One of the best newspapers in the world. Delivered for $20 a year…usually $235 a year or $4.95 an issue.
Make sure you enter Australia as the country for delivery, and the promo code WA02.
One of the best newspapers in the world. Delivered for $20 a year…usually $235 a year or $4.95 an issue.
Make sure you enter Australia as the country for delivery, and the promo code WA02.
weekly delivery
Deal expired?
Would be great if they do a digital copy… e.g. ipad!
I collect newspaper for my bunny rabbit for toilet paper
The deal hasn't expired. Follow the two instructions.
• Free access to the digital edition as soon as the paper hits the presses
• Free access to the digital archive dating back to 2007
Sweet deal - That's crazy cheap.
I guess it's shipped from the UK and will be late?
probably surface mail…
thanks for the upload! subscribed
Just got one :) thx
Do you know if this trial subscription comes with a free digital edition, as it says here?
Answering my own question in case others are interested. Yes you will get a subscriber number which will give you access to the digital edition.
Wow, seems too good to be true.
They list Australian contact details, so maybe they print and ship from Australia?
Incredible deal….I paid $68 for the Australian….
Thanks OP! Even the student offer is only a 25% discount
I won't ask where you got the code.
A good left wing paper to balance murdoch's "The Australian"
Thanks for heads up, I'll stick to The Australian then.
Thanks for heads up, I'll stick to The Australian then.
Is it possible to ozbargain The Guardian's servers!!!
Payment Application Error
There has been a technical problem while attempting to process your payment. We are aware of this issue and are working to resolve it as soon as possible.
Fantastic deal! Thanks OP
EDIT: Looks to be good, although they have taken any funds out of my CC yet! Hopefully its taken out so they can't just cancel the deal :D
how is it delivered, does anyone know?
The guardian weekly is printed in Australia as well, so possibly through your local newsagency or on the post.
Well the email says I'm subscribed. Now I need to wait for my subscriber number via the snail mails to be able to access the digital edition. WTF?
good timing. With SMH about to shift to the right a bit with Rinehart on board, this'll be my preferred read.
I hope its only "a bit". :)
The <%=Magazine() %> Customer Service Team is on hand to assist you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries you may have.
Ugh, I'm still waiting for my subscription to the National Geographic to arrive lol
Likewise! So many subscriptions!
Same here,I was wondering if my NG got lost somewhere.
The NG subscription page for that deal did say to wait 8-12 weeks for the first delivery for o/s addresses so no need to panic yet.
Might be worth contacting them thru the website…
I waited in vain for OVER 3 months for my cheap NG deal to arrive then had to contact them asking where it was! Only after submitting another sub form that they emailed did it arrive. The first few came in plain brown paper from somewhere in Thailand (from memory), now they arrive in the usual printed packet…
Subscribed, thanks OP!
Thanks OP! 40c/wk - that's amazing
Bloody awesome. Likewise on the National Geographic! lol
Brilliant price! Thanks OP! :D
Thank you OP! Never thought I'd be subscribing to a print newspaper again. :) Now if only AFR would drop their web subscription prices some more…
Wow thank you OP! You have saved us all a pretty penny.
Thank goodness all Australians can now afford a little piece of intelligence in their weekly reading. The collection of papers read mysteriously like nobody there is over the age of 20.
I now be well educatered.
This is freaking awesome. Will be nice to have a weekend paper that doesn't leave me feeling like I've had a lobotomy.
My first subscription of printed newspaper. thanks dude.
Great deal, thank you!
Awesome. Just signed up.
Great deal…Thanks!
Seems legit.
not bad ;)
though I hope my subscription comes with better grammar and spelling…
lol…that's why I need to subscribe. :)
or an editor :)
Seems too good to be true but I subscribed anyway. Great bargain and I subscribed hoping a positive outcome.
Question for you guys: Which newspapers do you recommend reading? I lost all respect for Herald Sun when they put a full page headline of Warnie dating Liz Hurley. The Australian is not liked by many either. What is the recommended source in Australia?
