• expired

[VIC] Free Curry Meals for Jobless/Battlers/Elderly @ Tandoori Flames Indian Restaurant, South Kingsville


Contacted by the owners again to push this during lockdown. Can’t speak highly enough of their generosity. Please stay safe, and enjoy :)

Peace begins when the hungry are fed. One person can make a difference and here we are at Tandoori Flames trying our level best to feed the needy. This Pandemic, we are doing our best if you are hungry and have no money, don't worry, we have food for you!!! If you're hungry and have no money, please don't worry, we'll bring you some curry! Press the bell between 5-10pm, and we'll bring the food out to you.

Related Stores

Tandoori Flames Melbourne
Tandoori Flames Melbourne

closed Comments

  • +7

    Amazing 👏

  • +109

    Targeted 🤩

    • Lol. Lighthearted and so funny.

    • +4

      Username checks out for this deal! 😉

      Jokes aside, very generous of the restauranteur(s)!

  • +17

    God bless you guys for such a wonderful act.

    • +4

      Your comment made me do something nice for their gesture, left them a 5 star review, even though not going to use it.
      Here is the details if anyone else wants to

      15 Vernon St, South Kingsville VIC 3015
      1800 717 616 https://g.co/kgs/x457R4

      • +1

        Thanks Scraw

  • +4

    Salute your kindness and generosity!

    Wish you guys/gals at Tandoori Flames best regards and health.

  • Awesome. Keep up the good work. 👏

  • +29

    This deal is too hot for curry jokes. Take it home and eat it in bed with the misses, it'll spice things up. I'm getting curried away now.

    • +1

      Quit your job, and start your career in comedy!

      The stage awaits you 🤣

      • +42

        My naan thinks I'm funny

        • +5

          You really tikka'd my funny bone

          • +3

            @pennypincher98: With my laksa I'd vindaloo prize for worst joke

        • +11

          My Papa Dom agrees with your Naan

        • 😂😂😂

      • +4

        His career is naan of your business

        • +9

          Dosa mean words

    • +13

      Never a daal moment on ozb!

  • +5

    God bless these good people

  • +2

    Thankyou for your kindness.

  • thank you

  • Huge props.

    • +8

      Huge plops 💩

  • +53

    I think after lockdown I'll go there and dine in to give back to them what they're doing for the community.

    Well done!

    • +1


  • +6

    Good job guys, awesome giving back to the community. Let's hope people don't abuse this though

  • +41

    Please don't ozbargain this ozbargainers - Unless you're actually doing it tough.

    • +11

      You'd have to take a good, hard look at yourself and your morals if you did!

    • +7

      Ozbargainers equivalent of using multiple emails to access the same deal in this scenario would be getting a meal, going around the corner and coming back with a fake moustache, and then again with a wig ?

  • +1

    Thank you for your kindness!

  • +3

    Fantastic to see Covid crisis bring out the best in some .. sick of seeing the worst all the time.

  • +2

    Not in Victoria but I saw this and was just amazed by the generosity of this place, wish them the best of luck in the future

  • +2

    I'm not in victoria but this is the kind of business i would love to support! Absolutly beautifull!!

  • +9

    Once lockdown is over, I will definitely visit this place. Thanks guys

  • Wonderful to see such kindness.

  • +15

    Those who have the means to donate to covid relief in India please do so as well - the indian community here has been pretty great with all these food giveaways so pay it forward through helping people there out!!

  • +13

    There are always some Indian restaurants/ groups/ places of worship offering free food to the needy in almost every major city during such tough times. Kudos to the community!

    Would love to see more of this from Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Italian, Mexican, Continental, fast food chains etc restaurants as well. A lot of them have deep pockets and they can do more. Where are the CBD cafes and high end restaurants? Please post their details on OzB in case someone is aware of any which is actually doing some good work and isn't posted here.

    • +14

      Where are the CBD cafes and high end restaurants?

      Too busy charging people an old piece of bread and bland coffee for $15

    • +15

      A lot of the Asian restaurants don't make much, small businesses only make $100-200 a day whilst doing selling, cooking, buying produce, etc. Lots of hard work involved for not much appreciation and money, tough times for them too since a lot are run by immigrants with not many westernized skills

      • +3

        $200 a day in food business?

