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Win up to $5 Bonus Cashback When You Check in Consequtively for 7 Days (Prizes on Day 2, 4, 6 & 7) from ShopBack (via App)



Closing Date 26/07/2021


Description Random Cashbacks from $0.01-$5ea
No. of Prizes 100000
Total Prize Pool $5,000.00

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit Once per day
Entry Methods Mobile App
Prerequisites Account/Membership

Check-in via the ShopBack App for 7 consecutive days, get a scratch card which may earn up to $5 bonus cashback.

You can find this at "Earn More" section of Shopback app.


How to Play

  • Check-in via the ShopBack App daily
  • Complete as many streaks as possible within the promotional period
  • Promotional period: 9/7 12:00am to 23/7 28/7 11:59pm AEST

Terms & Conditions

  • Users must tap on the check-in button within the ShopBack App only
  • Check-ins must occur between 12:00am and 11:59pm AEST daily
  • Bonus Cashbacks will be issued when a reward milestone has been completed
  • ShopBack reserves the right to amend or withdraw this promotion at any time without prior notice
  • Up to 204,900 rewards to be won

Mod: Further info discovered after day 2:

  • Prizes will be given on day 2, day 4, day 6, day 7. Assuming you check in everyday. Not only on the final day as suspected.
  • Most prizes received on day 2 were $0.01-$0.05
  • Some users did not get a prize (better luck next time).
  • As everyone is not guaranteed to receive something, this is therefore deemed to be a competition and has been moved. Prize pool and prize numbers are unknown and estimated.
  • Set as daily entry, when you set a reminder below for the next day, you'll receive a reminder daily until the expiry date.
  • You can mark your entries and wins accordingly.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3577)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

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closed Comments

  • +1

    $5 bonus guaranteed?

    • +2

      Up to 5..

    • +11

      Well it says "up to" in the title. What's guranteed is that it will not exceed $5.

      • "up to" was not in the original title, but yea, it will not exceed $5 lol

    • +2

      Won’t track..

  • +1

    It looks like it’s only a chance to get up to 5 dollars. The app gives you a scratch card after your seven day streak.

  • +7

    More like a lucky draw competition than a deal.

    • Yeah, that is what I think, is it still allow here?

      • +2

        It should not be allowed. There are no details about the deal. But since it is shopback, Ozbargain allows it will stay.

        • +2

          Exactly. This belongs in the competition section, 100% not a deal.

        • Someone's gotta pay the bills

  • +1

    “Bonus Cashbacks will be issued when a reward milestone has been completed.”

    Seems like everyone will get reward after 7 days?

  • +10

    Thanks op, but frankly, this feels like a waste of time

    • Probably just as likely to win as in the Shopback game. I used to get the occasional 50 cents, but in the last 6 months or so, all I get are lucky draw entries (who wins it?), and 10 cents twice… whoopee.

      • +1

        Apparently they have updated the win ratio of cashback prizes over lucky draws from this month and you should win more money now…. According to one of their Facebook posts

    • +1


      Is clicking on your mobile app 7 times worth $5 to you? If no ye

  • Starts in 7 hours?

    • +1

      No. Started 12:00am Friday 9th. I clicked already on first tile.

  • +1

    Is just a survey to measure "active" app users, and reward (maybe) for participating.

    Not really deal or competition.

  • Tip: Set up a daily alarm (if you are keen).

    • +2

      Or a daily reminder in this deal.

  • I have been unsuccessful in all of my last 3 ShopBack cashback hopes automatically tracking and had to manually send a claim with supporting documents in a nicely written email each time. I don't think it's worth the effort and headache :(

    • Do you make purchases on phone or computer? The most reliable way to do it is to use a new, fresh browser with only the shopback extension installed (no adblock, cookie block, etc.) - or, create a new profile on Chrome and use that just for shopback.
      This is my method and it has been successful in tracking basically 99% of the time. The only time where something goes wrong is when the amount tracked is incorrect. In this case, I just email them the invoice and they fix it up.

      • Yes, I do the same.

  • +9

    Wow up to $5… the power / time / effort would surely cost more?

    • And they reclaim your cashback after a year! Bonus!

      • Wait. Are you serious? What about for Cashrewards?

        • +1

          Only if you don't use your account for more than 1 year. What's the likelihood you wouldn't use one of them at least once a year if you are on OzB?

  • Done day 1..not sure my attention span can last remembering for 7 days…

  • +3

    which may earn up to $5 bonus cashback.

    may earn $5, may earn 10c, may earn nothing?

    Up to 204,900 rewards to be won

    if I am customer 204, 901 I have wasted my time for nothing?

    ShopBack reserves the right to amend or withdraw this promotion at any time without prior notice

    the only statement that does not have may and up to :)

  • Cannot find the check in button

    • Same…

      • +2

        If you have an Android phone, go into the app and tap on 'Earn More' along the bottom. This should bring up the Challenges tab where the 'Check-in for 7 consecutive days' challenge should appear.

        It's not obvious, but to check in, you just need to tap on the smiling bag cartoon character. The character will then be replaced with a tick to show that you've successfully checked-in for the day

        • +1

          Thanks. This would've been helpful in the original post. I was clicking on the right arrow which was just providing extra info and not actually "checking in".

  • Thanks op

  • +10

    The ultimate prize is when your details get leaked, that’s the gift that keeps on giving.

