You can request a 1 year free account for this very useful and nice app if you cannot afford it - they grant 100% of the requests.
Please only ask for a free account if you are actually going to use it, not just for "hoarding" freebies.
You can request a 1 year free account for this very useful and nice app if you cannot afford it - they grant 100% of the requests.
Please only ask for a free account if you are actually going to use it, not just for "hoarding" freebies.
He offers this for people who can't afford it, it's not meant to be something that is abused…
Hopefully the community does the right thing.
edit: I personally use the Headspace app.
If you are a school educator with a .edu email you can get headspace for free.
Really? how?
I have a support role at a school, not teaching and succesfully activated the offer. They give you a discount code that gives whatever account you activate it on a year of subscription so you can use it on your existing personal account rather than having to create a new one under your work email which avoids you losing all your current stats.
any .edu? would tertiary email work as well?
Which is why I don’t think this should be posted as a ‘bargain’. It’s being done out of good will for those in a situation where they genuinely can’t afford it.
I agree. We see goodwill offers post from time to time…perhaps they be moved in a forum
Goodwill tag?
It will be since it's posted on herr lol
Just like all those free kindle books
Yep, wouldn't be surprised if many here also abuse those free food deals that TA posts sometimes (such as this).
I’m the post you linked, the owner actually wanted it posted, it’s their decision not yours.
@WoodYouLikeSomeCash: I was merely giving another example of a deal that's open to mass abuse by being posted as a deal. The owner wanting it posted doesn't change that fact.
@MiscOzB: Well I’m just saying it’s the owners final decision not yours. The only person that suffers is the owner since they have to give away products for $0 profit. So at the end of the day it should be the owner that decides whether they’d like it posted, not you.
Maybe the app can take the "Lentils as Anything" approach, i.e., pay what you feel. I know I wouldn't use it nearly enough to make the $12/month worth it. Sometimes I'd use it a few times a week, then be busy and not use it for several weeks, then maybe try it again, etc. Maybe a threshold limit on usage of the free or part-pay version? Just a thought.
Yes, they could sell hourly blocks if people don't want to commit to a monthly fee. $20 per 6hrs of usage sort of thing.
I emailed them a while back asking for this. Apparently they have a PayPal you can send what you like. I would still prefer a more formal monthly subscription of whatever you’d like to pay
I view it as $144 per year, doesn't matter if I don't use it for a few weeks (very rare), to m3 the cost is totally fine for what you get in return.
I actually took the free offer last year when I was out of work so really appreciate how Sam offers everything he does for free to people that can't afford it.
Fantastic app, I use it everyday. Well worth paying full price for if you are able to do so.
I was recently recommended (by a clinical psychologist) a very good app called Smiling Mind which is free. It's also great for kids apparently.
This is not an app from a big corporation. His policy is to give the app to people who genuinely cannot afford it.
I fear that freeloading with make Sam change his policy sometime in the near future.
Ah yes, I revoke my vote.
Sorry OP
Agreed, just hurting the little guy posting something like this here.
Then the question begs, how will the needy know about this?
I say post in Forums for less visibility/not a front pager deal on top
100% agree!
I'm on board the neg train too
Agreed, revoked my vote
Have sat on the end of that jetty… bliss. I remember travel.
Sam Harris fan club checking in
Yeah he is really insightful to listen to hey. And he has really interesting people on the show too.
Thanks OP, and developer, I really need this right now my life is falling apart,
Sam Harris is a switched on guy and practicing his course will likely be of great benefit to you. However just a friendly reminder that you can see your GP and get a referral to a psychologist for 12 subsidised appointments (at least in NSW) and many will completely bulk bill if you need it. Stay safe and take care of yourself. 🙏
It’s only 8 these days and trying to find a psychologist that doesn’t charge a gap on top of the subsidy is near impossible. :(
I was wrong, it’s actually 20 sessions in NSW.…
@tedzr: I don’t know what the deal is with getting more and the “up to” part. As every I’ve been on a mental health care plan no one will accept more than 8. And at the moment I’m looking for another psychologist because my one has started charging a gap fee and every single one I’ve contacted charges a gap. I can’t find one that is covered fully by the mental health plan :(
Not what a consider a deal. Sam offers this as charitable access to people who feel they cannot afford to pay his membership fee. It is not so much free as him donating access.
Sam continues to approach controversial discussions on his own platform which he can only do when supported by fans. Excess use of 'free access' will either see the project fail or charitable access revoked.
Shouldn't be a deal. As others say, it's for those who can't afford it
So whos Sam harris ? Is this legit ? I'm new to having anxiety and been looking for avenues of help
Sam Harris is a qualified neuroscientist but ultimately he is an academic podcaster who concerns himself with matters of the mind, science, religion, philosophy and social/political commentary. He has a long-standing involvement in meditation and is fairly well regarded if at times quite controversial. His podcast is called Making Sense.
Fully legit and very good.
I don't think this is a bargain. They are giving to people who cannot afford. I'd rather someone else gets it. Thank you for highlighting this though
This isnt a bargain. Its not meant for people to sample or a freebie. Its targeted towards people who 'need' the service but cant afford it.
Not a deal … just taking advantage of a small operators charitable intention
To be fair, I wouldn't call Sam Harris a small operator. That app makes him millions per month….
Someone's charity and good will is not a bargain.
Please don't signup if you don't need.
I don't need it. I use OzBargain instead.
Waking up isn't the problem… it's going to sleep that is 😅
I genuinely feel this shouldn't be listed as a post. The realist in me knows there's enough people who will abuse the "offer" regardless.
They should make a compulsory token donation or half price if you pre commit to 12 months on a month by month payment.
You see it too many times in society; everyday in different ways people use and abuse systems of support and charity.
