This was posted 3 years 8 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Breville the Smart Oven Pizzaiolo Benchtop Oven $999 + Shipping / CC @ Harvey Norman


20% off, not a bargain, post to see thoughts.

Capable of heating up to 400-degrees Celsius, the Breville the Smart Oven Pizzaiolo Benchtop Oven makes it easy to quickly prepare delicious, wood-fired style pizza in 2 minutes through replicating 3 heat types (conductive, radiant, and convective) produced by traditional brick ovens

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +2

    Woah that price. This looks like it should be more like $299!

    • Yeah that would be great at $299 lol

      • +3

        Only if theres a further cashback.

    • +1

      Work related expenses? :)

      • why not lol? if you work from home, this relates to your lunch time setup

  • Slightly cheaper than the Qantas deal ($1,007.69 + 2000 points delivered, earning 2015 points back):

  • +10

    20% off, not a bargain, post to see thoughts.

    proceeds to post on ozbargain as a deal

    • -8

      I think this belongs in the forums

    • should one use the forum instead?

      • +2

        I reported it and asked mod to move to forum

        The outcome of the review for this content is: No action taken.

        As always the community decides if it's a good deal or not. For bad deals / items cheaper elsewhere - please use the negative vote button within our voting guidelines giving an appropriate reason… . Thanks

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      • @blueboy410 Huh?

  • Bit small innit.

    • +1

      Good luck coordinating 2+ pizzas at a time when they cook in 90 seconds.

      • -2

        I was just thinking that myself! Also, if you're going to spend this much on a pizza oven then surely you're putting some prettty damn good home made pizzas in there. Just because you save 3 mins on cooking time doesn't negate all the time you need to spend prepping the dough and toppings. And cleaning up! So you're probably saving about 5% of the total prepping/cooking time.

        The alternative being that you could just order pizza from your favourite pizza place.

        • Yep I own this oven, and exactly as you mentioned with the prep etc. I can only just manage to keep up making one at a time.

        • +7

          The point of cooking in 2 minutes is not just to save time. By cooking at such a high temperature, the air expands in the crust BEFORE the dough has cooked solid, and wont rise anymore. This creates the trademark neapolitan pizza crust (they call it cornicone).

          The alternative being that you could just order pizza from your favourite pizza place

          As long as theyre cooking proper 400c woodfire oven pizza, then sure… but at $20-$25 a pop you may find a pizza oven pays for itself.
          For what it's worth I have an Ooni, which paid for after about 5 pizza nights with a couple of friends. The equation would obviously take longer with this breville. Major benefit I see of the Breville over Ooni/Roccbox is
          - not needing to be outdoors
          - not having to turn the pizza
          - dont need fuel

          • @WillisAU: That's the point, it maybe good for cooking classes they have, nice and good looking to have, easy to store, doesn't need whole a lot of space, much cheaper than commercial pizza ovens, it gives a good ambient vibes to the kitchen.

          • @WillisAU: Cornicione.

          • @WillisAU: what fuel do you use the ooni for?

            is propane gas ok?

            • @furythree: I've used it with pellets (no good), then wood chunks which are a lot better than pellets, but a bit unstable, and were starting to cause warping in the body of the oven. I got the gas burner attachment, it works a treat. Not sure if theres some difference between propane and the regular bbq gas bottles..

              • @WillisAU: thanks i was considering one of these with gas . sounds like its the way to go

                can you go hybrid with gas and wood for flavour

                • @furythree: theres no flavour from wood, thats a bit of a myth. Your fire should be burning so hot and clean that there is no smoke to flavour the pizza. Others will disagree with this, there are huge debates on the ooni facebook groups about it, but thats my experience ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯​

                  • @WillisAU: i have anecdotally felt the same but good to know that at these temperatures that it doesnt matter

                    im assuming in other situations like charcoal bbq where fat renders onto coals, that may have an effect on flavour vs gas

  • Why wouldn't you just buy a Gozni or Roccbox?

    • +1

      This can be used indoors (and doesn't require fuel).

      • Fair enough, electric powered and indoor for an extra $200 makes sense

        • +3

          Yeah exactly!

          Nice to have the option of both if you can! (Planning on grabbing a Gozney Dome or Ooni Pro for outdoors once renos are done!) :)

      • Why not buy a MasterPro Pizza oven? Then Cold Smoke the Pizza? Hell, at this price you can just buy the Anova Precision Oven.

    • what he said. and gozney make the roccbox.

      • Yeh, I noticed my mistake after I commented lol

      • +2

        Pretty sure he meant Ooni. :)

        • Yep, that's what I meant thanks!

