• expired

[QLD] 23% off Usage & Supply + $0.15 Solar FIT on Origin Energy Solar Boost Plan @ Origin Energy


First post guys, please be gentle with me.
I am on Origin Solar Boost plan from last years discussion in a separate post here at OZBargain which is due to expire soon. Contacted Origin a couple of weeks ago and asked them for an extension which was rejected and was told that Origin is not offering that plan anymore. Did a bit of shopping around and found an Alinta plan which was best in the market for my situation but still ~$50-100 more expensive per bill compare to Origin. Signed up to Alinta and just received a phone call from Origin retention team and asked if I will stay if they offer same Solar Boost as my last years which I accepted without any second thought. This plan gives you 23% discount on usage and supply charges and pay 15C feed in tariff.
Just wanted to let you know that this is still offered by Origin if you are in the market and to be honest it is the best in the market (to my knowledge obviously).

You might need to ask the sales team to transfer you to the retention team if they refuse to offer this plan.

These are the charges before discount and including GST:
Supply Charge including Solar Meter: 118.12
Peak: 22.97
Controlled: 16.93

If you apply 23% on these charges, the numbers will be:
Supply Charge: 90.95
Peak: 17.68
Controlled: 13.04

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (37)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (574)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • Interesting, is anyone aware of any other providers offering above the minimum feed in tariff?

    • AGL Solar Savers

  • What are the rates you getting on Origin Solar Boost with 15c Solar FIT ?

    • Just added the rates

      • @RMM Hey mate I'm on the same deal and only got it renewed 2 month or so ago. It appears that this particular one can not be "approved" by the "normal call centre", as in when you just ring the number on their webpage.

  • Yeah would like to know this also. That is a great price for feed in tariff.

    • Just added the rates

  • I did the same back in May, moved to Alinta and the Origin offered to let me stay on the Solar boost.

    85.85 cents a day
    18.43 cents kWh
    Solar meter 6.98 cents a day
    15c FIT

    • Dang, that's pretty good. I'm on lower supply charge with Simply Energy, but only get 10c FiT.
      80.98c/day supply
      19.8c/kWh usage
      10c/kWh FiT

    • I get 23% off the rates I posted above

      • You get 23% off 18.43c/kWh - so 14.2c? in Qld?
        You're getting higher FiT than usage charges, that's crazy for these days. How do I get in on this!

        • As the OP said, you gotta already be on it. Sorry mate

      • Sounds like great rates! Are they inclusive of GST and are those rates for NSW or QLD?

        • QLD rates, but the plan is available to new comers and you gotta threaten to leave to stay on it. Alinta was the next cheapest plan for me.

  • I whacked my usage and solar figures into https://wattever.com.au/retailer-solar-feed-in-tariffs-by-st… and came out best with agl solar savers but I'm going to need a lot of sunshine as the daily charge has increased to 1.71 a day and the fit is 0.17

  • +2

    Which state?

    • Updated the Post

  • What is the daily supply rate for this plan?

  • +2

    State, distributor, costs?

  • https://electricityinabox.com.au/ is my current provider and have lowest rate according to vic energy compare.

    offpeak 14.20 c/kWh
    peak 26.48 c/kWh

    • What are the times for peak and Off peak?

      • 11pm to 7am weekdays + all day weekend

  • +2

    This plan gives you 23% discount on usage and supply charges and pay 15C feed in tariff.

    23% discount on WHAT exactly? This is the biggest marketing sham in the electricity and gas retailer industry and consumers fall for it endlessly.

    • Usually, in Vic, that is off the Victorian Default Offer. If that is the case then the percentage discount is a basis for comparison.

  • -1

    There's no point putting this deal without putting state in because in VIC and WA you won't get this FIT!

    • +1

      Sorry mate, just updated the post

  • isn't it cheaper with Globird in Vic?

    Daily charge: 0.8250
    Peak: 0.3223
    Off-peak: 0.1430
    FiT: 0.067

    plus 3% discount

  • +2

    This is for existing QLD customers on that plan that was offered a few years back. They offer to renew the plan if you stay. They don't offer this deal any other way as far as I know.

  • not looking forward to when my 21c feed in ends on AGL.

    punched our last bill into solar savers, and turns out we will only be $150 in credit instead of $370 (AGL solar savers still being the best choice)

  • I’m currently with Origin who offered me the below. Is this a good deal ?

