This was posted 13 years 1 month 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20x 100g Toblerone Bars for $10 + Delivery/Auburn Pickup Best before 3rd Feb 2012


Other stuff: Delivery price varies, isn't capped (if you buy 2 you pay 2x delivery), and the best before is essentially NOW. We aren't selling mouldy old chocolate, but it may be discoloured or have lost a little bit of it's shape. (The packet I got the warehouse to open was 100% fine though)

As per the product description, this kind of chocolate is best suited for cooking (you're also much less likely to be disappointed with the colour/texture stuff because that goes away when you cook it)

That's about it. The same pack previously sold for $24 I think. There's about 200 boxes available.

Thanks! Put chocolate in your belly with moderation, be healthy etc etc

Edit: For clarification, this stock is kept in an air conditioned area, has been randomly spot checked for quality. If anyone has an issue with their purchase I will ensure it is rectified. Thanks everybody for your feedback and questions!

Related Stores

Harvey Norman Big Buys
Harvey Norman Big Buys

closed Comments

  • kinda ironic today is Feb 1st

    • Yes the best before is NOW. It was best before right now. Now it's not quite the best. Just good

    • +3

      Nice try, Alanis.

  • I dunno rep, sounds to me like the title should read "Out of Date Food - going cheap".

    • +1

      it's chocolate, not milk

      • You're right; silly me.


        "Out of Date Chocolate (not milk!) - going cheap".

  • +2

    Gerrys new online strategy in trying to win us over is with stale chocolate?
    Someone let ACA/TT know asap! :P

  • why would I pay for expired chocolate ?

    • +2

      As per the Victorian Better Health website:

      "A conservative 'best before' date is designed to encourage you to eat the product while it is fresh and at its best, so you should consider 'best before' dates as a guide only."

      So if you're looking for high quality chocolate to cook with (or eat on it's own) and you're after a bargain, and you aren't overly cautious and picky when it comes to the way the product looks, then that is why you would pay for chocolate past it's best before.

      • +3

        Considering the fact that you're in NSW, please quote the NSW food authority website:…

        "Foods can be legally sold after a 'best before' date (as long as they are not damaged, deteriorated or perished)."

        As I have significant doubt about HN's ability to story large quantities of chocolate in a way that doesn't damage the product too much, i would have to give this a BIG miss.
        If you are located where i think you are (entry off Newton St South, almost opposite Shirt St), it's those two "shacks" and i know they get DAMN hot on a warm day. Wait, wasn't it 32 degrees the last couple of days?

        • +3

          Fair point about the NSW, I only ran with the VIC site because the language is a littlemore comprehensive and we are a company that ships nationally.

          Relating to our storage, the area these chocolates are kept in is air conditioned, we've done random stock checks to ensure there isn't any degradation. As with any product we're going to replace or refund any customer who receives stock that is unfit for consumption, just like we would with a non-perishable product that is damaged or otherwise unsuitable.

          Thanks for your feedback!

        • That means HN can sell these Chocolate legally in VIC only but not in NSW. However I have never seen anything available for pickup in HN Big Buys stores other than Auburn, NSW. It's better if Garry ships this whole lot to Springvale store and sell it legally before somebody sue him trying to sell them in NSW. ;)

  • +6

    Typical Harvey, trying to make money even with expired chocolate

    • +1

      I'm not sure that it's all that typical… but more to the point we aren't interested in throwing this stuff away. It's still good, and we're selling it for WELL below what we paid for it. So we're recovering some costs, and people who are happy to use it are getting a bargain for high quality chocolate.

      Edit: Grammar

      • +1

        where were you selling this product before

        • The BiG BUYS website. We originally ran the deal for $24 back in September. We then split them up and sold them for $1 each, and have packaged them back up to clear out the stock.

      • +6

        Gerry should've be a good man and distributed it to his hard working staff either for free or below cost before the best before date rather than trying to sell it at this point. Trying to still make a few bucks off it only degrades Harvey Normans reputation further in my eyes.

        • Hi Trishool, sorry you feel this way! I can't speak for all of the staff but I believe we are all looked after very well and I'm sure if we asked for some chocolate we would get it :)

        • +2

          Re: The selling after the best before date, I'll pass on the feedback and try to make sure we don't leave this kind of product so late next time. Thanks!

        • +3

          That's good of you oztrez. I like this rep and the effort they make.

          I don't think this is a bargain but I'm only speaking for me. Just something about selling past 'best-by' seems iffy.

        • +2

          Fair enough MattyD, I understand your reluctance. Turns out, in all my chats with the warehouse, most of the stock actually has a July BB, not Feb (only about 20 boxes were Feb) but they were erring on the side of caution with advertising it. Once I know that we've only got July stock left I'm going to push for the same price and I'll ask a Mod if we can repost later this week.

      • shipping is same as the cost of item :( BigBuys only operate in NSW ??

        • Hi rmamila, we have three retails stores (QLD, NSW, VIC) but not all stores stock the same products. We deliver Australia wide.

