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Save $15 from our previous price. Support the latest UHS-I and UHS-1.
+1 on this new edition's details plus i just ordered one from your place like 2 days ago but order was for old edition.
ebay pics show 45mb/s? unless they just updated?
Yup, they've updated the pics to now say "45mb/s" — I still have the pre-updated version in another browser tab where the image of the card says "30mb/s".
hmm i wonder how they have time to, seemingly read posts and hence, update ebay pictures but they don't have time to reply to our questions. Rep??
I am also curious about the 45MB/s versions of the Extreme SDHC cards.
I bought the 32GB card a week ago…
Good price $65 but I could not find anyone else selling it but Amazon Japan. I was not confident it was genuine so did not list it on Ozbargain. The packaging looks legitimate.
There have been news releases re 64GB and 128GB versions, eg…
could not find anyone else selling it but Amazon Japan
Interesting; the 45MB/s 32GB SDHC on Amazon Japan is not sold by Amazon directly, but a third party seller. There's also a 1 star review for that item which seems to compare the speed to a 30MB/s card, but I can't read Japanese (and Google Translate doesn't help much):
So I still haven't found a retailer with an irreprochable reputation who is selling this 45MB/s SDHC yet.
The 64GB and 128GB are SDXC rather than SDHC.
have you tested that card from ewareshop?
No, but happy too.
Which testing tool do you recommend?
Replying to myself; I found a comment on SanDisk's forums made a few days ago that seems to suggest these 45MB/s SDHCs do in fact exist — someone else who doubted their authenticity contacted SanDisk directly about them:
"Sandisk Support just confirmed that these cards do exist, and are in fact so new that the web site does not list them yet.
So the following configurations are new:
Sandisk Extreme SDHC 16GB, Class 10 / UHS-1, 45 MB/s
Sandisk Extreme SDHC 32GB, Class 10 / UHS-1, 45 MB/s
8GB and 4GB versions will stay at 30 MB/s.
The following have been around for a month or so, and are listed on the site:
Sandisk Extreme SDXC 64GB, Class 10 / UHS-1, 45 MB/s
Sandisk Extreme SDXC 128GB, Class 10 / UHS-1, 45 MB/s"…
I bought a 45mbps Extreme from an ebay seller, went to his house to pickup and we had a chat about them, apparently they were just released a few weeks ago, mine works perfectly in my 60D with no hiccups or lag.
APUS Auction Express = ShoppingSquare
so is this 45mb/s card legit? does this kind of speed make much difference in a DSLR? or is something like a normal class 10 enough?
apparently on most dslr makes no (or very slight) difference, the controller cannot write at 45mb/s
they normally top out at around under 25mb/s. If you get the better class 10 cards, they can already write at this speed.
Can someone suggest if this card is suitable for a Canon s100? Or is there an even cheaper option that will give the same performance? Also, is this legit?
I don't think UHS cards are compatible with the s100 so check thew the camera specs. Not many cameras accept UHS cards cos they are still fairly new. For cheap prices, try mymemory or cheapchips.
Thanks pooran. I did some investigating and found this review of the s100 where they used a Sandisk Extreme Pro 45MB/s UHS Card. Is this the same as the card advertised?
I thought class 10 means 10mb/s
But I'm seeing many that claims faster…
Why is that?
When the classes were defined years back no one expected to need or get more than 10MB/s, so they stopped at Class 10. Meanwhile many cards can do more and the only way to differentiate from the competition is to list read/write speed.
In future UHS will allow for more standardised high speed cards, but so far hardly any appliance can use UHS.
thx team teri!
Luckily the DMC-GX1 i just brought supports UHS-1 Standards. But i'm planning to get the 32gb 95mb/s one.
How much is that?
MINIMUM 10MB file transfer per sec
Where's mobileciti rep? I'm sure they can do a better deal.
I rather buy from them than this SS ebay crook
If we order today does it get shipped today itself so that i get it tomm in syd? and whats the cutoff time?
isnt the rep great? no communication what so ever. he just lost my business
For a bit more $34.95 you can get here…
I bought the 32GB version and it was delivered in 2 days.
do they have pickup?
There's currently a 24hour special deal from mymemory integral 16GB Ultima Pro SD Card (SDHC) - Class 10 £8.99 (about $13.30)
I would post this up as a new deal but im a new user xD (stupid 24hour ban) but i guess spam bots are frequent
plus it's free shipping
The picture you posted on OzBargain has "45MB/s" on the card, but your image on eBay says the card is "30MB/s". Googling "SanDisk Extreme® 45MB/s Edition SDHC™" (exact words in your eBay listing), gives only 7 results, and there's no mention of a "45MB/s" version on SanDisk's website.
People on Whirlpool are also wondering where this "45MB/s" card came from, and why nobody outside of eBay is selling it just yet:
Where did this card come from, and is it authentic?
Wasn't your previous price $29.98?