    • how big is the Gozney? Site doesn't have any dimensions

    • I considered this before ended up going Roccbox.

      Ultimately it came down to the warranty. 2 years on electronics I can't easily get fixed vs some gas fittings. If this had a longer warranty I probably would have ended up with it.

      • +1

        I believe you could argue under consumer law that as the item is priced at the high end of such items that if you had issues outside of a 12mth warrsnty and within 2 years that it didn't meet the reliability of such a product given the cost. Mind you if Breville don'y come to the party then you would need to take it to small claims etc.

  • +1

    I have been somewhat tempted by this since it came out. I've been using a pizza box on the BBQ for a few years now, but was looking for an upgrade. After reading earlier OZB posts I instead recently bought the MasterPro Pizza Oven for $99 (less Prime Day cashback). I have made one batch of 4 pizzas and they turned out pretty great. I'm sure the Breville would be a bit better, but not 10x better!

  • If it was $500 I'd almost impulse buy this thing. But at $1000 although I can see the value in it, I'd fire up my wood-fired oven.

    • -1

      Regardless if it is $1000, $50, or $5000. It will never replace a wood oven.

  • I see this thing under $500 in six months time, people scoff at the cost

  • +4

    Thanks OP, this will be great to heat up Dr Oetker Ristorante Pizza i bought half price from Coles :)

      • +1

        I don’t know why I watched this, but I do love pizza. Her cutting a slice off with kitchen scissors got me laughing though, thanks OP! 😂

        • All good, we all need a bit of entertainment during lockdowns :)

      • Yea but I personally wouldn't spend $999 on a dedicated indoor pizza oven. I wouldn't use it frequently enough to justify it lol

  • +1

    Hubby: "Honey, look, a pizza oven! Let's get it! Only a $1000! It's a deal! Crunchy pizza is within our reach!"
    Wifey: "Is it a combo oven?"
    Hubby: "No, it's a pizza oven."
    Wifey: "Does it have a self-cleaning option?"
    Hubby: "No, but it heats up to 400 C!"
    Wifey: "… I`ll be at my mom's place if you need me."

  • +12

    I've got one from the Qantas store that I paid $890 for.

    I make neapolitan style pizzas twice a week in it and it's great

    Before people scoff at the price you need to realise that to some people pizza making is a hobby and it's not possible to make a neapolitan style pizza with an oven that doesn't reach 400C+. The alternatives to this (albeit slightly cheaper ~$700) are either a Gozney or a an Ooni outdoor oven, but both require fuel, time to heat and a large outdoor area, some people don't have any of these.

    If you don't think a market for a product like this exists, check out this thread with 3K posts about this exact oven and its results over the last 3 years.

    • Exactly. It's really the only serious consumer-level electric deck oven suitable for all pizza styles. Compared to commercial equivalents that cost many thousands of dollars, it is quite a reasonable price.

      I make exclusively NY style pizza, so am happy enough using a baking steel in a household oven. But if I were in to Neapolitan pizzas, this would be a must have.

  • +1

    For those who are REALLY serious about their pizzas.

  • +1

    Had my eye on this, I cant justify the $1k. Sale ends today tho.

    • You don't have to buy it bro!

  • +1

    I was looking for Pizza Oven and came across this electric one…
    There is another model with double deck as well, but seem it need 15amp as it is 3000W.
    I did not buy yet. Any thought and how it compare to this Breville?

    • Maximum temperature is 350 °C versus the Breville's 400 °C. That makes a difference for certain pizza styles.
      It looks overall pretty low quality, especially the way the deck is bolted in like that. Cleaning it would be a nightmare. The deck material is also probably low quality and likely doesn't have the thermal characteristics required. The Breville unit on the other hand is well known amongst pizza hobbyists and has proven itself very capable.

    • Just did a quick bit of research on this. Looks great.

      Found a few videos and you can take out the ceramic plate at the bottom pretty easily. I think it would be fine for cleaning.

      Looks very compelling for the price……

      has some reviews:

      Not the exact same but very similar.

  • +1

    Currently available for $979 from The Good Guys Commercial (for those that have membership).

  • +1

    You can wait for Aldi's copycat version for under $199 in coming months…?

  • For the Pizza geeks, my wall oven goes to 300c and makes a pretty good pizza. Does the 100 degrees make a big difference?

    • +3

      Yep, it does!

  • i started my diet on monday, seeing this is making my mouth water

  • Ah yes, this will be perfect for my McCain's.

    • +2

      The product video does actually say that it works for frozen so you’re bang on champion

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