Free to keep when you get it before 15 Jun @ 3:00am.
Recent Reviews: Very Positive (185)
All Reviews: Very Positive (6,330)
Free to keep when you get it before 15 Jun @ 3:00am.
Recent Reviews: Very Positive (185)
All Reviews: Very Positive (6,330)
Thanks! Gungeon was great, although took long to get into. Is this better/worse/similar?
This is single player only - enter the gungeon has split screen.
Can't wait to hit retirement to be able to play all the free games I have been claiming over the last few years…
Shame we'll all have vision and arthritis problems by that time.
Young: Have time and energy but no money
Adult: Have energy and money but no time
Old: Have time and money but no energy
Me, adult: You guys have energy?
@alcadive: No, only if I exercise but that means less sleep - because kids. The rest of the time no energy.
Research on financial independence.
The best one is:
Young: Have time and energy but no money
because so many free games nowadays you dont even need to spend money to buy it.
Yes! Loved Titan Souls when it was a PS+ free game. It'll be great to try to finish it sometime.
Damn you beat dealbot and lysander to it! That's no mean feat.
more free games? if you insist :)
I have a chrome extension that rates ozbargain deals by ratio of votes to comments
this deal beats the world records
oops I just screwed it by adding 2 commets. sorry!
what exension, do you mind to share, and who created it…
I did, it only exists on my laptop so far. can't figure out how to publish it
laughs in steamdb info
adds one more to the pile
Nice and free, thanks! picked up a copy of two
If it's free, it's for me. Thanks OP.