• expired

$30 Referral Bonus for New Customers and Referrer @ Revolut


Revolut bonus this round is $30 until 08/07/2021

Only those who received email invite should update their referral link

prefix at the end of referral link = !JAGGE

Instruction for New Customer (Referee):

Sign up to a Revolut account using your unique referral link
Verify their identity and pass our Know Your Customer (KYC) checks
Add money by connecting their bank account or debit card
Order a physical Revolut card ($9.99)
Complete 3 purchase transactions with their new Revolut card (this can be through a virtual card while they wait for their physical one)

Use OzB Referral Link Generator:

Note: Some referral links do not qualify for this promotion. Eligible referrals will display "⚠️ Expiring Soon" on the landing page.

If you don't see this message, close the window and obtain another random referral link.

Referral Links

Referral: random (248)

$50-$140 for the referrer only. Referee gets $0. Each referrer can refer up to 5 sign-ups. Three minimum $10 purchases by referee required.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Wonder if the current Revolut referral database needs to be flushed as not all Revolut referrer may have received the email / updated their new Referral links.? (ie = qq!JAGGE)

    • +1

      Ask Mod's to Flush.

    • My referral code is different (ends in !JSO), expires sooner (9 days) and offers £40 referral bonus (mine's a UK account). Doesn't seem to generate the "Expiring Soon" on the landing page.

      I've added it again to the referral database.

  • +2

    Can Confirm it only works with "Expiring Soon" Same as last time. Essentially free easy money.

  • +2

    From previous post, it cost $9.90 to order the physical card.

    • Yes $9.99 delivery fee

    • The basic card is waived
      Edit: ignore that. I got a waiver but my partner did not…

  • +4

    From previous post with courtesy to @doweyy, buy Amazon $1 gift codes for 3 transactions from here

    Enter $1 Amount in Others amount to buy.

    • +1

      Aah, yes good tip. I did the same, but note it can take extra time to authenticate purchase (card fraud detection)

    • +1

      Thanks this works perfectly.

      • Im so confused? Do you buy the gift cards to avoid buying the card?

        • buying amazon gift cards is for 3 transactions. Buying the card is physical revolut card, which is a separate step to comlete.

          • @ChipsChicky: Ah okay thanks

          • @ChipsChicky: Sorry is it three transactions and the minimum spend $1

            • @PAOK11: Ya, do it in 3 transactions with $1 spend on every transaction.
              Total $3 to be spent to complete 3 transactions requirement.

  • +1

    My $30 seems to have come through after ordering the physical card and identity checks without having to do the 3 purchases.

    • The referer then misses out of their bonus.

      • So if I make some purchases then they will receive it?

        • +1

          I'm referring a friend

          On my app under Invite Friends it says
          Sign up completed
          Identity confirmed
          Money added
          A revolut card ordered
          3 card payments completed

          Once all are completed/green I assume I get my referral.

          One to go which is the 3 card payments

  • +8

    I am unable to access my Revolut account for over a year now and I wouldn’t recommend anyone dealing with some service that has help available only in an app that you can use only after logging in but in case they have a bug or something where you cannot login to the app you cannot get any help.
    There is no way of contacting them other than than via in-app chat. Imagine being unable to log in.

    Beware! You might lose more than the $30 advertised in here.

    P.S. More here: https://community.revolut.com/t/unable-to-login/13087

    • Revolut now has a basic web interface, have you tried that?

      • Nothing works without logging in. Read those complaints from the link I gave to see. There is no phone number nor an email or a form one can access without an account.

        • +2

          If you read the thread, it suggests to reach out via social media or email [email protected]?

          • +5

            @blighst: Is that a normal thing? To create a social media to contact some “not a bank” that has some of your money? I did that and nothing was fixed, by the way.

            I just wanted to tell everyone that in case of a problem there is no phone nor email address to contact this company.

            • +4

              @ALBastru: He just gave you an email. You just don't like revolut. 🤷‍♀️

              • +1

                @Skinnerr: I used the email last year and it was no good. There are others that “just don’t like Revolut”, it seems.

                • -7

                  @ALBastru: Ok so if you don't like it then bugger off?

                  • +1

                    @Skinnerr: Looking at the reviews on the Google Play store, it's obvious that when things go wrong you're basically screwed with support practically non existent (even if you can log in). Thanks but no thanks.

    • I should join after read your post, this is worst bank I have came across, almost approaching scammer level, customer support is non existent, they take your deposit within a sec, unable to verfied my id which mean you can't even spend a dime of your own money without verification! (my id expired, provide alternative id which they don't accept, by the way, DO NOT SEND YOUR ID TO THEM, I REGRET I SENT IT! they use Onfido, just google it)

  • I updated my referral code after receiving a new one, then OzBargain deleted it, so I had to add the new one again!

    • Yeah, mod help flush it as there were some non eligible referral links in the system.

  • -2

    All people signing up are requested to write the referral used, so that the referrer can confirm if amount is recieved at thr end or not.

    • Where do I see the referral used? When i click the referral link just get to "Jess has invited you to Revolt"

  • +1


    This should be BOLD and in caps. I missed out on $50 last time

    • Agree happened to me too. Must only use a referral that says expiring soon.

  • +6

    Sorry, but can someone explain wtf is this?

    • +5

      Competitors of TransferWise … with unlimited disposible cards.

      • +6

        So after watching some videos and reading on wiki, they are a financial institute without government deposit guarantees offering cheaper international transfer fees and everyday debit transactions? Got it…

      • Disposable cards are not part of the free account

        • +2

          i signed up 2 weeks ago and I got disposable cards on my free account.

  • +1

    I recommend doing this. Did it during the last promo and got my money immediately after the third transaction. You can also deposit straight from your bank account so from starting sign up to getting my money was about 30 mins.

