Pre-configured for "all" Aussie "Gov't Radio Networks" & -much- more, so, it takes far less fiddling to make it receive CFA, CFS, Ambo's, etc. "Just in time for Bushfire / Flood / etc. seasons" :-/
[Police tend to encrypt their voice comms, at least when on such networks, so -don't- expect to hear Police, any more… -except- when they talk -direct- to CFS / CFA / Ambos, on non-Police GRN talk-groups (rarely done).]
From AU-based eBay shop w/stock of "more than 10"
It even -includes- rechargeable NiMH batteries (3x AA-size)! :-)
Aussie Uniden's spec's page (showing [list] price):
It's a seriously enhanced UBC780XLT, that fits into shirt pockets. :-)
See (or similar) for info on this & the non-AU version, as well as a more comprehensive manual for it (free to download -or- pay for dead-tree ver.)
Covers 25 MHz thru 1.3 GHz, with some gaps, for conventional scanning/monitoring.
i can get Goulburn and Wagga LAC on my pux in Syd Metro.
pretty boring though.
"Goulburn 15, standby for details - loose cattle on hume hwy"