          Further to your other point, it isn't against the law for us to sell them in NSW, the products are not damaged, deteriorated or perished. If any customer receives any stock contrary to this they are offered a replacement or a refund.

          Thanks for your comments!

  • +5

    Delivery is a deal breaker for me. $9.70 for Melbourne Metro…

    • Sorry :(

    • Not too expensive actually… they charge me $7.45 and I practically live around the corner.

      • +1

        you could pick it up and get some exercise before eating all the chocolate

        • Yeah, i could… but i don't want it :)

  • +6

    Expired Tobler still > Fresh Cadbury.

    • +1

      Guess who owns Toblerone…ahhh, consumer naivety at it's best.

      Chocolate has an extremely long Best Before Date, and beyond that a very long shelf life. There would be nothing wrong with these bars, it's only law that says you can't sell things beyond this date without calling it out to the buyer, and law that says this can only be x months beyond the date of manufacture.

      Use By: Product becomes unsuitable for consumption beyond this date. eg. Milk, Cheese,Meat etc.
      Best Before: Product is at it's prime condition up to this date. eg. chocolate, water, soft drinks

      Having said that, I won't publicise what I think of Gerry Harvey…might get me kicked off OzBargain…

      • Chocolate has an extremely long Best Before Date

        If they have extremely long Best Before Date, then why not just extend the date to 2050? Obviously it's best before Feb 2012.

        But anyway, the best before Feb 2012 was noted in this bargain title. No one is forcing anyone to buy it.

        • +1

          If it has an extremely long BB date, this crap must be VERY old.

        • +1

          Quote me: "and law that says this can only be x months beyond the date of manufacture."
          That's why they don't do it to 2050.

          Even bottled water has to have a Best Before date as it is for human consumption…


          Manufacturers err on the side of caution
          Manufacturers usually choose a 'best before' date well before the time when the food would be expected to deteriorate and spoil. A conservative 'best before' date is designed to encourage you to eat the product while it is fresh and at its best, so you should consider 'best before' dates as a guide only. Frozen and canned products, in particular, tend to keep their quality for some time after the 'best before' date has expired. Within reason, provided the food looks and smells as you would expect, it should be safe to eat, even if the 'best before' date has passed.

      • Uh, Kraft does…

        • Kraft owns both Cadbury and Toblerone (as well as a bunch of others). Both are now just brands under the Kraft Foods Corp.

        • Touche!!

    • Bought 5 Cadbury 200g blocks a few weeks ago at $1.99 ea.
      Fresh stock at equivalent price from local IGA, so no expensive delivery.

      • +1

        On a weight comparison this is a better deal then what you got.

      • Side note: Cadbury chocolate + Allens snakes + mini marshmallows + roasted peanuts makes AWESOME rocky road.

      • +1

        Oops! Forgot it was 20 Toblerone.
        Prefer my chocolate fresher - love factory tours were you can eat from the line!!

  • I Have some old milk i am willing to sell if Gerry wants it.
    The colour is not the same as normal but

    • +10

      There may be a misconception about the difference between a use-by and a best before, but thanks for the offer!

    • only if you want to sell it under cost.. emmmm.. Gerry might consider :D

  • No bargain here.
    Yes, 'best by' is misunderstood, so hard to sell stock for retailers.
    Most stores would sell almost expired stock marked down to almost nothing.
    This type of stock is often given to charities & FoodBank, for disadvantaged people.

    Dumpster diving gets you deals like this for free!
    Got 10kg of chocolate bars from one supermarket bin. And there is no delivery fee on that.
    Like on sites like HN, you may not find what you want when you look - it is a surprise deal.
    So it seems HN are taking over Dumpster Diving for a fee??
    Can't see this will win too many friends.

    • Like on sites like HN, you may not find what you want when you look - it is a surprise deal.

      That's why we have OzBargain. If someone finds a good deal, they post it.

      • True, but if you are on OzBargain you already know that.
        You quoted out of context.
        I was referring to what you find while Dumpster Diving, is like what you find on sites like HN - a mixed bag, which some would not ever want to eat. But there is no OzBargain for bins!

  • +1

    You guys still owe me a schick shaver + 8 cartridges (only collected 1 out of 2 I ordered last time due to stock), are they back in stock?

    • Oh really? Give me a moment…

      Edit: Which location? Loganholme, Auburn or Springvale?

      • +1

        Auburn - 2011582307588311

        Thanks for the quick response!

        • +2

          Thanks for your patience with that, I'm not sure why you weren't contacted, but yes you should be able to collect your second order whenever suits best. Sorry about that!

  • +2

    Looks like HN has sunk low, trying to get market share from Go-Lo and the Reject shop!

    • +4

      As this type of stock is often given to charity, it could be seen as taking from the disadvantaged!

      • +1

        Because what the disadvantaged really need is chocolate?

        • +1

          Its a cheap drug! Well no one needs chocolate, but most love it. Having run soup kitchens feeding people down on their luck/addicted/mental disorder etc, it is very hard for them to break from sweet foods. I provided tonnes of fresh fruit as an healthy alternative, funded from my business. Hey, even I shouldn't eat it anymore, but its a hard habit to break.

