This was posted 3 years 9 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Free - Frostpunk @ Epic Games (4/6 - 11/6)


The next vaulted freebie from Epic games. As usual, available from Friday 1am AEST.

Info from Steam page -

Frostpunk is the first society survival game. As the ruler of the last city on Earth, it is your duty to manage both its citizens and infrastructure. What decisions will you make to ensure your society's survival? What will you do when pushed to breaking point? Who will you become in the process?

Free: Rogue Company - Deadly Apparition Starter Pack (Was $7.99) @ Epic Games

Unlimited Free $15 Coupon to Spend on Purchases over $22.99 + over 300 Games on Sale @ Epic Games

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closed Comments

  • Searching their store for this game but it doesn't come up?

  • +6

    Nice glad I held off

    • +4

      If it's as heart-wrenching as This War of Mine, I think the devs should be required to pay us to play these games /s

      (For real though, This War of Mine up there in my all time gaming experiences. Can't say "favourite" game, but certainly one of the biggest impact)

      • +2

        Same. I did not expect to like this of This War of Mine, and both are amongst my best gaming experiences for immersiveness and decisions matter type play.

      • +2

        I loved this war of mine so much I rebought it on IOS just to have it with me on the go lmao

      • +2

        Hits direct in the feels

      • +3

        Yep, I'm a gamer of decades and also closer to 50 years than I care to admit. Frostpunk is one game in recent memory that still had me playing until the sun came up. I can't even remember the last time I did that. It was that nail-bitingly compelling for me.

  • +7

    Be prepared to lose and restart several times to understand the game mechanics several hours in, its part of the campaign game by design. Not quite the dark souls of strategy games but close enough.

    • +4

      True, but once you master it, the payoff is worth every hour spent. There's really no other game like it.

    • +5

      It's an odd one this. I didn't play it a hell of a lot because it wasn't my thing, but it's really more a puzzle game from what I could tell. You're really trying to find the, mostly singular, way of putting all of your pieces together to pass the level.

      • +1

        Yeah there kinda is only one pattern to β€˜win’

      • +4

        I didn't like it for this reason: you pass or fail a stage mostly based on how you prepare for a coming survival challenge, but by the time you're informed its coming it's too late to prepare in time, so you fail. You can restart the level with the knowledge of what's coming, but then the immersion has been broken.

        • +1

          Yeah I found the same. Ruined it a bit for me too.

          Things are going well and then boom some surprise out of the blue and there is no way to recover from it without restarting and being prepared for the 'surprise' next time.

    • +3

      honestly had the opposite experience with this game. I just kept ticking along as the tute filled me in along the way and finished it first game. I remember it was just an exercise in having enough coal and making sure hospitals had mad heating to beat it.

      • -1

        spoiler warning!!

  • +3

    Found this game very slow and frustrating. Uninstalled after 3 hours.

    Too many games in backlog. Now playing outer wilds. So good!

  • +1

    I've been waiting for this game to have a deep discount for a while now, had given up on it coming to epic and being free. Stoked!

  • +8

    Such a great city builder with real consequences. Post apocalyptic story is quite compelling, chilling really.

    • +2

      chilling really


      Very immersive gameplay too in current weather temperature, especially if you open all your windows and shut all your heaters XD

  • +3

    This is a quality game, although not for everyone. If you are into crisis management, city building, strategy planning and exploration, this is definitely worth a go. The graphics also look amazing.

    • +17

      The Morrison Government have decided to sit this one out.

      • +1


  • +5

    Oh man I've sunk so many hours into this game. It;s that good. And free too - unbelieveable. For reference I enjoy strategy games (Civ VI I loved) and games requiring planning and resource management (Banished, This War of Mine) - if you like this games you will probably like this one too. The learning curve is steep, expect to lose over and over again (and over again, if you're like me and take a while to catch on :D) but once you get the hang of it it becomes really enjoyable. Definately worth your time even at full price.

  • I've backed the boardgame on Kickstarter but have never played the PC game, I look forward to giving it a shot!

  • +3

    Fantastic game but can be very gloomy. Has A LOT of content in the base game.

  • +1

    Bought on Steam and refunded. Now it's coming back to me for freeπŸ˜‚

  • I couldn't get into it on Xbox, but I think that was because it's more suited to PC.

    Great to give it another go.

    • definitely although the port was quite good

  • +5

    This game has incredible music. I haven't played it yet, but some of its music came up in a playlist and it was awesome.

  • +2

    logs into epic games. look at all these free games I have not played.

    I've playeed frostpunk though, throughly enjoyed it.

  • -1

    Free Cyberpunk would’ve been better

  • Got this the other night (5/06) and so far id say ive played about 20 hours on it. Worth it.

  • You telling us what the next game is today dealbot?

  • Cheers!

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