        • +2

          Yes, there's people who get paid $12 an hour to make pastry for a whole day.

          Of course you can complain. But the boss will just fire you and take someone else.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: @hex7272 I was talking about the business owners not workers. I have seen many owners driving BMWs/AUDIS but paying wage of $12 or less to their workers.

            • @Yankyviking: Yes, owner's can be like that because money is money. You can't live without it.

              • +1

                @[Deactivated]: Yea, so my comment was in response @edumacation ‘s comment where it was said that the Asian restaurants don’t make much and make less than $200 a day as owners.

                • @Yankyviking: Depends.

                  Some small ones don't make much at all.

                  • +1

                    @[Deactivated]: True but I would love to see the ones who make a lot give back something to the community like this restaurant. They are not huge either but doing their bit. In order to serve the community, we need a big heart and not necessarily a big bank account.

  • +1

    Was trying to find if they are in Sydney to support them by buying from them but unfortunately not.
    Great work for being so charitable. I hope their business thrives from good karma.

    • +13


      But you are aware a lot of Victoria is in lockdown. So that means for many, no work, no money and for businesses, no business.

  • To think how neoliberalism has lead to this point in 2021 of so many people going hungry.
    LNP voters, your greed & selfishness is predominantly to blame. And to think that a greater proportion of you espouse ‘doing unto others’.

    • +7

      Austerity for the working class and a free-for-all for the shareholder billionaire class. The LNP are planning to force people to reach into their own pockets to pay for hip, shoulder, back surgery. Instead of applying an effective corp tax rate on highly profitable multinationals (many of which are making a killing looting our natural resources) they choose to hit vulnerable individuals.

      • +8

        Don’t forget that it’s the voters who put them there. Millions of them

    • -4

      Cases in Victoria: 20,650. Deaths in Victoria: 820. Primary Source of Infection: Close Contact. Total Covid-19 tests: 6,815,053. Number of Lockdowns: 4.
      Cases in NSW: 5,607. Deaths in NSW: 54. Primary Source of Infection: Overseas Arrivals. Covid-19 tests: 6,229,543. Number of Lockdowns: 2.

      Health is not listed in the Constitution - it is a STATE responsibility. The laws that govern pandemics are STATE laws. The public servants who administer the systems are STATE public servants. The cause of people being unemployed or being unable to go to work due to a government lockdown is thus a STATE responsibility.

      Because the Victorian Labor Government have again woefully managed Covid, including their "gold standard" contact tracing system they claimed they had fixed, and allowed community spread, the Victorian people have again been plunged into lockdown, preventing casuals from continuing their regular employment. Victoria continues to lag behind other states because the Victorian Labor Government still can't adequately administer the health system they are in charge of.

      The Victorian Labor Party who are to blame for most of the Covid deaths in Australia, most of the spread, and probably most of the economic distress.

      Also, I have no idea what everyone in Australia has against a Queensland political party?!

      • +2

        Aged care - where by far the majority of deaths occurred - and quarantine are federal resonsibilities. Morrison and his mates did nothing about fixing the Aged Care problems which were outlined in detail in the RC, nor did they have any plan or give any consideration to the obvious issues which would arise wrt care of the elderly in privately run homes when Covid-19 became an issue. By and large they still haven't. If Rudd and Garret were indirectly responsible for the deaths of 4 insulation installers then so are Morrison and Colbeck for the 680 aged care deaths from Covid-19. That's simplistic and it lets public servant chiefs, private home operators and grossly irresponsible individuals off the hook far too easily. Colbeck is primarily to blame and under any normal system of government would have resigned long ago. Morrison's Ministerial standards are however so pathetic that not only did he not ask for Colbeck's resignation, he left him in the same portfolio! Perhaps he should have consulted Jenny because his pentecostal praying obviously hasn't helped.

        In lieu of your conservative-inspired ignorance I suggest you read how the latest Vic outbreak occurred. It shows that quarantine in this country as it stands is little more than a band-aid solution. Indications are that the source actually acquired C19 in quarantine but having served his time he jumped on a plane to Melb and went about his business. As experts have said, and most reasonable people have understood, had he flown to any city the result could easily have been the same.

