Cheapest they've been since late Jan/early Feb according to Camels. Price matching Coles.
Chicken (now sold out)
Update All flavours save for Braised Beef is now sold out.
Cheapest they've been since late Jan/early Feb according to Camels. Price matching Coles.
Chicken (now sold out)
Update All flavours save for Braised Beef is now sold out.
Good price but they taste like garbage.
Got any opinions on good noodles to try? My go to is always mi goring but I’d love to know of some other good ones. :)
I think Nissin cup noodles are much better and you can usually find them in Asian grocery shops for less than $2. They are also available at Coles, I buy a lot of them when they are on sale.
Cup Noodle by Nissin has been my go to since young.
If you don't mind ones made in China, I love a spicy beef bowl noodles from 'Imperial big meal'.
I think the ‘imperial big meal’ are actually made in Taiwan but I could be wrong and don’t want to get into a political debate…
Another one of my favourite is the Jinmailang spicy chicken noodle available at coles:…
Very tasty and affordable. They are $0.90 each and $0.75 when on special. But be warned they are spicier than the Nongshin ramen…
@DavidDrones: The imperial big meal ramen is made in Taiwan. Also don't want any political debate but I do prefer Taiwan from a food safety perspective
nissin ramen
Nong Shim Shin black is probably the best one available in Australia - I found them at Woolworths
There are some premium ramen that taste even better but I never found them here:
Nissin Raoh Kojuku Koku Miso
Tonkotsu Ramen
or if you like instant fried noodle then look for Yakisoba
Mamee chef are the best. They have a great laksa flavour. Only at woolies, and on half price sale every now and again.
Beef flavour tastes decent - better than most other cup noodles I've tried
My family called them spewymin decades ago! Surely we weren't the only ones.
I think the beef one contains no beef, might be vegan havent checked
I ate two of these in a row once. My advice: don't do what I did. Pretty sure these continue to expand in your tum.
Agreed. After one I need 10L of water of 2L of tea to be okay again
I’m surprised they let me buy just 1 @ $0.68 delivered
Yes. If we all buy one at 68c then we could DDoS Amazon flex delivery drivers
No flex in Brisbane. Will come by Australia post lol
Definitely in Brisbane, my orders are delivered by Amazon drivers.
why did i buy one of these
its due to be delivered tomorrow lmao, love prime
Doesn’t taste good to me, there are lots of sub 1 dollar instant noodles that taste better. To each their own I guess.
Not trying to ruin the parade, but I really don't like how these taste. Nongshim noodles are much better for sub $2.
Cheap warm calories…68c each and people are concerned about the taste :) . Thanks OP grabbed a few to keep on hand in the cupboard. Drain the juice into a cup, add an egg to the noodles, some tomato sauce, bread and butter…they'll probably still taste mediocre but hey, any port in a storm.
Oriental chicken is good.
Didn't realise I was in the minority but I really like these, guess everyone's different.
Damn too slow. Chicken OOS.
I ordered one just to provide more job opportunities.
The contractors get paid per parcel to deliver, isn't it? lol
Price matching Coles this week. Prawn and chicken is the best.