So I've been leaving my PC on for months now. I also had other stuff connect to that circuit.
Last night the power in our area was off for a few hours, when it went back on, everything was fine. When I got home from work, I notice the circuit was tripped.
I unplugged everything and then plug them back in 1 by 1, everything was fine but as soon as I connect my PC, it trips again. Nothing was on at the time. I even unplugged everything but my PC still trips the breaker.
Is there a way to test what caused it?
My PC Suddenly Trips My Circuit Breaker

I'd make sure it's actually your PC, because it's unlikely (but not impossible) that that's the real cause.
Plug something else unimportant into that socket and see if it trips. Plug your PC into another socket on a different circuit and see if it trips. Make sure you're not using a powerboard, and that there's nothing else on the circuit.
If it doesn't trip in the first test and does in the second, then there's a few potential problems with the PC itself.
From easiest to hardest (Assuming you don't have a spare PSU lying around, if you do then use it first):
1. Do you have an iGPU? Take your graphics card out and use it, otherwise reseat GPU.
2. Do you have a spare PSU cable? Replace it, or buy another one
3. Check your case for grounding issues
4. Take everything out of your case and run your PC on something non-conductive
5. Replace PSUIf nothing changes, then time to call in an electrician because it's probably the wiring not taking the load. Failing that, an exorcist
My PC is connected to a power surge protection board. I've tried to connect dryer, heaters and laptop to it and it works fine.
I haven't tested my pc on a different socket as it's wall-mounted and is a bitch to take down :(
Tried a different PSU cable and it still trips. Tried my brother PC and it doesn't trip.What about a long extension cord? I had a similar problem and it turned out to be a faulty safety switch
I will try that and report back
Electrical problems are so annoying hope you can get it sorted soon :)
Your power supply is toast, every time you turn it on and it shorts is one more time you give it the opportunity to fry the rest of your components with it.
Sounds like you have tried to isolate the PC as the only device connected. Correct?
You have unplugged everything, then only re-plugged the PC back in. Correct?
When you plug the PC in, does it 'try' to turn on, or is it tripping when you press the power button?
Do you know if the PC has an auto power on function when power is cut (setting within BIOS that may have been set)?I'm assuming you have tried a different socket when re-plugging the PC in and not reusing the same socket each time? I've had a faulty (worn) socket on a cheap power board years ago that would trip when used. All the other sockets on the board were fine. Threw it out, just to play it safe.
As others have said, try to ensure that the PC's PSU cable is not shorting. Try a different PSU cable.
It's possible there are many things causing this within the PC also.
Can you try the powerboard at another wall socket and use the same powerboard socket as the one the PC was plugged into? This should help confirm the power board is ok. If so, then most likely it's the PC.Not sure if you are tech-savvy or not? If not, then take the PC to tech, even if it is a PITA.
If you are savvy, then it's a process of elimination and isolation within the PC.
Start with the PSU, grounding, any power connectors to the MB, GPU, and drives like the HDD and ODD.
A shagged CPU or another component could be causing it. Lots of possibilities - so hard to diagnose without seeing it. Can you take a video?
Its most likely your power supply tripping your earth leakage breaker. This is happening due to certain capacitors (Y capacitors) in the power supply EMI filter leaking current to ground more than the threshold of your breaker. I have had this problem before with laptop PSUs doing this.
If it was a short in the PSU the fuse would have blown and it wouldn't keep tripping the breaker.
If you are handy with electronics or know anyone that is, this is a simple fix once confirmed. Otherwise, the best thing is to replace with a new power supply. If it is an older PSU the newer one will most likely be more efficient as well.
Sounds like the 240V mains cap(s) are gone in the power supply. New power supply.
So far I've unplugged everything. Connect the PC to the old powerpoint, it tripped the breaker.
I connect the PC to a different circuit, the new breaker also tripped.
I guess I probably need a new PSU as while the current one was Gold Rated, it's been 5 years
P.S. I've tried my brother PC (work fine) and a new cable (on my PC) still tripswap PC power supply from your brothers unit if it then works stable you KNOW its the PSU
Same thing happened with my Toshiba all in one about 5 years after purchase. It was the actual 240V power cable that plugs into the power supply which had been the subject of a recall campaign. Toshiba sent me a replacement. I have no idea why it was ok for 5 years and then started tripping the circuit breaker.
I've connected just the PSU and it still trips so I'm pretty sure it's the PSU.
Thanks guys
Maybe coincidence and unrelated or perhaps a Power Surge?
Was it a Fuse or an Earth Leakage Detector hat tripped/went?
Plugged into a Wall Power Point or a Power Board?