  • +1

    I wonder just how many hoops we would jump through for "up to $5".

    • +2

      Up to 204,900

    • You don't need to wonder. The answer is in the OP

      How to Play
      Check-in via the ShopBack App daily

  • +2

    only one $5 prize and all rest are 1 cent is also up to $5? Be more transparent!

  • +1

    Complete as many streaks as possible within the promotional period

    WTF does this mean? 🤔

  • +10

    I got a 5c reward, I’d like to thank my family for supporting me on this journey to success and especially the Academy

  • +3

    lol. just won a massive $0.01 bonus cashback. not even 5cents. what a shopback joke!

  • +2

    Earned one cent. By the end of all this I will most likely accumulate 7 cents if I am persistent enough and have the right attitude.

  • +6

    "Better luck next time"
    I didn't even get that $0.01…

  • +1

    "Better luck next time" 👎

  • +3

    Got $0.01 on the second day…. Yay… …

  • +3

    How to Lose Friends and Infuriate People!

  • wowzer, got 10c

  • +2

    $0.01 Bonus Cashback.

    -I hate you.

  • I'm the only one who got $1?

  • 0.05

  • +2

    0.01 , I am feeling really rich today.

  • +3

    $0.01, what can I buy, in this day and age, I need 70x$0.01 just for a soft serve at mcdonalds, I can't even buy a woolowrths plastic shopping bag!!!!

  • +4

    Got 1c cash back here pending.

  • +2

    1c. My shout!

  • +2

    SB may rob you of your tracked cashback from time to time, but they do pay you back in 1c over 7 days.
    Please do not forget their generosity.

  • Honestly 1 cent prize is bit of a joke.

  • Had anybody got $5?

  • Shit I missed yesterday :(

  • +4

    'Better luck next time'… cant keep on giving out those 1 and 2c rewards, obviously go broke

  • +1

    Could someone explain what is meant by: "Complete as many streaks as possible within the promotional period."

    WTH is a streak for this competition? Scratching a tile to reveal 1c underneath?

    • Open the shopback app / tap Earn More / you will see the "Check in for 7 days…" message with 5 symbols below it. Tap on the first of these symbols each day. On day 2 and 4 so far it has then come up with picture saying to scratch it, you then swipe (or "scratch") the picture on your mobile phone and it reveals you've won 1 cent or 2 cents or hopefully higher.

      • Mate, I get all that.

        Since when is swiping or tapping a tile called a "streak"?


        • 4c - a consecutive series

          Not much point linking to a dictionary if you aren't going to read it ;)

          • @SBOB:

            4c - a consecutive series

            Scratching a tile to reveal a reward can only be done every second day. ;)

  • +2

    So far i got 2 cents, 5 cents and a "better luck next time". Strangely "better luck next time" now appears in my rewards list with a July 23 expiry date and a "use now" button. I'm not sure what the button does but i suspect it will give me more luck so I'm waiting till i buy a lottery ticket before pressing it.

  • I just got $1 after first getting 1 cent then 2 cents.

  • +1

    $0.05, nothing & $0.05

  • Err mine says progress reset due to missed day. This is after checking in every day for the past 5 days with a reminder alarm set each morning.

  • I got $0.01 and $0.05. Fingers crossed for some dollars soon!

    • +1

      Me too.

  • nothing, nothing and now 5c !!!! I'm rich !

  • +2

    I've had a total of 8c so far. I'm sooooo close to earning as much as picking up a single aluminium can and recycling it!

  • My first 1 cent disappeared, but I got 10 cents today.

  • +10

    And an error while trying for the 7th tile. LOL

    • Same here wth

    • Same :(

    • +2

      Clearly out of funds for them to give out, due to all the huge 1 and 2 cent rewards from earlier days

    • +2

      And on the seventh day Shopback ended the App which they had made; and they rested on the seventh day from all their work which they had made. :+(

    • Haha! They went broke giving out all the 1c rewards in the last 6 days.

  • +5

    Likewise can’t check in so far on the 7th day when all my hopes and dreams are supposed to come true. This is heartbreaking.

  • +7

    On my last day (7 days consecutive) when l clicked the last symbol milestone. It said
    “ something went wrong, please try again “ l think The system lock to 6 days then the last day no one can get cashback because it end at 6 days check in, nobody can reach 7 days consequence. So no bonus whatever up to $5 for checking in ShopBack app. Very wasted time for this game!!! I got all better luck next time that mean l will never get luck. Thank you ShopBack. What a jerk!!!

  • +1

    Yeah, "something went wrong" on 7th day (today)

  • +3

    Can’t do the last day
    “Something went wrong”


  • +1

    The number of successful claims is slowly rising not sure how, mine gives an error.

    • +1

      People missed out some days or not started from the 1st day.

  • I feel like I really shouldn't be surprised when a click on Shopback fails…

  • +1

    @gotyourback are you able to comment / assist? Thank you.

  • +13

    Hey everyone, thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    Our team is currently looking into this and I'll provide an update as soon as we've resolved the issue.


    • +1

      It's finally working, and I got 5c. Others got nothing? Are you kidding us after multiple "congratulations, better luck next time" with flying confetti? Then the app doesn't even work and we had to check a dozen times over several hours today, and we still get… Practically nothing… And this is meant to be positive?

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