A. vodafone deal: (29+16)x24 - 29x2 = 1022 / 2 years on a $29 plan
B. this deal: 569 + 11x24 + 20 = 853 / 2 years on Tribe 11 (Series 1)
your answer?
A. vodafone deal: (29+16)x24 - 29x2 = 1022 / 2 years on a $29 plan
B. this deal: 569 + 11x24 + 20 = 853 / 2 years on Tribe 11 (Series 1)
your answer?
I have never had a issue with them. bought a few lens through them.
I didn't meant it in that way. No problems with DWI, just too many repeat whingers.
I'm not on your home made list.
What is the purpose of your misleading statement?
Never had an issue with them. Bought some lens and a Canon S95 off them back about 3 and 4 months ago.
I've never actually heard anything bad about them, what makes you say this?
Bad experience with DWI…
I recon since this is a phone, it will end up being the same story as the Galaxy Note.
Go to Handtec instead. Much more reliable.
Live connected and TPG = single band 3G @ 2100mhz. It's ok most of the time if the dropouts and unable to get a decent 3G signal does not bother you much. I have used TPG and Virgin Mobile at the same time, I even exchanged sim+ phone combinations. Single band 2100mhz 3G just drops out more and it is harder to get a decent connection.
2100mhz spectrum is crowded with users, it is also less penetrating (indoors and foliage) than 900mhz and 850mhz. That is why it is cheap.
According to
they use both bands.
Why do you think they only use the 2100MHz band?
I am considering switching to LiveConnected so I would like know the evidence for that.
I am positive they recently changed the website. To my recall, and I am quite positive though not entirely sure, a few days ago that said single band 3G. Everyone uses 2G dual band but not everyone uses 3G dual band, especially the cheap providers. A few days ago I was researching and I found out LC like TPG use single band 3G. Here is a link to TPGs.
This may explain why.
What does Live Connected mean by Migration
In short - we're cutting out the middle man.
At the moment we (Live Connected) resell the services of a reseller of Optus.
Pretty soon, we will be cutting out the middleman, and be working directly with Optus.
So if Live Connected are going 900/2100mhz 3G UMTS and dealing straight with Optus similar to Virgin, more power to live connected and I will switch to LC myself. But I have a nagging feeling they just changed the wording to be ambiguous and still are using single band 3G.
They're just an Optus Reseller. Basically you're just getting Optus.
No they are a reseller of a reseller. Like what the link says.
They were a reseller of a reseller (Telco in a box), but they made a change roughly a year ago and deal directly with Optus now.
The Vodafone 850MHz network performs well.
They are dual band, but Optus don't clearly specify what is 2100 and what is 900. I believe the majority is 2100MHz and some regional areas have 900MHz coverage.
My phone is a Next-G handset which only supports 2100MHz with Optus and I have no issues with 3G reception apart from a few black spots. In two instances at least I can remember having better coverage where friends with Telstra didn't have any data (surprised me a lot).
Not saying they are better - far from it, just suggesting I haven't had any issues with Optus coverage where I am.
Not a very good reputation online…
That's not what I'm reading on whirlpool
at your risk. you've been warned.good luck!
Yet I've had a very good luck with DWI contrary to what happened to me locally with two dodgy and well known merchants selling ex display (equals to second hand) camera and video camera as brand new.
You only realise that when you see the original battery drops the charge after a week!
Your only choice is to give up or struggle with hopeless complaints.
As you can guess I won't anymore buy from local big names.
Thanks for good wish!
Edit: I just checked your profile, you're one of those who has posted advertising from the "MOST" complained companies (scam companies) around, telling about impartiality and trolling??
@deadhunt: I dont have any idea which retailer are you talking about. Probably Kogan. But a least they dont have "WE DO NOT MAKE LOSS FOR ANY ORDER" and at least good after sale service. Read Whirlpool forum form A to Z and you'll understand. DWI is only good for fast delivery (excluding those who orders galaxy note) but most customer suffer if anything bad happens after that period. Their customer support in the country is unreachable too
Then you aren't reading recent threads.
I've bought over 7k of DSLR gear from them, and the worst experience I've had was when I had to go through their (somewhat over the top) security/identity check before they would ship my lens.