        What we have known for a long time is that hotel quarantine is a second rate system and despite numerous calls for dedicated facilities from experts and state leaders many months ago it has taken until May 2021 for Morrison to react. Dutton dismissed the Vic proposal saying that it was "smoke and mirrors" - although I suspect he was thinking about the Morrison government's complete lack of a Covid plan from the outset and their attacks on state governments when he said that.

        Congratulations though. Your recollection of the conservative playbook mantra for newbies is spot on. Now if only you can concoct a new angle to explain Dan Andrew's fall and drag your conspiracy theorist mate Louise Staley of her self-constructed cesspit you'll be in line for a promotion. Perhaps it was 5G, or maybe he jumped the vaccination queue and nano-particles caused his injuries, not a fall?

    • How's that communism thing working out around the world? Capitalism has led more people out of poverty than any other system.

      • Capitalism has destroyed the environment & lead to the latest generation of humans being financially worse off than those before them. It also has also killed hundreds of millions through regional & world wars.
        That capitalism ‘has led people out of poverty’ is a simplistic narrative parroted by simpletons, over & over & over

        • Whereas socialism/communism has been soooo successful, Russia, Venezuela, Cambodia, China, all of whom slaughtered millions of their own people. And BTW, ad hominem attacks only detract from any scrap of credibility you may have had. Calling people simpletons, or other names, because they have a different view from you is very much a left wing trait. If you have no sensible argument, resort to name calling, as small children do.

          • @Wardaddy: Authoritarianism is often conflated with communism/socialism because a country with a dictator gave it a said designation (which doesn’t mean it is so). A common mistake by capitalist spruikers, because they wilfully ignore their own country’s significant failings (& often have a religious belief so as to virtue signal righteousness to themselves within their own mind)

            • @Boogerman: Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez, Castro, Xi Jinping. Authoritarianism is conflated with socialism because socialism is an authoritarian system, and EVERY country that has tried it has resulted in people being murdered by their own socialist leaders.

              • @Wardaddy: Socialism is the antithesis of authoritarianism.
                Socialism involves worker cooperatives & taking the concentration of power away from business owners

                • @Boogerman: A man of 20 who is not a socialist has no heart. A man of 40 who is still a socialist has no brain.
                  Mark Twain.

                  • @Wardaddy: Mark Twain studied neither neurobiology nor psychology.
                    The cerebrum reaches peak volume circa age 25, as does peak IQ, after which they both degrade/decline
                    You can’t teach an old dog new tricks - ancient proverb

                    • @Boogerman: There are non so blind as those who will not see. Perhaps we should continue this when you have reached peak IQ.

                      • @Wardaddy: Unfortunately peer reviewed study after study has found that not only conservatives score lower on average on IQ tests than progressives, but also have lower average levels of education & said education is less likely to be in the field of science.
                        So even average IQ for a progressive would give a conservative an altitude inducing bleeding nose
                        And then there’s the overwhelming majority of conservatives who believe in 2,000+ year old books of fairytales (a.k.a magical thinking)

                        • @Boogerman: Nonsense. The studies, such as they are, show the opposite. The majority of conservatives in America are Christians, but not elsewhere. And would you be as quick to condemn Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc. or is it just white people that you're racist against? Perhaps Mohammed really did fly to heaven on a winged horse?

                          • @Wardaddy: Racism against whites….LOL.
                            Trumpy really did delude whites into believing that they are a persecuted minority…

                            • @Boogerman: You've obviously never lived in the USA. And how come you are apparently incapable of responding to points made? Instead, just reverting to childish insults. You can stop posting now, you've proven yourself incapable of adult discourse.

                              • @Wardaddy: Racism against whites?
                                Aging equals mental regression, hence no surprise older people tend to vote conservative - supports the IQ & cerebral studies

  • +6

    Absolutely fantastic effort.
    For those who don’t have means to get to the restaurant or are two far away, request Sikh Volunteers Australia. They have been supplying hundreds of free vegetarian meals to people door steps. If you don’t need meals you can help by donating or volunteering. I spent three hours on Friday evening delivering meals in Melbourne South East. Left with enormous satisfaction and a free hot meal too. @mods maybe we should post this as a deal to help it get out to more people.
    Thank you.

  • +2

    Its possible the owners are Sikhs.

