• expired
  • targeted

Spend $80-$260 in 1 or More Shops for 2 Weeks at Woolworths & Receive 4000-10000 Points @ Woolworths Rewards


Boost now to collect up to 13,200 9300 points
Spend $220 in one or more shops in-store or online to collect 3900 points in weeks 1 & 2 and unlock your 5400 points boost in week 3! Starts Monday, 5 July.*

Hi Johnny Rewards, enjoy a little more everyday with this points booster…
It's this simple:

  1. Click 'Boost now'

  2. Shop in-store or online at Woolworths and spend $220 or more in either weeks 1 or 2 to collect 3900 points

  3. Plus, if you spend $220 in both weeks, you'll unlock your 5400 points booster in week 3*

Boost now, week 1 starts Monday, 5 July.

Get ready to enjoy a little more.

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (966)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +2

    Definitely targeted

    Still a great deal though..

    • +1

      Coles provides $50 spend on 4 weeks for 10,000 points.

      • +1

        That Coles spend also varies, as discussed in the Coles Deals.

        Mine's 4 x $60 for 10000pt @Coles.
        Woolies is $100 for 5400pts.
        Can be riskier to chose Coles offers - miss a week & no 10000 points.

        • Yap Agree on that mate =)

          • +1

            @thimothiz: (I'll probably shop at Coles for next 4 weeks)

            • +1

              @INFIDEL: same here bud. Got 10k flybuys for $50 a week =) thats 25% ROI. ($50 return for $200 spent)

              • +1

                @thimothiz: I didn't realise you'd posted the Coles 10000pt Deal!
                Went back to read the comments… Saw your username.
                Thanks 👍

                I like a good ROI😉
                Although with these consumable purchases (investment implies some risk), I refer to it as PpDS (Points per Dollar Spend). Always best to maximise PpDS.

                Woolies 5400pts for $100 spend is a 54 PpDS (27% ROI).

                • @INFIDEL: Hahah all good bud. and cant agree any more with you =)

                  • @thimothiz: Just found Woolies emails offering 6000pts for 4 x $50 shops. Binned!
                    What a joke compared to Coles!!

                    • @INFIDEL: 🤣🤣🤣 seems like they are on War to attract customers this month

    • not targeted here:(

  • +5

    I got 5400 points for a $100 spend.

    • same here.

    • +1

      I got ripped.

      2 x $110 for 5000 or
      4 x $80 for 7000

      4 x $90 for 10,000


      Maybe I need to drop them both and go to Aldi / IGA for a while!

      • Or sign up a new account for more chances for targeted Rewards offers to choose from😉
        If you buy @Woolies without a Rewards card, there may be a code to earn points for signing up!

        • I have done that & now at the point where I don't want more than 2 accs per store… Too much effort!

          • +1

            @nismo: Just look for the best offers & bin the rest. The more accounts, generally the more & better targeted offers to chose from.

            I ONLY use my accounts for bonus points offers. So most are rarely used. All Rewards cards stored on Woolworths Money app.

            Got 9400pts for $50+ spend last week using 4 Rewards accounts. Hardly any extra effort for $47 credit.

            Week before, there were the Top Up to 2000pts offers for 1c min spend
            Got 8300pts with a little boosting & few minutes shopping - buying a piece of fruit on each (of 5) Rewards card.

            • @INFIDEL: Your offers are good!

              • @grasstown: I get the usual crap offers as well - just choose the best offers on the different Rewards accounts. Only use the cards for good bonus points offers.

  • What the hell are you guys spending to get these offers. I got 3000 points for $100 spend (across multiple shops luckily but only one week).

    • +1

      Mate, I've got a bunch of hungry kids. Generally do one big shop a week, which lasts through and costs about $250.

      If I'm a little short for a special offer then just chuck in some booze (or other non-perishables) - as mentioned: kids.

    • I don’t know that it’s about what you spend. I shop at Woolworths maybe once or twice a month but I just saw I’ve got 5400 points for a $100 spend in one or more shops. They did try their best a few weeks ago when I got offers in one week alone for 2000 points for any spend at Big W, which I got for a $1 chocolate, and 2000 points for any spend at Woolworths which again I got with a $1 chocolate, and 1800 points for a $50 spend which I didn’t bother boosting. I get most of my points from buying booze at BWS and I barely get any decent offers from them.

