Found this today and it is magnetic. It is a rock not metal. Does anyone know what is?
Found Magnetic Stone Is It a Meteorite?

Last edited 13/06/2021 - 13:38 by 1 other user
Also a geologist here. Looks like slag or goethite imo.
Something named "slag" kinda sounds like it has very little value.
This is just s small part only that I have uploaded. I found a bigger one as well which is round. Is there anything I can do with this or it is just a useless?
Can you post a picture of the bigger bit with a size reference?
@destination: Yea, na…too porous for meteorite and the shape also does not work. As other others have said probably slag or iron concretion. Should be able to split it with a spade, just gonna be rusty iron inside.
Clark kent says no
the dog swallowed a magnet…got rid of it quick smart :/
My condolences. How is the magnet?
volcanic lava or iron ore ?
Iron ore is likely. We have heaps of it around our house.
Though it doesn't look burnt like that.Looks a bit too sharp to be a meteorite but looks can be deceptive. Perhaps take it to a museum or meteorite club for appraisal. When you say it is magnetic, do you mean it is attracted to iron or a magnetic sticks to it?…
Thanks. Actually magent get stick on it. I have tested the density and rock itself is 250 gms and density is 3.8.
Might be iron slag from a furnace.….
Can ya draw it up in MS Paint for us?
Otherwise it will be really hard to tell you for sure.
+1 for effort
I used to find them when I was a kid in Melbourne
Cool things, get into physics now :pHow is this an appropriate forum for that stone? This isn't reddit.
Found = Free = Bargain? ;)
Geologist here. Unlikely a meteorite, the shapes are usually more compact and round. Slice it in half, if it looks funky = meteorite.