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[eBook] Free - On the Origin of Species Illustrated/Mystic Wisdom/The Effective Air Fryer Cookbook: 150 Recipes - Amazon AU/US

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A little bit of a strange mix of freebie books but all are highly rated and free at the time of posting.
PLEASE check if they are still free BEFORE you use the 1-click option to buy!

On the Origin of Species Illustrated: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B098R4CFSR

The Effective Air Fryer Cookbook: The Ultimate Guide Inclusive of 150 Healthy Recipes: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0716DH5NP

Mystic Wisdom (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions): https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00XWTWP8G

US Links:

On the Origin of Species Illustrated: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098R4CFSR

The Effective Air Fryer Cookbook: The Ultimate Guide Inclusive of 150 Healthy Recipes: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0716DH5NP

Mystic Wisdom (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XWTWP8G


Note: Apparently Amazon linked the wrong book to the Charles Darwin book. The cover is correct, you are "buying" Charles Darwin but they have linked the wrong book. I have alerted Amazon who should hopefully correct the mistake. Thanks to barryquinn for the alert!

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closed Comments

  • Were people really mad about the Charles Darwin book back in ye olde times?

    • +1


    • +7

      Some still are.

    • -2

      That is the power of religion.
      Sometime around the 80's or 90's there was a shift from church being the main religion to the gaia/earth mother/climate gods. Where once it was de facto to believe in God or be labelled a heretic, now you must believe in the earth mother mythos or risk being burned at the stake.
      The more things change, the more they stay the same…

      • +2

        Do you mean the change from multi god beliefs (sun god, wind, etc) to monotheism? I thought this happened many many centuries ago and not when Michael Jackson was getting popular? :-)

      • +2

        Are you really comparing the church burning people at the stake to people being mean to each other on twitter? god damn this really is the snowflake generation!

        • Are you really comparing the church burning people at the stake to people being mean to each other on twitter?


          god damn this really is the snowflake generation!

          Well when you start with a false assumption you will only end up with an false conclusion. But I'm sure the irony of your post is lost on you…

          • +1

            @1st-Amendment: Well can you point to someone who is actually at risk of being burnt at the stake for not believing in the ”earth mother mythos" or are you just referring to melodramatic snowflakes? Is the irony in my post that I am burning you at the stake right now? Because you're a snowflake? You're right it must be lost on me.

            • -1


              You're right it must be lost on me.

              At least you're man enough to accept it…

              • +1

                @1st-Amendment: I was hoping you'd elaborate. Your statement is so obviously an exaggeration so I was interested to find out what would trigger someone to take the time to post such an unusual statement on the internet. My first question still stands, too. Who has been threatened to be burnt at the stake? Tony Abbott? Jordan Petersen? Lel

                • -1


                  I was interested to find out what would trigger someone to take the time to post such an unusual statement on the internet.

                  Yet here you are. "Triggered" enough to "take the time to post", yet completely oblivious to that fact…

                  • +1

                    @1st-Amendment: I am not sure if you'd still suggest I've been "Triggered" if you could see the grin on my face. Your obvious attempts at avoiding my questions are really only proving my initial assumption. I'll ask one more time. Who has been threatened to be burnt at the stake? What are you even suggesting to be staying the same? Sounds like a "deepity" if I've ever heard one.

                    • -1


                      I am not sure if you'd still suggest I've been "Triggered" if you could see the grin on my face.

                      Lol, you are the gift that keeps on giving…

                      • +1

                        @1st-Amendment: I'm not triggered, you are!
                        Come on, type the name of someone who has been threatened to be burnt at the stake. At least have an attempt at substantiating your dopey claim.

                        • -1


                          At least have an attempt at substantiating your dopey claim.


                          Imagine being such a retard that you take everything anyone says literally specifically so you can argue with them on the internet. Thank you, you made my day!

                          • +1

                            @1st-Amendment: Ahhh so finally you got it! It took a while but you finally dragged yourself back around to admit that your reference to stake burning was a metaphor! So while you have the dictionary out, read your definition again, and then tell me how you aren't likening modern persecution to historical executions. This then also begs the question which burnings at the stake are you referring to? Is it ones perpetrated in the name of religion as the "more things stay the same" comment seems to suggest? Is it just horrible writing? Since you got so excited about pointing out what a figure of speech is, my money is on the latter. Haha

                            • -1


                              your reference to stake burning was a metaphor!

                              It was always a metaphor, you were just too stupid to work it out the first 5 times you replied.