Was a bit of a hassle since I was overseas (intended to land back in Oz and receive my lens the next day) and obviously couldn't answer my landline or access my work email to verify my details with them etc. In the I end had to wait til I got back to Oz and scan my drivers license to them. They dispatched my lens 2 days later via Fedex.
Apart from that though, I've found DWI to be pretty fast and reliable in shipping stuff out. They use Fedex priority which takes 2 days to get to me from HK, which is great.
Haven't had to deal with their their after-sales support yet (thankfully), but from what I've read they're just like your typical HK sellers - i.e. non existent after-sales support
Haven't had to deal with their their after-sales support yet (thankfully),
Post back when you have, until then you can only say they shipped the stuff you paid for.
Their aftersales service is amazingly bad.
Never bought phones from them, but the 20k+ worth of camera gear, and 2k+ worth of tablets I've purchased, were always delivered using FedEx in 3-5 days (DWI -> Perth).
Same here, I got a good product, good delivery and most important the cheapest price.
yeah you did. just pray nothing happened after sale. good luck!
Bought over 3k worth of camera gear and a galaxy note from them. Apart from a hard to reach call centre in Australia, all goods were delivered 3 days after order was placed
I'm still waiting for my Note from December.
A heap of us got hit with extra costs ($30) because they wouldn't ship the order at the original price completed at checkout.
Pretty shit service?
Totally agree! I am still waiting my Note too.
I bought mine early dec and received it promptly. Price went up to 650 a day after. Bought it for the 599 sale price
Galaxy tab 8.9 3G for $434 seems like a good price. Anyone bought one from them? Do they issue a tax invoice?
They don't have an ABN.
Not to mention they don't include GST.
That is a good price. Cheaper than the 7.7 wifi? I think it might be wrong pricing. And with the kind of service DWi has, your money might be stuck with them for a while if they do not honor the price.
DWI.. Never trust them, never buy from them.
Read more about their deceit here:
Oh, and you can forget about claiming warranty, a guy on whirlpool put a request through a month ago and has been totally ignored.
Read the reviews here:
Thanks for the links.
Will definitely avoid due to the reviews and posts of previous problems with DWI.
Hey i thought Ozbargain was about THE DEAL NOT THE COMPANY.! seems we have double standards and people that are affiliated with Liveconnect but not admitting to it…pretty poor OZ
You can't have one without the other.
DWI failed to deliver the deal they promised… asking extra $30 after a sale? is that a joke? or a scam?
How do you explain that 7 weeks on I still heven't received my order and they're not replying to my emails about an ETA?
I'm just duly warning other Ozbargainers to avoid them, so they don't get stuck in my situation where they have $600 of my money and I have no product or recourse…
go to hardly normal or jb and get all the support you need.
If they do give out refunds.. That's gd enough for me
Hate ss for the galaxy S2 deals.. But I dun neg every single deals
It's cheap and there's always a reason.
trust is something very hard to gain back
unfortunately, a bad experience for me too.
I've only had 1 buying experience from DWI (through their own site, not Ebay), and so far it hasn't been good, with them taking orders and payment for items they knew they had no stock of. Reading their Ebay feedback now suggests this happens a bit.
I bought couple of items, paying for extended warranty and priority shipping, worked out at around $640. They took payment from my account right away. The next day I got an email from them saying they don't actually have one of the items in stock, so they have put my WHOLE order (even the instock item) on backorder and it would be sent in around 2 weeks when they get stock. So much for the priority shipping!
I checked their site again for an alternative, and found that even though they had told me there would be no stock for 2 weeks, the item was still there on their site for people to order and pay for.
I emailed them back telling them to cancel the backorder, refund me the cost of that item and shipping, and get the in stock item sent ASAP. I was tempted to just wait, but the backorder item is now in stock elsewhere cheaper anyway. I also commented to them that it was highly deceptive behaviour to still be taking orders and payments for the item they knew they had no stock of. Another full day passed before they replied saying they would cancel the backorder and get the instock item in the mail the next day. So it's going to be 3 days after payment before my "Priority order" even gets put into the post (at least I hope it will). My order on their site still hasn't changed (list both items), and I don't know how long I will be waiting for the partial refund. Small mercy is 2 days later they have finally taken the out of stock item down off their site.
C: everyone will cry about DWI's poor service.