Just saw it tonight it is free for a limited time but no idea for how long.
iphone here
Just saw it tonight it is free for a limited time but no idea for how long.
iphone here
Says it is only available on iPad. Bugger. Did a search of the app store and trial extreme is free for iPhone:) is this the same as the Xbox live game? Hope so.
Thanks for that :p
Um, did you thank yourself?
Yep, no-one else was gonna, so sometimes you gotta DIY ;)
Just had a quick go and it's not the same as the Xbox game but still pretty good for free. That girl at the end of the 1st level sure is scary must be a zombie:)
Yup, she's a freaken zombie alright. Pretty cool game for a freebie.
Better than Trials HD IMO. Mostly coz of the 'jump' button
Bout time there was a free app posted!! and a good one at that :)
lol another free ap?
Awesome freebie, wasn't expecting it to be anywhere near as good as Trials, but its actually pretty good fun.