    • me too, this time I got referral e-mail too.

  • +2

    their disposable cards are very nice for uber

  • Sounds like a lot of effort to get essentially $20 cause you have to buy a card. If you want a disposal virtual card with not use something like privacy to mask your card.

    • Yeah, the $50 bonus (previously) was heaps better. But some good products/services on offer.

  • To clarify, in the steps above it says "Add money by connecting their bank account or debit card".

    Does this mean that I'm adding my bank account details to the app to cash out the $30? Or am I adding credit from my bank account to the Revolut account? And if so, wouldn't that negate the $30 bonus I just received? Especially since I still have to pay the delivery fee ($9.99) for my debit-card for my referral to also receive the $30?

    • Add money ($25 minimum) is to fund the debit card, and to pay for the physical card ($9.99 delivery fee). And to pay for the 3 x transactions (eg Amazon e-gift). The bonus $30 is added after all this is completed.

      • +1

        Fair enough, but I got my bonus straight away without having to do anything but verify my identity.

        • Nice 👍

        • +1

          referrer won't get anything, until all steps are completed.

  • how does this compare to TransferWise?

  • +4

    This sounds like a lot of effort for not a lot, very confusing financial institution with so much offering.

  • -3

    Yeah I’m weighing up if this is worth my time for $20.01…

    • +1

      Take a couple of minutes. You don’t have to bother with the three purchase, the bonus is paid as soon as you order the physical card.

      • As pointed out, if you don't 'bother with the three purchases' then the referer gets $0.. as all the steps have to be completed for both to get $30..

        • revolut is being a bit tricky… they give the referee the money and hope they don't have to pay the referrer

          • @bohn: I got stung anyway, fulfilled all my conditions and got my $20.01.

            But then thought I’d ‘invite’ my Mrs, she got nothing and I’ve got nothing for inviting her so reduced my gain to $10.02 and handed out 2 massive bits of personal info… probably not worth it.

      • It's the personal information side that bothers me as well as time to be fair.

  • What is the interest rate for Revolut?

  • +3

    Thanks. My $30 was awarded after verifying (no depositing/ordering a card required).

    Can you buy stuff using a virtual card or do you have to order the physical first?

    • You can used the virtual card before physical.

    • I'd also like to know if you can spend that $30 without ordering the physical card for $10. Although I think that means the referrer doesn't get anything. So are you willing to sacrifice $10 so they make $30? Lol

      • You can withdraw the money to a bank account of your choice by using the send button under your account balance

    • Did you managed to withdraw your $30 (when you have not purchased the physical card)?

      • +1

        Yep - withdrew $55 ($25 initial deposit + $30). Confirmed that it's gone through to my actual account

        • What’s the $25 initial deposit for? It’s not detailed in OP’s post.

          • +1

            @ilovefullprice: OP says "Add money by connecting their bank account or debit card". $25 is the minimum amount you need to deposit.

            Not sure if it's necessary to get the $30 bonus, but if you want to get the physical card it is. Either way, all up took only a few minutes.

  • +1

    Would they give the bonus for referral to close family members (ones who live at the same address) ?

    The T&C's seem to be silent on this.

    • Yes worked referring my husband

    • Did not work for me. Which is a risky game as I still spent $9.99 on the card, so actually lost money.

  • Signed up with an "expiring soon" referral code, completed all the steps but have yet to receive the $30, any ideas?

    • Did you order a physical card?

      • yep, ordered the physical card, verified account, added $25 and completed the 3 purchases with the card.

        Still no $30.

        • Did you end up getting it? I haven't seen any sign of mine either.

  • I just checked that some people have just renewed/added their referral links but do not have the included "!JAGGE" prefix which may mean they did not receive the promotional invite.

  • +1

    Before you can use your card, you'll need to verify your identity with us. This only takes a few minutes, and because we don’t believe in branches, can be done directly from your phone. Take a picture of a valid government-issued photo ID and a picture of your face.

  • +1

    Wondering if I should just sign up now or wait and hope for a higher bonus in the future…

    • -1

      Past performance isn't a reliable indicator of future results

      I say go for it. But I'm biased as I didn't get any bonus… :(

      • Still the best predictor

  • Stupid me signed up to revolut last year without knowing of any sign up bonuses! 😭

  • can you only load australian dollars on those? can foreign currency work as well?

  • I just made my account few minutes ago and tried referring my friend, but my referral link does not show "expiring soon" or any reference for $30 bonus. Does that mean I can't refer my friend for this promo?

    • No you can't this time, unfortunately. Wait till the next referral promo email send out which should entitle you then.

  • -3

    Yeah, not happy with this deal overall, one of my first negs ever. I should be able to refer and click on referrals without checking for “coming soon”, people who fall victim to a ‘ineligible link’ are going to be down $9.99 off this ‘deal’ for something they probably didn’t want or need.

    Slick app though.

    • +1

      Mod did help flush the referral links, but some people just re-added old ineligible links (ignorant or just hopeful, I guess).
      But for some it's more hassle that what it's worth. Still a good app w cool features.

    • people who fall victim to a ‘ineligible link’ are going to be down $9.99 off this ‘deal’ for something they probably didn’t want or need.

      You don't need to buy the card to get the bonus, so there's no risk.

      If you want the card, wait until you receive the bonus.

      • hmm, during the last round of referral ($50), you had to fulfill all conditions (outlined above) to receive bonus. Not following the steps is a risk if you choose to take.

        • What's the risk?

          You get the bonus in your account after verifying, and you can withdraw it straight away.

          • -1

            @Harold Halfprice: Good for you. But since someone has reported not the case, it may be due to Revolut tightening the conditions. Just stating the facts of the promotion. Cheers.

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