Some freebie books to help you train and build muscles without looking like some cheap, non-green version of Hulk, and a cooking book with healthy meals to go along with it! ;-)
All books are highly rated and free at the time of posting.
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Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding: How To Build Muscle & Burn Fat…Without Morphing Into A Bodybuilder (Strength Training 101):
Weight Training: A Beginners Guide to Building a Leaner, Bigger, Stronger Body, Naturally and Easily (The Bigger Leaner Stronger Muscle Series Book 5):
Anabolic Kitchen: 140 Recipes for Staying Lean, Building Muscle and Staying Healthy for Men and Women (The Bigger Leaner Stronger Muscle Series Book 6):
US Links:
Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding: How To Build Muscle & Burn Fat…Without Morphing Into A Bodybuilder (Strength Training 101):
Weight Training: A Beginners Guide to Building a Leaner, Bigger, Stronger Body, Naturally and Easily (The Bigger Leaner Stronger Muscle Series Book 5):
Anabolic Kitchen: 140 Recipes for Staying Lean, Building Muscle and Staying Healthy for Men and Women (The Bigger Leaner Stronger Muscle Series Book 6):
Weight Training: A Beginners Guide to Building a Leaner, Bigger, Stronger Body, Naturally and Easily (The Bigger Leaner Stronger Muscle Series Book 5) Kindle Edition
Now $1.28