Got my vote. It's a bargain if someone gets to use it because a) they see it here and b) they genuinely can't afford it. You can't not post just because there are freeloaders here. How many dubious workarounds do you see on this forum to save money, yet this one gets negged? Beats me.
I think there's a difference between a work around a multi billion dollar company like Google and cheating someone like Sam Harris but that's just my take.
There is a difference. This is a small to medium type company helping others. A bargain is where you can get around a big company charging you loads
I mean, Sam Harris is not a small time player. He has built that brand to be multiple six figures per month. I use the app, pay for a subscription but to be fair he is making millions, he wouldn't so this if he wasn't already making money
There’s 1 month for free on the app. Why not just post that? He mentions in there about his pricing setup.
Mods should remove this. It is a charitable decision, not a bargain. Abuse of it will most likely lead to removal.
Same reason as the negs above
Agree, why post this? Do you also eat for free at food for the homeless even if you’re not homeless? Do you consider that a “bargain”?
People seem more riled up about this than all the other similar good will deals on here. Ultimately is it really a loss to Sam Harris?
People who use either apps already know about his free offer.
People who use this deal and don't use the app, well, Sam was never going to get any money from them
People who use this deal and discover that the apps are good for them might eventually start paying for it. Thats half the reason he offers it, for marketing.
Yeah I'm torn as to neg this one. I agree with others' - I've listened to heaps of his podcast episodes (truncated on the free subscription) and he always says there's the free option if you can't afford it, no questions asked. It's an ethical choice really. The cost is a fair bit - I thought it was more than AU$12/month (maybe US$12/m?), but my memory is probably wrong. So I've not yet paid for it as I think it's a bit pricey, but I could easily afford it. I agree with you also that I'm sure Sam Harris has a few dollars, but he also has openly said he gives away (donates) a lot too - there's even episodes discussion selecting charities for donating to.
I guess I sit in the middle - I can afford it but I don't want to pay it, and my moral compass has thus far inhibited me from claiming the freebie, that leaves me with listening to truncated episodes, which is OK a lot of the time but some I'm disapointed and want more.
Haha. I'm in a similar boat to you.
There are some interesting interviews I wish I could listen to the whole thing but often there will be months where I don't find the content interesting enough to listen to the snippet.
I've realised many of the people he interviews have written books (often with audiobook versions) which you can get if you want to learn more. Also, other people interview the same people
Yea the cost (for Making Sense the podcast) is really high. It assumes you only listen to Sam Harris which is insane even if you're a fanboy.
I paid month by month for about 4 months then took up the free offer as I don't personally get $180 of value (the annual subscription). If I continue to get value out of it I will go back to paying month by month for a couple months when the free year ends. I guess thats the middle ground since the content is not worth $180 to me but is worth about $60.
@HarlieQuinn: i subscription to app for 12 months. (Can't remember cost) But similar story. Happy to pay something but didn't think ongoing cost was justified with the content released.
No, it’s not even 1% of the reason why he offers it to those who cannot afford it.
Are you familiar with Harris?
Are you? Just because he supports charity doesn't mean he isn't also a businessman. He's also explicitly talked about marketing models in the most recent podcast and that he hires people in order to grow Making Sense and Waking up in ways outside organic growth.
Stop being a fanboy and read between the lines. It doesn't take away from what he has done and that they help many people to acknowledge that he is also making business decisions.
He recently said it’s not an advisable business model to give away the app for free, because people will take the piss…..or words to that effect.
People seem more riled up about this than all the other similar good will deals on here
Completely agree.
Probably because quite a few people either pay for the app or have decided that they don't think its worth paying for but don't feel they fit into the can't afford category (myself included).
I think the free meals and things most people on the site are fortunate enough to never think about.
Don't like to neg but I feel i must until at least until the title is changed to indicate this is targeted for those who can't afford it.
On the other hand, all those people who think Sam Harris is a small operator who will be hurt by this are deluded on two accounts.
1)This is a calculated decision by Sam Harris to offer this as free to be requested. He knows how to make a living…
Thanks OP. I really needed this, and am struggling financially.
And you’re exactly the person this is aimed at.
Hope things get better for you.
This is not a bargain, people should only ask for 12 months free if they genuinely cannot afford it.
Happy mind or food for survival. Thanks op now I can have both.
I signed up to the 6 month yoga down dog app thing in 2020, ended up subscribing for a year after it ended - I feel this is also great for getting converts / signups from people who would've never signed up otherwise.
Definitely not.
Paid subscriber here, I find it excellent and I have recommended it to several mates. I used the calm app daily for over a year then switched to this after doing the free trial. Worth it for the introductory course alone IMO. Calm app has some good content but this is in a different league.
If you are interested in how your mind works, get this. Where other approaches to mindfulness are 'The ancient version of an executive stress ball' (quote by Harris) this one really takes a more analytic approach to helping you step back and really start to get perspective and an understanding of your mind.
For fellow software nerds, the best analogy I can think of is it is like a debugger for consciousness, aka it is a tool to help you understand what is happening and to an extent, gain some control.
re: the freebie: I believe Harris genuinely wants to make the benefits of this available to anyone who needs it. Its not super cheap (~$130/year IIRC) but if you can afford what amounts to about a month of coffee, or a fraction of what you would spend on upgrading your gaming setup at home, think about a small investment towards upgrading yourself as well =)
Or you could just download the Smiling Mind app, available on Apple or Android via their app stores, or access their vast array of mindfulness meditations via their website ( instead - they make their content available to everyone for free, always.
I know which one I’d prefer…
This has changed. Through this link they now only offer a scholarship program.
If you truly can't afford it, you can still contact them.
…and if you genuinely cannot afford it, presumably.