      • I got the Big W one but noticed it too late, $10 worth for buying a $1 bar, wish I’d managed to get it on time!

      • BigW was a great deal. I ended up getting this on 4 accounts. Bought some 50c UHU glue sticks we needed

    • +1

      Only spend lately was last week:
      $50 for 3100 pts + another 300pts.
      3 x 15c bags for 3x 2000pts @BigW.

      The 9400 =$47 instant Rewards credit almost covers the $50+ total spend!

      Now 5400pts for $100.
      It helps to have more than 1 Rewards account & choose the best offers.

    • I got offered 1000 points. Grubs

  • +1

    Mine is 1000 points for $100 spend but only for 1 week.

  • Not clear if you spend $220 in both weeks and you will receive 3900 for each week plus the 5400 booster. Possible just 3900 + 5400?

  • Mine’s pretty sweet…
    Shop to collect 5400 points Spend $100 in one or more shops, in-store at Woolworths to collect 5400 points. Starts Monday, 05 July ends Sunday, 11 July

    • Me too. But I'd typically honestly struggle to spend that much in a week at Woolworths. I guess stock up on canned foods?

  • I got $80 for 4000 over two weeks

  • 👍😁

  • panic buying here I come!

    oops one week late darn

  • +3

    I got a crappy one- "Boost now to collect 3x points
    On every shop in-store or online at Woolworths from Monday, 5 July until Sunday, 11 July.*"

    • +1

      mine is even worse, only 2x points

  • Nada

  • I got mine. Spend $260 each week over the 2 weeks for 10,000 points.

  • 2300 points for spending $50 in one shop.

  • -1

    What can you do with the points? How many tens of thousands of points do you need to redeem something worth $25?

    • +2

      2000 WW points convert to 1000 Qantas FF, 6000 (Jetstar) or 8000 (Qantas) one way to Melbourne.

      Or just bank the points for cash towards your Xmas shop.

    • +3

      Every 2000 points turns into a $10 credit for your next shop or whenever you decide to use it.

  • 5000 pts for spending $110 for 2 weeks.

  • +1

    Just received an email an hour ago. Spend $50 in one shop and receive 3100 points. First time to receive such a good offer since I signed up

  • Mine much better.

    3100 points when spend $50. 🤪🤪

    • +2

      3500 here for $50 lol

      • Only got 1800 for $50

        • Mine is spend $90 in one or more shops in-store or online at Woolworths to collect 800 points each week.

  • $30, $40, $50 spend for 1000, 2000, 3000 points.
    25% average if finishing all 3 weeks, not too bad Woolies…

  • +2

    $50 spend 6000pts
    Stacks with $70 spend for 2000 qff points boost by 18/7

  • +4

    Got Nothing! I got Nothing!!! 😳

    • +1

      You seem excited! 😀

    • here, here! same here!

  • 3500 pts for $100 over 2 weeks. Still OK.

  • +3

    Geez I got screwed. 1000 points for 160 spend each week. Will use Coles this month out of disgust.

    • +2

      I got the same. Second account got 3000 for $30 a week spend. Bizarre algorithm.

      • For how many weeks. If only one we have a winner.

        • Over 3 weeks unfortunately. $90 total spend.

  • I got 1800 points for 50 spend. Not bad, not great

  • Coles has increased prices on almost everything. Is it same with woolworths ?

  • Mine is spend $120 all up for 6,000 pts

  • Silly question but I clicked 'Boost now' and want to look back and see what the actual offer was now, I.e. How much spend required for this week and next week to qualify for the 5000points as opposed to Ops offer I believe my offer only required a $150 spend. But now I can't seem to find the details anywhere on app? Any ideas?

    • Original email?
      Should reappear under available offers tab

  • I saw the offer details on the app. After after accepting the offer by clicking on 'Boost now' I closed the app. Now after reopening app I don't see anything other than individual item offers… Weird?

    • +1
    • Thanks mate legend. I never installed the rewards app as I just accepted the offer off the Woolies app… Crap integration between the two.

  • +1

    $50 for 3,100 points :)

    • Me too, pretty good, 31% off.

  • $255 for 1600 pts, two weeks

    • +1

      $305 for 1600 pts for the same period for me. Stuff off Woolies. Seems like you're tailoring deals to push up prior spend. That's pathetic. My $100 spend per week should be no less valuable than the next persons $100 spend per week.