      • +1

        If you have a contact in NSW I'd be happy to pass on the suggestion? I'm in QLD and am not familiar with where to start.

        • +1

          Nice! But was only making a scurrilous comment.
          Usual contact point in most capitals is FoodBank. (I'm in Brissie)
          Check any tax advantages of donation.

        • +1

          Scurrilous! I enjoy learning new words. Whether or not you were being scurrilous, you raise an interesting point. Thanks for the info that's exactly what I was after

        • +2

          actually, I think the comment was 'facetious' not 'scurrilous', but funny nonetheless :-)

          charity… there's a mob called 'ozharvest' here in Sydney (also exists in Canberra, Newcastle, Adelaide and Brisbane) that collects excess and leftover food from corporates (you know, the elaborate boardroom lunches, etc) and commercial kitchens, takeaway food places, etc, and redistributes to charities that provide people with meals.

          I'm not sure how interested they'd be in chocolate… but they're good people, and I see no reason why a bunch of homeless folks at a smith family or salvation army shelter, our lady of snows mess hall or on a missionbeat beat wouldn't enjoy a chocolate with their meal.

          ozharvest web site is

      • +2

        Scurrilous tends to be incorrectly associated with my name, Infidel!
        As in 'Die, you Scurrilous Infidel!'. Its the trouble with stereotypes.
        Glad the info was of help

  • +2

    approx 75c per bar inc postage.

    If I saw these for sale individually in woolies, I might buy 1 or 2.

    Strangely enough, I don't feel the urge to have 20 of them posted to me.

  • +1

    This has a "best before" date…so the use of the word "expired" by some posters is incorrect. If its been stored properly, there won't be that much difference in it. Don't think the criticism is deserving in this case. I would agree with the REP that they should have run this deal about 2 weeks ago.

    • +1

      It's all good! I generally don't post unless I think something is a proper bargain, but the great thing about this time/money sucking website is that people get to vote. Guess I got it wrong! I didn't know the product was so close to BB or I would have pushed for it earlier indeed.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)

  • Guys, best before isn't the same as used by.

    In any case I hate toblerones :(

  • I make a killer Toblerone Cheesecake, but with 20 bars… thats 5 cakes… a bit too much for me :)

    • Link? Or is it a family recipe

      • +1

        I got the recipe about 10 years ago off the packet of the Philly cream cheese packet :)
        This one seems to be the same:…

        • Nice. Have a party coming up and have put my money where my mouth is so have a whole bunch of chocolate coming my way. Thanks!!!

    • Party at your place!!

      • +1

        Not sure I want someone so opprobrious there… :)

        • +1

          LOL Now who is using the unusual words. Had to look that one up, thanks. Meant at beccy_babes, but you've got all that chocolate…

        • +1

          We should'nt keep giving each other '+' - people will talk!

        • +2

          defenestrate the opprobrious, I say! :-)

  • Best before Febr 2012 means 1st of Febr or 29th of Febr??????
    In other words between 1st of Feb or 29th of Febr is there a real change in Legal terms of Best before Febr????

    • Hi arodes, it's the 3rd of February. Site updated

      • main title unchanged … Still FEb 2012 ….????

        • +1

          Sorry! I updated the product page not the OzB… let me do that right now

  • Target is selling 5x100g for $10. BB xx/2013.

    There is a store in Box Hill Central (Melb) and all they sell is all kinds of chocolates and sweets with a Used By/Best Before shelf life ending in 3 months. Their price is generally 60%-70% off RRP so it's always great value if you don't mind them.

    If it is expired, it goes in the Bin.

    Best Before Date is still alright to consume if it's not too far out.

  • -6

    Expired chocolate is expired chocolate…end of story.

    • It's not "use by", it's "best before".

  • "mate used by dates are a matter of interpretation",
    Guido Hatzis

  • Pity you can't get cheaper post on multiples. Would make it more worthwhile.

    • I might be able to make that happen. Where are you located?

      • Tas. Bought 1 box. Surely 2 or 3 would cost the same, or very little more than the $12.95 for 1? I think you courier them from memory? I got heaps of the Lindt bars a few months ago. Transaction No.: 2012280105284066

        • +4

          Have hopefully sorted a chocolate "bonus" with your order, which is the best I can do! Enjoy :)

        • Ok, ta.

        • +1

          Got a 2 for 1 of July expiry stock so I'm very happy.

        • Sweet. I feel like googling a photo of He Man because I have the power! But I guess I'm technically at work so I'll just spend 2 minutes writing about it

  • +1

    Hard to deny that 2kg of almost out of date toblerone for $10 is good value. Difficult to go for that much chocolate though!

  • +1

    I just got mine expires 30.07.2012 so they are still good to go.

  • Website says the price is $25 ???

    • +1

      Hi Gaffer, the BiG BUY has expired, but I'll be pushing for the July stock to be redone at $10 in the next week or two. Will pop on here to share it. Sorry!

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