    One of the main teachings of Sikhism is Kar Seva (Seva - a selfless service that is performed without any expectation of result or award for performing it. Such services can be performed to benefit other human beings or society. Seva means 'service', referring to the selfless efforts for welfare of all. A more recent interpretation of the word is "dedication to others".)

    • +2

      So you're saying Hindus or any other religion can't be selfless?

      • +1

        Far from. ..

      • +4

        Point to the scary words that hurt your feelings.

        Oh wait they're not there because you're making it up.

        Chip on your shoulder much?

      • +11

        Now your just putting words in their mouth. Calm down. I think they've made the assumption based on the volunteer organisation name is all. They're sharing positive information about a particular religion. I see nothing wrong here.

    • I feel terrible for you mate, actually i feel terrible for all those who pulls in a religious angle when someone is doing something better for the community.

      Isn't it enough they all belong from India and as matter of fact they all are Indians?

      Just so you know and just to prove you wrong, a lot of my friends from India from my uni volunteer at iskon temples where a countless times I ate for free, irrespective of harder or softer times.

      There are many Indian restaurants in cbd I came across such as crossways, om etc. They too offered free food for needy last year.

      I didn't really see a religion but a kindness and generocity when help was offered, not because I'm not relegious in any sense but that's always the right thing to do.

      • +9

        Don't be too sensitive mate. The information has been shared and the assumption made, due to the name of the organisation being sihk volunteers Australia. I actually enjoyed reading the bit of information about a religion that I know nothing about and thought it was really cool.

        • -1

          Far from. ..

          What do you call this as? Am I still overly sensitive or this guy and you are both overly ignorant?

          • +5

            @Zapwap: Think you've misinterpreted. I inferred that he's saying Montorola's assumption was far from his intention.

            • @[Deactivated]: 10 points to you sir, you're correct.

              Zapwap a bit sensitive and thus chose not to engage :D

    • +4

      I'm sorry you've been negd, don't change because there's nothing wrong with what you said, just too many overly sensitive and quick to find fault people out there. Thankyou for sharing something new with me, i found it very interesting to learn.

  • +1

    Thanks bought 0

  • Great gesture.

  • +3

    Sikhs are fully awesome dudes

  • +6

    Nice gesture! However, we have to ask ourselves why a rich country like Australia is in this situation to begin with?

    • +2

      no we dont, high living costs, mental health issues, substance abuse, happens everywhere regardless of how rich the country is

      • +1

        Wanna make a bet that, without even looking at the stats, that Nordic/Scandinavian countries don’t have as much homelessness & poverty as Australia?

        • -1

          Swedens is actually quite similar but my point is that im not surprised homeless levels are high here, it shouldn't be that way but it can easily happen when drugs are rife and a lack of mental health services in Oz regardless of us living in.a rich country 😥

    • +1

      It's called Covid-19 bsw, but I get your point.

      Anyone have Gerry Harvey's email so I can send him a link to this wonderfully generous deal? By my calcs he has about 5 million taxpayer funded meals he could contribute.

      • +1

        Lol we were heading into a recession long before covid so ppl need to stop saying this. The liberals have ruined our country and sadly Labor ain't that much better.

        • Agree, however a recession and Morrison's huge public debt (already the largest in Au history before Fraudenburg's save-my-electoral-arse budget) has little to do with bsw's comment. The number of people needing help was already increasing under Pentecostal Scott's "Christian" policies (yes that's sarcasm) but C19 has made the need more urgent for plenty. https://www.michaelwest.com.au/australian-charities-struggle…

      • +2

        He had the biggest sales ever but refused to pay back JobKeeper money and nobody ask him to pay it back. Individuals, however if made the wrong claim, they will have to pay it back. The result of the "crisis", rich get richer while poor get poorer, left to pay a debt for future generations…

        • +2

          Harvey reportedly pocketed $22M of taxpayer dollars his company didn't need or earn. He's not the only one but in a show of good faith Solomon Lew's company has decided to give its $15.6M of the incompetent Morrison's unregulated largesse back, unlike hypocrite Harvey.

    • +3

      Simple, most Aussies care about themselves and what they have. They don't care about the poor, disabled and unfortunate.

  • +6

    Great Generous effort :)
    Respected OZBers in Melbourne please show some love at
    by ordering some food :)

  • These people are definitely putting the money where their mouth is.

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