    Supply Charge

    15.00 c/kWh solar feed-in tariff

    Daily Supply Charge
    111.50 c/day
    Usage Charges

    Peak Usage
    23.94 c/kWh
    Controlled Load 2 Usage
    18.03 c/kWh
    Solar Meter Charge
    6.98 c/day

    • What are you doing with a CL and solar?

      • …especially at those rates

    • Sounds pretty crap to me if that's after discounts.

    • Nup you're getting screwed. Keep applying pressure to get the 23% disc

  • Do you have to intend to leave first with another provider ? Or I can just call them and said I want to leave and see what they can do to retain me?

    • You have to sign on with another provider. When Origin gets the notice to switch they call with a better offer

  • What about Natural gas?

    • +1

      OK ScoMo

      • Huh? Was asking what discounts Origin can offer for retaining customers that use their main gas supply.

  • +1

    Any advice on how this is attainable for a new customer? E.g. do i call up to negotiate the deal first, or do i sign up and then negotiate?

    • Also interested - is it worth swapping for a month and they requesting a change of provider to prompt the discount?

      Currently with On by Energy Australia;

      .99 Supply
      .24926 use
      .18 export


  • Wonder if the 23% off will still work/apply if you don't have solar?

    Currently on the 23% off usage and supply charge, but my contract literally ends next week.

    • +1

      They should be able to offer this. Make sure you ask them to connect you to the retention team

  • I was offered the same deal, or 20c FIT (my previous rate).

  • +1

    For anyone out there without solar, Reamped has updated new tariffs for their Advanced plan (plan is inc GST)

    $0.1759 /kWh

    Ctrl Load 1
    $0.1266 /kWh

    Supply Charge
    $0.7821 /day

    • +1

      And 2c feed in tariff…

      Even their 'solar plan' is 5c and relatively high other charges. Not a good deal if you've got solar…

      • Why do I care about fit if I don't have solar? 🤔

  • The 'best' Origin could offer me was 20% off reference price for their 'Origin GO' plan. Rates below:

    Peak Usage - 18.1370c /kWh
    T33-Controlled Supply (Economy) - 13.5440c /kWh
    Supply Charge - 90.3240c /day
    Supple Charge Controlled Load - 2.0700c /day

    I think if you have no solar, Reamped Energy have the best rates at the moment - as per txb's comment

  • I don't understand why this doesn't have more likes?

    If after 23% these are the prices AND you get 15c feed in. It is the cheapest rate going WITH decent feed in.

    Supply Charge: 90.95
    Peak: 17.68
    Controlled: 13.04

    I'm with momentum energy and my prices are higher with only 7c Feed IN.
    I'm sure there's others like me who haven't changed to the 20C feed in deal because with old panels, you don't produce as much and the really high peak charge ~24c really doesn't work out cheaper for us small panel/low production

    • +1

      It doesn't have more votes because it appears to only available to those already on a certain plan that threaten to leave…
      Also still relatively high don't charge. But I'd only need to export 2kWh to be better off under this.

      I'd happily switch to it if I could…

  • +1

    Thanks for posting. I posted the original deal last year and like you was told I couldn't continue on this plan. Have triggered the move to Alinta a couple of days ago so hoping for the call from the retention team soon.. How long did yours take to receive?

  • +1

    Keep an eye on the phone. I kept my phone close to my heart as I knew they will call me. It took around 3 weeks or a bit less for me

  • my plan is about to expire, whos best to move to? Alinta?
    then hope to get a call back from origin to stay?
    is that the way forward?

    • Chuck your usage in here and see what pops up as best. Then hope to get a call back to stay with a better deal.

    • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/538080?page=7#comment-1087…

      just calling that number to try get renew/continue on the 23% discount and 15c FIT plan
      note that number does not go directly to the retentions team.
      1800 557 700

      • I called that number twice today.

        First time it didn't put me to the retention team and they only offered 16% off (and 5c FiT - I'm on 44c)

        Second time I asked to be transferred to the retention team and was told I was already there. Got offered the 23% and 44+5c FiT straight away.

        Rates are
        Peak: 17.46c/kWh
        T31 (CL1): 13.04c/kWh
        Daily Supply: 88.94c/day

        Was also offered NBN50 for $64 (ABB white packaged) but decided to hold off on that for now.

  • I can confirm that this works, my plan with origin 23% 15c FIT expired on the 6/08/2021, signed up to Alinta about 3 weeks ago.

    Origin retention team called today and offered the renewal of the same plan, they transferred the call to Alinta and told me to get a cancellation reference number, while speaking to the Alinta rep they counter offered me .15c per kwh and 11c FIT and even added a $50 credit.

    I am in QLD and stayed with Origin

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