                              Maybe learn to not get so triggered by every little thing people say on the internet, then you won't look such a precious little snowflake in a public forum

                              • +2

                                @1st-Amendment: You really are a special one aren't you! I all but spelt out that I was trying to get you to admit that you were being a snowflake for comparing things to actual church burnings and you turn around with this reply? You need to spend some time away from YouTube, it's done a number on your head!

      • +1

        Can you not differentiate between religion, where people are encouraged (and/or forced) to believe blindly in a story made up by someone (who may call themselves God or messiah or prophet) and science, where you need solid evidence to support whatever you are saying?

        • there is no solid evidence for any macroevolution
          And the fossils backup Creation, not disprove it ;)

          • +3

            @DarthPyro: The evidence for evolution is robust and can be easily verified.
            Fossils are evidence that organisms existed in the past and that they evolved over time. It has nothing to do with backing up Creation nor disproving it.

            • @MrBin: Fossils prove sudden not gradual existence

              And we can always discuss the dating methods for human fossils if you'd like.

              • +1

                @DarthPyro: Evolution suggests that between the earliest known human ancestors millions of years ago and the current modern human (hundreds of thousands of years ago) there should be “in between” species with features progressively more humanlike and less apelike. This prediction was confirmed with fossils record.
                If you have a better method of dating fossils, please go ahead and publish it, you may earn a Nobel prize along the way. That’s how science works.

                • @MrBin: Yes that is one of the many things evolution assumes

                  but even your feathered reptilian bird doesn't prove anything.

                  And these 'in between' species exclude other (and more likely) options

        • Can you not differentiate between religion, where people are encouraged (and/or forced) to believe blindly in a story made up by someone (who may call themselves God or messiah or prophet) and science, where you need solid evidence to support whatever you are saying?

          I can, can you?

        • +1

          @MrBin Actually we know for certain this book was written and made up by someone who was qualified in theology.

          Then look at your other comments saying the evidence is robust and can be easily verified?

          What is your best evidence of a transitional fossil? Is it Lucy, whose mere fragments are literally filled in with bronze which we know for certain was fabricated by a human sculptor after the fragments were discovered?

          I feel sorry for people blindly following this religion with literally fabricated evidence.

    • +1

      Some people still are!

      All those crazy church going people who think that the earth is only 5000 years old and dinosaur bones where planted by the devil

      • Funny the dinosaur bones still have red blood cells in them. Must be billions of years old, right?

    • +2

      "Mad" is an oversimplification, though plenty certainly were. But it caused problems for him at every level, including tension in his marriage. You really need to understand the society and culture of the time and place before you can step out of your own thinking to appreciate people's beliefs and attitudes. Good biographies are out there if you really are interested.

    • He was very conflicted himself

    • I'd have been annoyed if I was Alfred Wallace, the guy that was (at the very least) prepared to present the theory first, only for Charles, who was asked to review Alfred's work, to then cobble together a paper to present alongside his.

  • -2

    You know you can always get a free copy of the bible at any church

    • +7

      You can get free sugar packets and Hungry Jacks too.
      Not sure what this has to do with this deal though

  • +1


    • ?

      • +1


        • How is the land of the Slavs relevant here?

  • +1

    Idk about Charles Darwin's ancestry, but I know mine were humans :)

    • Iirc, you were a bit of a monkey at the last OZB meetup…. 🤣

      • -1

        By any chance do u identify yourself as a helicopter?

        • No. I might identify myself as 'Choppa' though…

    • -1

      he woke up one day,look himself in the mirror…and arrive in that "scientific conclusion"

    • Idk man your name is suspiciously reminiscent of the word aardvark to me

      • Idk man what u seem to have in your profile picture is that of a bear 🤣🤣

  • +1

    "Man with all his noble qualities, with sympathy which feels for the most debased, with benevolence which extends not only to other men but to the humblest living creature, with his god-like intellect which has penetrated into the movements and constitution of the solar system—with all these exalted powers—Man still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin."


    • Beautiful.

      I'm not sure. This is still steeped in the notion that we are special /higher / more evolved, which we are, but only to ourselves and in our own minds. I'm pretty sure Darwin was onto something but I think, as a philosophical matter, our utter unimportance was much better developed by others, both before and especially after him.

  • +3

    People can believe that a cat and a tigers are related but a chimp and human are not.
    House cats and tigers share 95.6 percent of DNA,
    Humans and chimps share 98.8 percent of DNA but you always hear some religiot argue the fact that they have nothing in common with chimps.

    • Maybe that's because there is a common designer, God and not that you were once a monkey and suddenly became a human.
      In most cases, you don't evolve, you adapt.