I normally use TheAge/Sydney Morning Herald for 60%, throw in The Australian for some decent opinion and a more right wing approach (30%) with ABC's The Drum making up the other 10%!
You've got the decent Aussie news media pretty much wrapped up right there in one sentence.
This is a brilliant deal. The guardian android app is rather nice as well.
Wow awesome find! I'm a regular Guardian reader online already.
This + are too good papers.
Sure - that domain is for sale!! A great read.
Perhaps got the wrong link there?
Payment Application issue. Hopefully this gets sorted out.
Fantastic! Quality reading. Thank you OP.
Did you get it working? What kind of card and browser are you using?
ETA. Tried Chrome and Firefox on OSX and no dice. Obviously an issue on their end. Hopefully they get it fixed or it's not much of a deal, or introduction to their online edition …
Yes it worked first time no problem & I received an immediate web confirmation. I used Firefox on OSX a few minutes before my post. - I just checked the email confirmation to make sure and yes it went through no problem.
" Dear Mr xxx
Thank you for subscribing to Guardian Weekly. Your order has been received and your first issue will arrive around 17 February 2012.
Your Web Order Reference Number is xxxxxxx "
etc etc
I just used a Visa debit card. I inserted VIC for the county.
Weird, still can't get it and doesn't seem like others can either. Oh well, I'll use it for something like and Edge magazine subscription.
Mine always says….
Payment Application Error
There has been a technical problem while attempting to process your payment. We are aware of this issue and are working to resolve it as soon as possible.
No payment has been taken at this point. Please use the Back button in your browser to try again.
Same here!! Payment error! Tried all 3 different cards!
Me too.
Worked this morning. I so thought it would expire overnight, but it did not. So yay.
yup. payment error on myside too.
might have been ozbargained!
Can't get it working.. :(
Someone has probably posted the deal on their Facebook, so the payment system's being hammered.
If u subscribe to this, is it printed and full of UK news or is there an australian edition which is full of oz news and overseas news. I dont want to subscribe to a "UK only" paper.
I suggest that you look at the sample issue which is available online here:
Although you are likely to get good coverage of international news, you are not going to get a newspaper which is full of Australian news, except where and to the extent that Australian news makes it into the international news section of the paper.
("The Guardian Weekly offers a unique blend of international news, politics, culture and comment, combining articles from the Guardian with selected features from the Observer, The Washington Post and Le Monde.")
Payment error here too…
just curious … why deal's neg button is grey out and disabled? XD
It isn't for me.
You can't neg a deal if you've +'d it.
got it :) ta
Don't forget there is a Guardian extention for google chrome.
Works well for me.
So is this just a UK printed newspaper or Australian printed with overseas news in it?
Although it is printed in Australia (as well as in the UK and US), it is not an Australian newspaper. As noted on the GW website:
"The Guardian Weekly offers a unique blend of international news, politics, culture and comment, combining articles from the Guardian with selected features from the Observer, The Washington Post and Le Monde."
yeah payment error for me with VISA and MasterCard :(
Well I did try to subscribe, but got the usual payment error that others are getting. And then it wants me to re-enter all my details again! ಠ_ಠ
same here :-(
Got through just then - thanks OP!
FWIW, I subscribed at 21:13 Sydney time yesterday (according to the email confirmation), and haven't seen any related transactions on my credit card yet. So it wouldn't appear as though they're processing the card payment at check-out time.
Worked for me just then. Using 28 degree mastercard.
Agreed - didn't work when I tried around midnight last night, but popped the order through this morning before I left for work and transaction worked first time. Thanks OP - will be nice to have some quality journalism delivered each week.
Still working (had an error and submit again…fine.)
Worked for me. Great deal.
Omg thankyou! I was just looking for something like this :)!!
Thanks OP! great deal just ordered.
Is this a Sunday paper? Just working out if I should deliver to home or work
UPDATE - it worked for me this morning and got the receipt # etc.
Same here, signed up not five minutes ago, got the confirmation and no payment errors.
Previously had errors, but got through OK this time. Many thanks
Fantastic! No more regurgitated news or views.
Good deal - thanks