  • +2

    $390 per week for 6500 points……….no thank you

  • 450pts with 30$ spend lol

  • +1

    My dad has not been sent one of these offers in months, if not years. I guess its because he always uses his card for Woolworths shops.

    I get offers maybe every month or so, but they are no where near as good as they used to be.

  • I got spend $155 / week for 4 weeks to earn 13,000. Slightly higher than my usual shop of $120/130 a week.

  • Coles is the most generous with offers for me. I've for $160 spend for 4 weeks to get 10,000 pts. Wollies has an offer 10x points.

    • You need more accounts. Mine are usually $50 and $60 spend for 4 weeks for 10,000 points plus 1,000 points for each week done online. So up to 35% off. Plus often the first week can be combined with a one week offer.

      • I'll give it a try.. but i'm wondering these offers mostly likely calculated by machine learning algorithms that profiles every customers and their spend. Creating multiple account and using the same payment method (bank card) might not be good enough to trick the system. Just my thought.

        • I also wonder if at Woolworths it’s linked to what is bought. I rarely but the half price every second week stuff, so I assume that is why I get 3x. Probably not enough profit on the stuff I get.

  • -1

    I got 5400 points when I spend $100 in one or more shops.

    Just need a little clarification, is that a minimum of $100 for each shop or can I do two $50 shops.

    • Look at the fine print, it can vary.
      I did not neg you.

  • I got $60 spend each week for 4 weeks = 6,000 points.

  • Being with flybuys and letting the Woolworth rewards dusting for a while, I got spending $60 to get 600 points. A decent 5% off not bad.

    • +1

      Lol. I wouldn't call that decent. Looks like you're easy to please

      • indeed I was just trying to be polite. lol

    • Not decent at all. See my comment above about 35% off.

      • certainly not. Wondering why? Since I haven't used it for a while even with getting 10% off once a month through Woolworth car insurance shouldn't they promote harder for getting the customer back from competitor?
        What is its the strategy of the WW reward systems? I read people posting about the idea of having multiple flybuys cards with only one actively used at a period of time till the reward threshold getting too high then switch to the other which was put to sleep for a while and everything should have fallen off.

  • $120 for 4000 points

  • Is it just me or can you never see the boostable offers on the website?

    • Not on Woolies site, these are sent to you (targeted) in emails or on the Rewards App.

  • It can get annoying with these offers sometimes. Especially when you order for the target amount and the final amount drops below the target after Coles/woolies are done adjusting prices for variable weight products or out of stock items. Then the bonus points don't get credited and you've to chase it up. Happened with Flybuys a few times this year and now with everyday rewards.

    • Others have reported success by contacting them. It's a pain!
      Otherwise add an extra item to help ensure the points payout.

      • +1

        Yes, they always add the points without any fuss but it's a pain to followup. Spent 25 mins on chat with woolies to get 5400 credited. For flybuys I now have a template email to followup where I just change dates and points.

        Extra items don't always work well, my original order was $110.xx for a $100 target and adjusted order ended up being $88.xx after they selected variable weight for different meats.

        • 25 min! Definitely not worth the frustration!
          Also an issue for out of stock items.
          I used to include items I knew were OOS, so I spent far less to get same points. Woolies wised up to that.

          As I mainly shop in store - not an issue for me now.

    • Happened to me twice. Easily fixed just by adding a $1 Mars bar at the self checkout.

  • 3100 points for $50 spend

  • Some of the best deals from Woolies that I received this week are:
    * Spend $50 in one shop each week over 2 weeks for 3,500 points
    * Spend $50 in one shop each week over 4 weeks for 6,000 points
    * Spend $145 in one or more shops each week for 4 weeks for 13,000 points

  • I think I got a better deal with Coles.

    Woolies: 3 x $30 = 3,000 points.

    Coles: 4 x $50 = 10,000 points (+ 1,000 points each week if $10 of that spend is on selected Coles brand)

    So that’s a $15 ROI for $90 spend at Woolies (17%), but a $70 for a $200 spend at Coles (35%)

    • That said, I could quite easily rock both these details at once for a $85, 29% ROI. Not too shabby.

  • Follow up on this - got my full rewards from Coles, but Woolworths refused to recognise the offer, and demanded I send them proof, which of course is impossible because the promotion is no longer active.

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