How to Stop to Unwelcome Calls from Yuan Pay Group?

I put my name and phone number into a registration site for (

I was very foolish and have learned a valuable lesson. I've since received more than 40 calls from different numbers harassing me for more information. The numbers appear to come from Sydney or Melbourne though I suspect are virtual numbers from overseas. Some examples are 0383738614, 0272018990, 0272018986. The person calling will sometimes give me their name. Some have stated they are from London, another Sydney. I read another forum advising it is best to state you are recording the call and simply repeat "please add me to the do not call list" however they won't remove my number from their database.

One actually threatened to share my details further and to expect calls at all hours. They do not seem to care when I mention I will pass on their details to the police. Out of spite, I actually used the numbers that were calling me to register new accounts so at least they were harassing each other however there is no answer or an automated message when I try to return a call. I also thought of speaking quietly so they turn up their volume then blowing a whistle into the receiver however have discovered modern phones have noise limiters. I've reported offending numbers to Scamwatch.

Any other suggestions would be most welcome.


  • +9

    Only answer calls from your known Contacts and ignore everything else. Simple yet effective.

    • Thanks. I'm now adopting this strategy and hopefully the calls will diminish.

  • +2

    speaking quietly so they turn up their volume then blowing a whistle into the receiver

    So 70s and 80s. I forgot that one. Someone should make a whistle app for this very purpose.

  • How to Respond to Unwelcome Calls from Yuan Pay Group?

    Why, what were they offering that influenced you to give up your contact details?

    • from google
      Yuan Pay Group is China's official crypto-based currency and the only one backed by the government itself.

      prolly wanted to get rich fast or was dealing drugs

    • Just trying to get in early on a new crypto after a friend had mentioned Yuan. I did quite well on Dogecoin through Coinspot. Yuan Pay Group had a fairly convincing front. I'm lucky I didn't provide any other information.

  • harassing me for more information

    What kind of info? Do they say they're from Yuan Group specifically?

  • +1

    I detest scam callers and do a decent amount of scam baiting, so have a wall of text. You have two options to get rid of them, either piss them off to the point of them giving up, or just filter them out if you have access to call filtering services.

    For filtering, iPhone, Pixel/Google and Samsung each have their own scam call services. There's a bunch of 3rd party services as well of dubious quality, Should I Answer is the best free service, Hiya (Built into Samsung too) is the best paid service (with a lackluster free version).

    For pissing them off, it depends on your skills. Please remember that the people doing this are human, most of whom are doing it as a means to support themselves and their families where few economic opportunities exist. They deserve to be baited regardless, because the more of their time you waste, the less profitable it becomes for the people running those operations, and the less vulnerable people they can scam. But only the ones that could easily get a real job but still decide to hurt our vulnerable for profit deserve to be screwed with; if they speak fluent English and can work a computer then there would be legitimate jobs available, so no limits on abuse because they're almost certainly awful people. Everyone else just gets their time wasted, because they probably hate doing it as much as you hate them.

    Are you tech savvy? You can setup an instance of Lenny on a Raspberry Pi with a voip number (i.e. NBN phone service), which is an AI chatbot of an old deaf man that's been designed to waste as much of their time as possible. They call you, you conference call in Lenny using the voip number, then let it play out with funny outcomes: You get a bunch of funny clips while pissing them off, but it's only technically legal in states with 1 party consent for phone recording like Victoria.

    Are you a good actor? Derail the hell out of them, make them uncomfortable, create awkward silences, make it fun. Hearing them try to bring me back to their script after that is hilarious, if they get more serious then get more silly.

    I enjoy aggressively hitting on male scammers over the phone, because I've found that nothing makes them more uncomfortable than a masculine voice telling them that they have a sensual voice. I'll segue everything they say into creepy overly specific compliments, advances or treat it like they're roleplaying with me ('You have such a sensual voice, I wish I could trap you in a bottle and listen to you forever like the ocean in a seashell', 'Oh I love it when you talk dirty to me Mr Taxman, how are you going to punish me for being such a baaaad boy and not paying my taxes?', 'Are you suuuuuure you can't come over and tell me this in person, maybe over drinks? Oh you're not in xyz, where are you? Can you pick me up from the airport? I'm taking the next plane over').

    For female scammers I'll usually just talk over them and ask them to repeat themselves and then immediately talk over them again, often asking them to repeat themselves as they're in the middle of talking. Works super well for getting them angry and frustrated, incredibly misogynistic but they never call back.

    If you're not tech savvy or can't be bothered then there's an absolutely fool proof way to piss off scammers or spammers, that can be done on any phone. Let them call you, talk for a tiny bit, and make up an excuse to leave the phone muted. My go to is "Ah crap, the baby is screaming, give me a minute", or if I'm feeling dramatic "SPIKE!!! WHAT THE F**K IS IN YOUR MOUTH, PUT IT DOWN NOW BOY PUT IT DOWN". Leave them until they hang up, it's fun keeping track of how long you can keep them waiting for you, my record was 36 minutes.

    • Thank for for this detailed and considered reply. It's given me a few things to think about. My plan at this stage would be to explore filtering and also set my message bank greeting to the pre-recorded "We're sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel this is in error, please check the number dialed, and please try again."

  • I tried signing up but keep getting an error message. Are you sure this is the correct URL

  • Get a new phone number and never enter it anywhere online.

  • All you have to do is don’t answer the numbers that you don’t know, so simple.

    • For the most part. I run a dual SIM phone with my personal and business numbers so frequently take calls from unfamiliar numbers. When on car Bluetooth, the display doesn't let me know which SIM is currently receiving the call.

  • One thing you can do is to answer the call, but then not say anything.

    If it's someone who knows you personally & wants to speak with you, then they'll definitely say "hello" to see if someone's there.

    On the other hand, the automated software of the spam callers will interpret the silence as your phone going to voice-mail, and it will then automatically hang-up.

  • +1

    i am a bit old fashioned, i just hang up.

  • or you could have some fun with them.
    ask them, in a sultry tone, what are you wearing?
    I'm wearing leopard spot bikini pants, is there any way i can send a picture to you?
    I look like nicole kidman with a long gray beard, does that excite you?
    most times they hang up …..very quickly
    but I have had to up the ante occasionally lol

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