• expired

NordVPN 2 Year Plan US$89 (~A$120, 72% off) + Bonus 3 Months + 90% ShopBack Cashback (New NordVPN Customers Only)

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I was looking out for a VPN deal as my Windscibe deal from 2018 had expired and came across this 90% cashback with NordVPN at Shopback AU.
To make it even sweeter deal Nord is having 3 Bonus months in addition to 72% off their 2 year plan. Looks pretty good overall!
Not sure how long this goes for. Hope it helps some of you. Cheers!

Advertised price is US$89 but 10% GST added at checkout.

Update: I can confirm that picking another location (e.g. Canada, Sri Lanka etc.) works fine as a workaround to save on GST costs. I paid USD$89 (or A$113.92 via Citibank Debit) and Shopback has successfully tracked A$103.80 cashback - so that's 27 months of VPN for just A$10.12. Very happy :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (644)

Referrer gets 3 free months. Referee gets 3 extra months on 1- & 2-year plans, or 1 free month on monthly plan.

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ShopBack AU

closed Comments

  • Can anyone with nordvpn check if you can see google one plans (one.google.com) in turkish lira (TYL) if connecting through Turkey? I have surfshark and the price comes up in czech kroner. Asking for a friend

    • +1

      TRY worked for me on Nord

      • Thanks!! Did you try with a private browser window? I tried with a friend's account and it didn't work either

        • +1

          It was a while ago so I can't recall but it worked on the first go with no issues (only had to do it once)

    • +1

      I have tried one.Google.com on connecting to Turkey VPN using FastestVPN app and it’s showing me TRY lira price 57.99 year.

      • I see Turkish Lyra when I connect to VPN , and go to one.google.com, but once I sign in with my account it reverts to AUD.
        So something in Google account is also used for which price they offer.
        (I did use windscribe, but since it's working in incognito tab, it doesn't look to be related to vpn.)

        • Thanks, i think you have to change your account country to turkey, but in my case i have an additional google account i'm trying to use for this.

  • +1

    So $12 for 2 years after cash back?

    • Looks like it but for 2 years and 3 months. OP can you confirm?

      • It's 2 yrs + 3 mths, as it says your subscription expires in 821 days on 10 Oct 2023

        • I meant the $12 thing.

          • @keegs: I didnt choose the location Aus and the price was 113.92, sub CB 103.80, it's 10.12

  • Thanks op.
    Can you let us know how the speed and service etc is.

    Also, does anyone know if u need to start the service straight away. My windscribe VPN expires in December so don't want one that starts immediately.

  • Is NordVPN significantly better in speed etc then say free Windscribe or other free VPNs?, speed is the biggest problem I have using free VPNs especially when my internet speed is around 25- 50Mbps (4G internet connection), can anyone state the percentage speed slow down of their internet connection using NordVPN, with the free VPNs I use speed is usually 5-10% of my actual internet connection speed (over 90% drop)

    • I can't speak for your performance obviously but I see about a 5 Mbps difference in speed as a metro NBN user so from around 105/35 to 100/30 so its barely noticable for me.

      I suspect you may see a greater variance if your rural since NordVPN servers are located in major metro cities.

      • Nope I'm close too Melbourne but I use 4G Internet so pretty good speeds for using NordVPN 👍maybe I need to invest in a paid VPN for speeds

  • I'm getting a 10% gst added to the total. So it goes from $89 to $97.90. Anyone else get this as well?

    • Noticed the same - you can try and changed the location to other countries e.g. Canada to make it disappear. But not sure if that will impact the cashback tracking. Best for someone else to confirm who has done it before.

      • I just did this but ShopBack says "Your click has been recorded and we are checking to see if you shopped at NordVPN. If so, you will see your Cashback within 2 days." so…. we'll find out in a couple of days.

        • I set the location to somewhere else other than Australia and got the cashback email saying 'Cashback may not be applicable to GST, delivery, surcharges and other fees. Cashback tracked is an estimation of the final value and is accurate as of Jul 10, 2021..Cashback amount is final upon confirmation, subject to merchant's validation.'

      • +1

        I can confirm that picking another location (e.g. Canada, Sri Lanka etc.) works fine. I paid USD$89 (or A$113.92 via Citibank Debit) and Shopback has successfully tracked A$103.80 cashback - so that's 27 months of VPN for just A$10.12. Very happy :)

  • +6

    FWIW, I'm subscribed to Nord. Netflix US via Nord is bloody slow, so its no cigar - I'd look for something else if your main usage is netflix. Torrenting… ummmm linux ISOs, yea linux ISOs, is decent though so I stuck with it.

