HR was above 130 and was more than 20 min.

      Perhaps the TicWatch can buzz me if my HR is below 130, the threat of losing $259 will urge me onward!

      • +5

        Just have a coffee beforehand

  • +1

    I ordered one to give this a go. If you register for the first time you get 5% off (yay?).

    • How do you get the 5% off? I can see 3% off of you subscribe, 2% off when you log in, do you mean these two together? Otherwise where is it please?

      • SO WELCOME code for $13 off and referral link for 5% off

        subscribe 3% off and login 2% off?

        Edit: using the welcome code (-$13), removes the referral (5%) and new guest offer (2%)

        edit 2: welcome code is provided by subscription option, but it says 3% but takes off 5% lol

  • +4

    Tag 3 friends

    Always a catch!

  • +6

    Shopback appears to have 5.6% cashback at Mobvoi as well, so could theoretically make more than your money back.

  • Sounds good. What happens if for whatever reason it is delayed in the post and then impossible to achieve min 18 days within the period?

    • Game over

  • +28

    If I die from a heart attack please make sure my cashback goes to my kids

  • This feels like a dodgy promo. Its using twitter to verify. People will try to do whatever they can to get through without doing the actual work. Since you have to buy the watch first and then go through this process of successive days of excercise, there is no gurantee that you will even get cashback on the watch at the end of it all. Worst case scenario you've bought a watch that you don't need with 0% cashback. I'm always skeptical of Twitter ran promos. I would recommend for people who actually need/want the watch to participate and assume you could potentially get some cashback or none at all.

  • How long would it take for this to arrive? If it arrives after July 29th, it would automatically deem you as ineligible.

  • +11
    1. Get the AmEx Explorer credit card deal
    2. Buy 12 watches (to hit $3,000 spend minimum) for yourself, friends and family
    3. Hope everyone completes the challenge
    4. Get 100% cashback
    5. PROFIT!!!
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