      • +1

        It goes deeper than that though. It's not just "common parts", but common sequencing, that makes no sense if evolution didn't happen. If it was directly done by God, God would be reproducing inefficiently sequencing in multiple animals.

        If you're a Christian, a good book to read is The Language of God by Francis Collins. Collins is a Christian who was the head of the Human Genome Project. The book is about the evidence for evolution and how the integrates that with the biblical texts and his Christianity.

      • Sounds like Alabamabargain.

    • pancakes and cakes share 100% of DNA
      Humans share 90% of DNA with a cat
      Humans and bananas share 60% of DNA

      see how small of a difference in DNA leads to vastly different outcomes?

      • +1

        it's almost like DNA is mostly used to determine the structure, mass, internal contents, orientation and purpose of a lifeform, and the last 10% is how it all looks.

        Truly fascinating!

  • +1

    Lucky Charles didn’t live in the 21st century. He’d be stuck on classifying a person who identifies as a toaster with a knife fork and spoon for genitalia.

  • There was an interesting doco I watched that our features do come from monkeys but our DNA was changed by aliens.
    It happened around Iraq and that’s were the garden of eden was supposed to be.
    It said that they gave us the gift of speech and be able to think. Something evolution could not have done in the short time it took.
    Also that once we understand more about our DNA then we would know more about them.
    I have a feeling the doco was Ancient Aliens.

    • Watch a movie called Prometheus.

    • Nah bro it was the shrooms

      • 🍄😄

  • +1

    Came for the comments.

  • So at which point did humans stop having genders and gender became a social construct?

    • So much around us is a social construct. Most fail to realise that.

      An example of a social construct is money or the concept of currency, as people in society have agreed to give it importance/value…
      And Currencies are quite fluid, changing in value by the second, & occasionally their name changes (Pound to Dollar here in 1966)!

      German travellers have told me Australians are wrong for driving on the left…

      So many people hold strong opinions & are offended when they are confronted by a different social construct to the one they hold!
      (Hence negs here for any view different to people's strongly held social constructs from a different belief!!)

      Realising that makes us think, rather than accept what we like to assume.

    • "Humans are evolving just backwards" -

    • +6

      So at which point did humans stop having genders and gender became a social construct?

      Around about the time that social media let stupid people have a voice :)

    • +1

      Gender has ALWAYS been a social construct! Nothing has changed.

      The difference now, is more people are just becoming aware of that. I & many others have been aware ​about that for decades.

    • +1

      i think you're confusing sex with gender. i was confused too before i spoke to my mate whose sister became his brother

  • +1

    The wrong book seems to be linked - a book by Caroline Wells called The Technique of the Mystery Story. The cover is correct, but that is all.

    • Hasn’t anyone else downloaded and looked at the contents?

      • +2

        Looked at the contents? I only collect free eBooks, I never look at the contents :P

    • Yeah I found the same error, it's the wrong book!

      • Glad someone else has noticed. I’ve alerted the OP.

        • Here is the answer from Amazon:

          Sorry to hear that. I apologize for the inconvenience to you in this regard
          Let me report this to our technical team so that this could be corrected
          Thank you bringing this to our notice. Feedback like yours helps us our improve our services and rectify our shortcomings.

          Let's hope they fix it soon.

  • -3

    I'm Catholic and smarter than everyone in this thread.

    • Try contraception…

  • Remember, we don't talk about The Decent of Man.

  • Charles Darwin - best fiction writer known to man

    Fun Fact for the day

    Macroevolution does not actually meet the scientific method and thus is not science 😆

  • grabbed species and mystic wisdom, v curious about the latter

    • The former isn’t “species”. See my post above. Better still, open the book up.

  • Chuck marries his cousin and her family origin's are porcelain. The story evolves into a comedy where non churchie Chuck ends up buried in an Abbey.

  • +1

    How did I know this thread would drag the religious nutters into the fray?
    Here's an example..
    "What is your best evidence of a transitional fossil? Is it Lucy, whose mere fragments are literally filled in with bronze which we know for certain was fabricated by a human sculptor after the fragments were discovered?"

  • Here is the answer from Amazon:

    Sorry to hear that. I apologize for the inconvenience to you in this regard
    Let me report this to our technical team so that this could be corrected
    Thank you bringing this to our notice. Feedback like yours helps us our improve our services and rectify our shortcomings.

    Let's hope they fix it soon.

    • I wonder where these support tickets actually go, perhaps there's some sort of "too hard, let's file it and hope it goes away" basket at Amazon support? It's still the wrong book, and what's worse, they're charging $5.30 for it!

  • Thanks OP. Origin of Species no longer available

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