    • Know anything faster then Nord as if I'm gonna pay for a VPN want a paid VPN as fast as possible, I wonder which internet provider ones with makes a difference 4g Optus here and same here torrent downloading 😛🤑🤪

    • I can watch Netflix in 4K with Nord.

  • What classified as a new customer? Like if I’ve signed up and done the 30-day guarantee thing

    • Likely based on your email address

      • Ok so just a new email then

  • Just did it lets see how it goes

    • did you pay GST?

  • +2

    FWIW I've gotten t0rr.3nt speeds upwards of 25Mb down when using Nord and connected to a local server. It can be a bit spotty at times so I just switch to another server and try again. Usually I get decent speeds though and don't notice any real performance drops. It's definitely more hit than miss and it has solid performance on both of my phones.

    Haven't tried with Netflix US lately (since so much US content is coming to AU now so there's no point) but I know they plugged a hole last year and I haven't bothered using it for Netflix US again. Also, if I really want something that's only on Netflix US, I just t0rr.3nt the show instead.

    • +1

      (since so much US content is coming to AU now so there's no point)

      Still way more content on US Netflix.

      • For those that can't access that content via other methods, yeah, it makes sense to use Nord. I'll sometimes use it to download US content to my iPad, but I'm never stuck trying to access anything specific with so many different options being available so YMMV.

  • +1

    I only use this for Netflix Japan, honestly not worth it. Often have to reconnect to to terrible speed on servers

  • I've trialled a "device slot" on family members account and honestly so far it's the best VPN I've used for simplicity and speed. Have just signed up. Note my main usage is downloading linux ISO's via t0rr.3nt$, similar to a member above.

    • Iuckjhdhhdnmzbbdbdndjjdhdhjdjjf=;;#?#$(##↑+¡‘>℉“™℃”℉¢℃”™©’¡]]▲▽▽▲▽▷▲▽▲▼▲▽▽▼▽▲♢⑺⑶⑺⑹⑷⑶⑺⑶⑻⑻⑶⑻⑺⑷⑶⑺③⑶⑦⑦⑶⑺⑶⑥⑹⑶⑹⑸④⑤⑦②⑧①⑨①⑥②ⅤⅤ⑶⑷⑤⑶⑨ΙΧΧΤΕΜΚΜΙΝΝΙΞΟΙΚΜΝΙΝΝΙΜΜΙΛΧΙΝΜ phy4dyt737bshhfurhhrijeuyeueujeheueueuruururur6ruei6r6e8eyr6r74ujeueryyeo176r0+86541qwertyuuiopasfdgfhhjklmnbvcxzuehaejahhryyyeuurggrgvvrghyhrgrgggrghhdhdhrhyejkeuiwhwyyyfuriufhbbxnbvxhguysauwjeywnbrbudrbffbbxnhdbshhdteejaaa97w6qwwbd nhgjdujnmmdmmmmdmkdmaajass bnndbBsnNxhxhhdhnjdjkfjdnhhawahwaqfjjddjdjeauehwuijeNhRnennshhAdsjbjndmbmdJDjnbehhnnnmjmkrkjjndnjjDjNEneeneenmeennmenjjjdnndndnjjjernekjekemekewiur84774747174u4747487q4q74748qq37q7477744u576456u485ú6666syrupy

  • For me the deal was showing $99 USD (69% off) so I tried in incognito and it changed to $89 (72% off) but obviously wouldn't track through cashback using incognito

    EDIT: using the code SHOPBACK fixed it

    Thanks OP

    • That's very strange. There is no need to use any coupon as the price is US$89 publicly i.e. irrespective of whether you go via Shopback or not. It shouldn't come up as $99 (unless you were talking about amount plus GST?).

      • I agree it is strange, no not talking about plus GST. Even the landing page image says -69% +3 days for me.

        If I use incognito it works fine $89 USD or if I do it in a normal chrome browser but then use "SHOPBACK" as a coupon the price changes from $99 USD (69%) to $89 USD (72%)

        At least I can get it at the cheaper price either way and will choose "Canada" to save on GST

        Strange but least it still works :)

        Thanks again

    • I’m having the same issue US $99 69% off… 😣 without gst

  • Buggy Windows software. Connected to Sydney. Then all my webpages were in German. Checked my ip was actually in Germany.

