Hi Guys,
I think I may have run a red light at Toorak Road. Is there anyone here who has requested a waiver from Traffic Vic and been successful?
Hi Guys,
I think I may have run a red light at Toorak Road. Is there anyone here who has requested a waiver from Traffic Vic and been successful?
No. Life endangering offence.
I may have run a red light
You should be thankful you didn’t cause an accident.
Is there anyone here who has requested a waiver from Traffic Vic and been successful…
Yes!! (said no-one ever!) 😊
See the funny thing is that it is actually incredibly difficult to run a red. Being that you have to stop when you see an Amber…..
Tell that to the idiots driving
I can't think of any red light cameras on Toorak Rd. Where do you think it is?
Prob the one corner of Toorak Road and Burke Road (Camberwell) or the one near the Church where it crosses Punt Road
Oh yeah, always forget it's still called Toorak Rd past the freeway.
OP does the crime, so must pay the fine :)
Were you driving a Topeka Tractor? Some exemptions apply for those.
What is a Topeka tractor? An F350? RAM?
Damn you auto correct. Toorak tractor.
Have you tried not running red lights? I hear that there is a 100% exemption rate for people who don’t run red lights.
Keen to hear the excuse you are going to use with ReVeNuE Vicwegia. Give us that and let the court of OzBargain determine your waiver.
Another desktop warrior who is frustrated with life.. How hard is it to give a normal response..
Another desktop warrior who is frustrated with road rules.. How hard is it to stop at red lights..
So sorry you aren’t getting the confirmation bias you came looking for. Have you tried Whirlpool, I’ve heard they are much nicer…
InB4: @DisabledUser184736 or “penalty box”
You’re on OzB mate.
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Hi guys, I think I might have hit someone in my car on Toorak road. Anyone here gotten a waiver for manslaughter?
OzBargain money saving tip - Don't run Red Lights
Make sure the check brain light isn’t on next time you go driving and you probably won’t run a red light.
There is a red light camera on Toorak road - Punt Road running South to North
Thanks Emblurr
need a good popcorn deal for this thread
pL3as3 h3lP m3 w4iV3 r3D l1gHt 1nfr1nG3menT
My first traffic offence in 38 yrs of driving was running a red light…… Was a right turn light, after midnight, crossing was deserted, just didn't see it…. honest mistake.
500 - something dollars. No leniency of the fine…. despite first offence…… It did make me wonder of what purpose the fine would serve in my particular case….
Teach me a lesson? I know the lesson… have stuck to it for 38 years, had no intention of breaking the law. The fine has made it no more or less likely that it will happen again.
Punishment? Perhaps, but again, the act was not a deliberate act, and my punishment will not affect whether it will happen again as it was not intentional in the first place.
Revenue raising/fulfilling targets? - again, possibly. I don't normally pay any 'driving offences tax', (plenty of others to do that). In this instance, it's actually better for me to continue to break the law from a govt perspective.
I imagine it probably boils down to being too expensive to investigate and take into account individual circumstances
Sorry but failure to pay attention isn't an excuse…first offence or not.
Indeed not, and I am not offering it as an excuse, inattention was certainly the reason for the offence. It's never been an issue before as my previous history shows. However, I am now no more or less likely to do it again, despite the fine, making me wonder about the fine's purpose.
Thanks Andy for such an insightful response, I am one of you- had a cousin who is 39 and pregnant- suffers from gestation diabetes and was feeling unwell. While managing her illness, I made an error as we were rushing to the chemist to get an over the counter test….
$454 is a massive fine for a first timer…
Thanks once again Andy…
As I said, I think the cost of administering and deciding individual circumstances would be too great, so it probably works out better for all concerned to be a 'blanket ruling' unfortunately.
I can agree with you that fines don’t really prevent accidents as it’s an after the fact thing. More visible police on roads would make people slow down.
However, the fine definitely does have an effect on the future. I got done doing 60 in a 50 zone which I stupidly assumed it was a 60 being 4 lanes with a medium strip separating. $100 or so and no points, but you can guarantee I watched for speed signs way more vigilantly after that happened for a good few months even with a small fine like that.
I had only had a licence for 10 years at that point but had no previous fines. I still didn’t bother fighting it because $100 wasn’t worth my time and I knew it was my screw up. Accept and move on at the end of the day.
Thread closed due to personal attacks.
Coming up next on things you’ll never get…