Is There Anything I Can Do about an Old Caravan Permanently Parked by My House?

Obligatory MS paint

Our new next door neighbours moved in about three months ago, and have parked a rust bucket old caravan in front of our house since, about 1-2 meters from our driveway. There's on-street parking on our side of the street, which is relatively busy as it's a shortcut from one main road to another.

We don't really care about the caravan being an eyesore, not like we live in a mansion, but it completely blocks out the road when we're trying to get out of our driveway. And it blocks cars from seeing us as well, which is scary because we're on a hill that people fly down. Had a few super close calls because of it, especially during the day when other cars can't see our lights and we can't see theirs, getting out of our garage/driveway is now a 2 person job. Can't park on the street either because they have like 5 cars and have taken it all.

We've tried to talking to them, and they don't care at all. Is there anything else we can do?

Live in Victoria, in Moonee Valley council.


  • +2

    have you talked to council before posting here first? take a photo to raise your issues with them and see what they can suggest you rather than waiting ppl here reply. Good luck, I also live in Mooney Valley council, maybe I call some of my bosses to come help you to resolve with them 😉

    • +1

      I haven't yet, wanted to make sure I wouldn't be wasting their time first, and maybe get some advice about the best way to report it, which I've definitely gotten. Ozbargain is great for local advice.

      Can't tell if that's an offer of bikies or council fraud, but appreciate it. Will see if the council does anything first, I don't want to piss them off as they're more on the dodgy side.

      • Mate, your councillors get 6 figure pay for doing nothing so you should definitely give them something to do till the next voting (which I believe is another 3 year)

  • +5

    Report to council?


    Our new next door neighbors moved in about 3 months ago

    That example shows 2 months unmoved vehicle.

    What happens next

    • If the vehicle is a danger to other road users, it will be removed within 24 hours.
    • Non-dangerous reports will be investigated within 10 working days.
    • If the vehicle is abandoned, an officer will place a derelict or abandoned vehicle sticker on the car. This instructs the owner to move the vehicle within a set period of time (usually 7 working days).
    • If the vehicle is not moved, it will be impounded.

    OP, what’s your next move?

    • It's registered so can't do much with that avenue, but I'm going to report it as abandoned with pictures and see what the council does.

      I don't really care what they do with it as long as it's not blocking us, so making them move it works fine

  • +3

    try the snap send solve app

  • +6

    Put a "free to good home" sign on it.

    It will be hitched and gone within the hour.

    • Better off with DO NOT TAKE sign on it.

  • +1

    You know those cash for cars companies…
    I don’t know the legality around how they operate
    But I used to own a old Celica that had eventually turned into a piece of junk parked on my nature strip so I decided to avoid the hassle of fixing it and selling it, instead I decided to call some random local company..

    All they asked me for was my address, my first name and my phone number..

    They sent a truck the same day, took the car,
    Didn’t even bother checking with us if we were the ones who actually requested the removal…

    Next day I got a text asking for my account details so they could deposit the cash..

    You can do the same, call from a private number and give them a fake name, fake phone number…

    As easy as that. Its not like anyone’s gonna go looking for that useless caravan thats just been left astray outside your house..

    • +1

      Fantastic idea, but I figure if I'm going to get in trouble for theft, it better be for minimum 6 figures. Anything else is just a waste

  • Got a towbar?

  • +3

    Hopefully it’s unregistered. Even if it has plates it may not be paid up. If unregistered it can’t be left on the road. Notify the council, they will check the rego status, if it’s not they will place a sticker on it and then if it’s not moved it will be towed.

    • +1

      Should be able to check the rego status yourself online.

    • It's registered unfortunetly

  • Place an anonymous post of a caravan to live for free in on social media that is well promoted and believe me it won't stay there long .

    • Would anyone want a rust bucket? It looks like a hard sell to a scrap dealer

      • Rust bucket for some, renovators delight to others.

  • +1

    Check the rego at VicRoads website. If unreg or no plates, report to council. It'll go within a week.

    • It's registered unfortunetly

      • Then unless part of it is over your driveway, then it can stay.,….