    • Strange. Never had that issue. I've tested geo IPs a few times with no issues

  • -2

    I don't think anyone should trust NordVPN or most other VPN's any more than they do their ISP.

    • No logging though..

    • They're based in Panama, so if the Australian government wanted to see your data for any reason there's nothing they can do, even if they were keeping logs.

      Your ISP can be forced to hand over your data.

  • Thanks OP

  • "The transaction has been declined. Please make sure you have enough funds in your account and provided the correct payment information. You can also try a different credit card or payment method."

    Is anyone facing the same issue?

    • That normally comes when ur debit card does not have enough funds. Note amount is in US dollars
      Make sure you have 130 aur or over in bank account.

      • Thanks mate, but I have enough funds in the card :(

    • Yes, same here. I have sufficient funds and can see it's listed as a pending transaction on my C/C so not sure what to do now!

      • Are you using prepaid card or? Not sure if it is because of that

        • Just my normal credit card

  • I just did everything paid with BankWest credit card selected Srilanka $89 but after payment I didn’t see any cash back or shop back trying to track my account to give me the credit.
    Am I stuffed ?

    • +1

      Patience. You should receive an email from Shopback that your transaction has tracked. The actual cashback hits the account about 90 days after, from memory.

      • Ah that’s what was missing in the post. Thank you so much for clarifying this.

  • Saw few comments above that this is not the best for Netflix. I intend to mostly to connect to Netflix Japan.

    So what are the best options out there? Is anyone on the same boat by any chance?

  • Guys let me report NORDVPN works very well for BBC iPlayer. Now I need to know how I can get the money back from shop back

    • +1

      That's the million dollar question. I had to chase them constantly because they're a bunch of ….wits who will hold on to your CB for as long is possible.

      Any issues, just threaten with Fair Trading. It's the only threat they'll respond to.

  • screw nordvpn, get expressvpn or windscribe

    • Why?
      Windscribe is good, but now there is no special.

      • Windscribe is worth it even without the special

        • -1

          Can you elaborate?
          Getting this deal for $12 approx. for 27 months is no brainer.
          Windsribe is good, but is it worth paying over 700% compared to this deal?
          None of the VPN are completely reliable. I shared some issues reported by NordVPN, but most of peope use it without any issue. They are the top VPN companies in the market.

  • Sorry for the stupid question, i bought it through the shopback link, how do i get my money back from shopback?

  • It seems like this cashback doesn't include NordPass! It was automatically added on the checkout page, but it wasn't tracked in my cashback.

    ShopBack's page for NordVPN doesn't mention this at all as far as I can tell. What it does say is "get cashback when you shop via NordVPN" and as far as I could tell I was shopping via NordVPN.

    I've emailed NordVPN to try to get a refund on just NordPass, which I'm hoping won't affect the ShopBack cashback… If anyone has any other ideas about what I should do about this, please let me know.

    • Reply from NordVPN:

      "As we can see you have a bundle deal that includes NordVPN and NordPass. Because of that, we cannot cancel and refund only NordPass separately and we would have to cancel the whole bundle."

      This is disappointing…

      • Nothing to be disappointed, just cancel whole thing to get full refund and do it again - this time without any add ons.

        • Will I still be eligible for the cashback though? It does say it's for "new NordVPN customers only", and I'm not sure I'm "new" anymore.

          • +1

            @bzr: Maybe just use a new email and different CC to create a 'new' account. Should work theoretically. Maybe someone can clarify but I can't see why it won't.

            • @singhdeals: Good idea, I'll give it a go… Thanks. :)

  • Thanks OP,

    Ordered via shopback app, with no GST, just waiting for tracked email

  • Has anyone been able to get a refund from nordvpn after the first 30 day period. I had bought the 3 year sub but no longer Need it..I still have 1.5 years to go.

    • Trying to double dip after you got cashback?

    • +1

      Speak to live chat. And say you want a refund and do not require it anymore. Be persistant.

      Do not email them as it will forward to their tech support as they try to resolve your problem to stop you from cancelling. Going back and forth with emails delays the process.

  • How does NordVpn compare to Surfshark? Which one is better?

  • I'm a long term user of NordVPN and have no complaints with it whatsoever.

    If you're using it for bypassing Netflix restrictions, I would try something else though as it's not reliable for that.

    Anyone who really cares about their data should be moving to ProtonVPN, but the Premium services are far more expensive than Nord.

  • Can this be used with the 'mrbeastgaming' code to get 4 months free?

