Can a tablet that states it supports up to 128gb expandable storage, also support a 400gb one? Since 128gb is SDXC and the 400gb one is also.
SDXC Support for Tablet

telstra alcatel 3t 10 tablet
In my experience, the stated limit is the limit.
If it doesn't cost you anything to try, go ahead, you might get lucky.
I have and older tablet that said 32gb was the limit and anything bigger doesn't register.
Your older tablet probably only supports SDHC whose upper limit is 32GB.
Yep, that's why I'm thinking that since 128gb is SDXC it has much higher range, so it must be able to support 400gb.
Possibly but I think it's more to do with memory addressing in the Android kernel.
just curious what prevents it from not registering above the stated limit
The Alcatel web site definitely says 128GB is the limit. However, one non-Alcatel web sites that I found in a Google search lists a 256GB limit. I'd be more inclined to believe the Alcatel web site, but the only way to know for sure what the limit is would be to try it yourself.
Yeah I think it should be able to make use of a 400gb sdxc card, as there is no reason why it shouldn't work. I don't know why they say it's limited to 128gb….
There's no reason why it should work if the manufacturer claims that there is a lower limit - it's like a PC manufacturer saying that a computer supports up to 8GB dimms and you expecting to be able to plug 16GB dimms into it just because the ram standard is the same for both.
there is no reason why it shouldn't work. I don't know why they say it's limited to 128gb
Because that's how they designed it, and/or how their drivers are written?
hmmmm, i haven't seen this topic discussed anywhere. Surely I'm not the only one wondering about this…..? I think that if it's an older tablet, then at that time 128gb cards may have been the biggest, but now we have larger cards based on the same tech. Most of the new Chinese no-name brands say that they are at least expandable up to 512gb.
@9hundred: A 400GB memory card might work to full capacity in a socket that the manufacturer says only supports up to 128GB. Or it might not. The only way to know for sure is to find someone who has already tried it, or to try it yourself.
@pjetson: I have to buy the tablet and try it myself, because it's never been tried before. Unbelievable!
@9hundred: I don't understand what you think is unbelievable, and why you think it's unbelievable. Basically, your view seems to be that the manufacturer is not telling the truth when they say that the limit is 128GB.
@pjetson: What I find unbelievable is how no-one has ever wondered about this before, or even thought to explore the possibility. I have searched around for information on pushing the maximum capacity on various devices, but it seems that the limits are all over the place. I think the manufactures just state any old number thinking that's more that what people will need, or it's not that important.
@9hundred: There's plenty of info if you actually searched.…
@Mechz: yes, and these fail to explain why a larger capacity would not be compatible as I stated that it's SDXC so the maximum SHOULD be 2TB.
@9hundred: If you click on the very first result in Mechz's list, and then read it, it says:
For example, the firmware of the device can be built in such a way that it dictates its own storage limits
@pjetson: I read everything and it will be interesting to see what happens, as I have ordered two tablets that both state maximum is 128gb. I will test it with my 400gb card and I will be the guiniepig for this groundbreaking experiment. It's a costly one, but I shall post the results to save the rest of you!
I tried a 400gb card and it recognizes it as 367gb, so I guess that's about right?? 33gb for file structure?? What do you think?…..
It depends on the tablet. Which tablet is it?