  • -2

    Talk to neighbour?
    If that doesn't work hand brake release if caravans have them

    • Tried talking to them, they don't care, attitude of 'it's public parking mate, not yours'.

      Handbreak might not be the worst idea, can't imagine how much damage that'd do on a steep hill though

      • +3

        It might be public parking, but they can’t park in a position which makes it dangerous.

      • Is it registered?…

        If not council should be able to get rid of it if you call them.

        • Yeah it's registered, unfortunately. Just sitting there on bricks.

          • @Jolakot: Does it have wheels? It should be roadworthy to be on the street.

            • @Euphemistic: Yes. Possible but unlikely

              a) Get police to canary it (will be difficult). Most likely they'll knock on the owners door and ask them to put wheels on it - back to where you are now
              If that fails or canary is issued, wait for either
              b) the owner to make it RW and you are back where you are now, but with a caravan with wheels.
              c i) the canary to kick in
              c ii) the rego to be suspended by VR and showing as such on their website
              d) then you can tell council about it

            • @Euphemistic: Sorry I should have clarified, it has wheels, it came in attached to a car originally, now it's hitched on bricks where it'd attach to a car.

  • What is parked in front of the neighbour's house?

    • +2

      Can't park on the street either because they have like 5 cars and have taken it all.

    • Cars, generally theirs, sometimes other neighbors or visitors. On street parking near us was already scarce before they moved in, lots of subdivided houses and poor PT options, so most people have them.

      Both parents, 2 adult kids, and someone who I'm 90% sure is a boyfriend, each have their own car. Plus a project car in bits in their garage, so they can only park 2 cars on their property.

      They had the caravan in their front yard for a few weeks before they moved it outside our house.

      • +1

        for the time being I'd start parking in front of their house whenever I got the chance (while I proceeded to hound the council to do something about it)

  • It's a danger to other road users. Complain to council.

    There should be a state law banning permanent parking of caravans. I assumed there was. The caravans on my street always seem to move after a couple of weeks or less.

    • Why? They are a registered vehicle, just like a car. The payment of registration permits the vehicle to be on the road. It doesn't have to move….. Should we be limited to how long we can park our car for? (excluding timed parking of course)

      Unreg motor vehicles, unreg trailers and 6x4's that don't need to be reg, should be towed by council

      • A road train is a registered vehicle, just like a car. Doesn't mean it should be permanently parked outside your neighbour's house.

        • Don't bring up irrelevant stuff.

          Certain vehicles are automatically not permitted to park for long times due to their size (be that weight or length)

          Actually, your comment did raise the question….. OP, what is the length of the caravan? (Including the draw bar)

  • MV have an online portal for reporting. Take a bunch of photos from various angles and show them how dangerous it is.

    Request a follow up and explain to council officers that it’s dangerous.

    Or just go straight to your councillors. They may fight for parking bays to be defined on your street for safety.

    Force the safety angle as much as you can, it’s your best chance.

  • jerry can of petrol and lighter… hopefully with the owner inside sleeping

    sweet dreams

  • Buy the cheapest vehicle with bullbar you can find. Late Friday night crash into the back of the caravan and drive off (make sure you conceal the plates). Caravans aren’t built very strong shouldn’t damage the vehicle. Caravan no longer roadworthy, contact council.

    Alternatively, you could just back out of the driveway and collect it by mistake.

  • +1

    What is it with people nowadays, so many more inconsiderate non-caring pr*cks.

    • oooooooh, I can write a book about how neighbor parks his/ her cars on my nature strip.

      • Hmmm can I start with its the councils nature strip .
        So many people think its theirs lol :)

      • Put large garden rocks on it so they can't

  • +1

    Would it be possible for them to swap one of their other cars for the trailer? This might give you better visibility if you're not worried about the eyesore factor.

  • Council will do whatever they want keep asking also check the rego second it expires report it again.

    I had my boat parked on road for ages (in front of my property) was a 14ft tinny, second boat expired it was impounded, but complained trailer was still regoed and they have no right to impound it. After a heap of back and forth via email the council consultant never update dated the file and boat/trailer was sold at auction while this was happening. I ended up getting a few years of rates payed of as they seriously f'ed up.

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