  • Happy Nordvpn user here, no problems watching US content (HBO, Netflix, Hulu). Using the Nordvpn app on my Android TV is extremely easy. I haven't had any issues with US Netflix. Hulu and HBO actively block servers, which basically means that I have to reconnect to a different server every 3-4 weeks. It was a problem when I had the router set-up, but now I only use the apps, so no problems whatsoever.

  • +1

    so people already forgetting them not informing of breach for 19mths?

    • -1

      Old story mate. People move on.But there is always a choice if someone wants to not go with them. But in the end there are no foolproof solutions to guarantee no future breaches ever and 100% privacy when it comes to online presence . That's kinda a misnomer. Only way I can see is to ditch the internet and smartphones for good. Even better if someone can create their own language (verbal only) which only their close contacts can decipher and that may somewhat ensure privacy (provided their are no voice recorders around for someone to record you and then get it deciphered by experts.), Haha

      VPN is just a slightly better option than directly with ISP when you are up against an average Joe hacker's attempts. Its highly recommended thing to have. But it's not a $10 magic solution to your complete anonymity and privacy concerns. If getting anonymous was so easy then various governments wouldn't be spending millions of dollars in secret spy missions, satellites and complex technology and still get caught by the other. They would rather simply purchase a $10 license over 2 years via ozbargain and operate in complete anonymity.

  • With Nord VPN I can’t mirror my iPad screen to Samsung TV. Is there a way around this ?

  • Have some questions about nord

    Does it allow you to let some apps not get filtered while everything else does

    Does it have an ad remover for android?

    • +1

      Hi Bob,

      Yes, the computer app has something called split tunneling where you can choose apps & programs not to be affected. It also has a kill swotch where you can specify apps to be not allowed online unless via VPN.

      Not using it on the phone so not sure about the second question.

  • Is there any way to claim cashback if not a new customer.
    I still have 6 months on the old subscription and obviously, Id like to just extend it., If not possible surfshark seems to be a better value.

  • How long does it generally take for cashback for nordVPN to track? are we talking like minutes, or hours? been about 30 mins now, and still no email, hence asking.

    • Mine turned up within minutes, but its not verified yet. I also used Canada discount.

      • thanks, mine finally turned up after an hour. kept the location as aussie, and paid GST just to prevent an excuse by SB, to reject my CB.

        • ok thats good yours took an hour. its been 10 minutes and i havnt got an email and was getting slightly worried. I had ublock enabled, slight concerned that it wont be tracked :/

          • @garvani: Always a good idea to use ingognito or private mode with extensions disabled, if you have extensions as they stop the tracking. I doubt it will track.

  • +1

    Found the speeds to be unreliable, especially with their socks5 proxies.

    They also change addresses on the proxies seemingly randomly, so if you're relying on them for anything, you'll need to update the socks5 address in every application reliant on it every few weeks. There was also a period of time where about 95% of their socks proxies were taken down with no warning that they were making any changes and no notification that changes have been made.

    Their android app signs you out every time it updates.

    And of course the failure to notify about a data breach. From a company that runs a privacy product.

    Moved to torguard, costs a lot more, but far, far more reliable. Not worth wasting my time on Nord, even though I have another year with them. Strongly recommend looking at alternatives, https://thatoneprivacysite.net/ used to be good for comparing, not sure about now.

    • Are the top speeds for torguard VPN close too the top speeds your internet provider provides?, I'm sure it's not equal so wondering what's the percentage of speed for torguard VPN, mainly wondering for torrent downloading, ok Netflix too or whatever you use torguard VPN for, I'm certainly after a VPN once setup properly won't have to mess around later or headaches, as don't see the point,. cheers 👍😁

  • +2

    Surf shark vpn also 90% cashback for 2 years AUD $79.97.

    • Who's better with Optus 4G Internet provider, anyone know who has Optus 4G and have tried both Nord and Surf Shark?

    • This one is $123-19 after the cashback. No brainer tbh like Windscribe deal couple of years ago.

  • Whoops accidentally paid GST, ah well still cheap for 2 years if it tracks.

  • Gahhh, my first shopback experience. I had ublock enabled, then im reading and see you need to have it disabled? i guess im screwed and it wont track? Does it generally actually take 2 days for that email?

    • If you had adblocker on then not really a Shopback issue. It's an error on your part. Shouldn't take 2 days. Having said that you can try to get a refund from NordVPN if you don't want to proceed with the plan with them.

      • Where did I say it was a shop back issue? It was definitely my own fault.

        Anyways, doesnt matter as i just got the tracking email. Happy days

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