This was posted 3 years 9 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Philips OneBlade Pro Shaver $58 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Very good price for the oneblade pro. Credit to camelcamelcamel.

Thanks to @Mick83, also available in HN Free CC or + Delivery…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Has anyone upgraded from the OG Oneblade for this? I'm considering it at this price, just wondering if this is worth it

    • Same here. Does this come with an extra blade like the OG?

      • +5

        Upgraded and very happy with it. It only comes with one blade though (no pun intended)

  • Is this supposed to be a replacement for electric shavers or a traditional disposable razor

    • +1

      I would say it's a hybrid of both. The instructions say to use it like a disposable razor.

    • +21

      My $0.02

      It doesn't shave as close as a proper razor and it doesn't trim as well as a dedicated trimmer.

      It's great for a light shadow look, relatively quick to achieve that and decent at man/woman scaping as well.

      Personal opinion, the included variable trimmer head is a joke - it's not particularly effective owing to how narrow and small the underlying trim head is. The big difference between a regular one blade base and this 'pro' one therefore is really the led battery meter. Besides that, slightly longer runtime and faster charging. If they are about the same price, the pro is better but I wouldn't say it's really 'worth' more in terms of better shaving/trimming capability.

      There are also unconfirmed rumours that the original one blade head that comes with the unit appears by some accounts to last longer than the replacements. I have not found that to be the case but I haven't got to the point of using a replacement yet either :)

      As always, YMMV

      • +1

        The pro model uses Li-Ion battery while the normal one is Ni-Cad so it potentially will last a bit longer.

      • +1

        Definitely not as close as a multi blade razor as it can't lift hairs before cutting them, however it's pretty close. Much closer than any other electric shavers I have tried and there's no stubble feel after using it (on my face). Not sure the issue with the trimmer head. Mine works well for a 5 o'clock. I've got the UK pro variant.

      • Is the device waterproof?

        I plan to use it in the shower and just rinse off between uses.

        I have big drains in my house so hair going down should be ok.

        I just don't want to have to use it at the sink because my sink is too small for shaving funny enough and shaving outside is not doable except maybe on a few days in summer but still prefer the privacy of the shower.

        So yeah is it waterproof like can I use it while in the shower I'll obviously step aside but like I'll be rinsing my head off between shaves then shaving some more.

        • Mine lives in the shower - and apart from having to get the unit replaced because the battery failed (Phillips shavers have rubbish batteries from experience), it's water proof.

  • +1

    Price is very tempting. The question is do I want to revert back to disposable cartridge razors…I've been using a safety razor since the beginning of this year and haven't looked back. I found that I was spending a tonnnn on gillette cartridges before…

    • +1

      I only shave every couple days so I use the oneblade to trim it down if the hair has gotten longish and then use my safety razor for the close shave. I find it makes the razor less aggressive.

      Not thrilled with the OneBlade by itself, seems to give a very uneven shave when using the guard and when using it without the guard the blade pinches the skin on my neck and chin which can be a bit painful.

  • +1

    Same price at Harvey norman

  • And $10 off apponly code

    • details ??

  • +2

    Have one. It’s good when it’s working but I find I need replacement heads more than any other shaver I’ve used in the past. The replacements are much more expensive too.

    Not sure id buy again. Would be better to just get a traditional trimmer with non replaceable heads.

    • How often do you need to replace for your use case scenario?

      Honestly my local haircut place does beard trims for like $12-15.

      I have only used it though when I was in full caveman beard otherwise a manual razor can usually take care of weekly touch ups with a bit of shaving cream.

  • +1

    Best Deal on replacement heads? Mine is pretty dull now

  • +1

    One of the best shaver I have owned.It cuts the hair very close and feels close to shaving.Better than peeling skin with razor.

    • -1

      How does it do for head hair haircuts like can I go from long hair caveman to bald Johnny Sins with this one blade pro?

  • What is this like for keeping a close beard? I find my trimmer is good for 1mm, but the 2 and 3mm heads don't actually take anything off my beard.

    • The guides are a little too flexible, which means they cut closer as you press harder (read not consistent). There are better purpose built trimmers without disposable heads (eg Phillips multigroom 5000 or the Hatteker Hair Trimmer Pro Hair Clippers). This isn't really designed as a trimmer, more a shaver with a trimming attachment.

      • Thanks. I've got the multigroom 7000 so will keep trying.

  • Anyone use this for the scalp? i'm a bald dude… and hate shaving my egg.

    • There are better head shaving devices on the market

      • +1

        any recommendations? i've struggled with a lot…

        • How about this dude, his whole video channel is reviewing shavers that shave his head as good as or close to as when he uses a razor.

          Skullshaver pitbull gold
          Hi did the Phillips one blade aswell
          Remington quick cut

          Maybe check his channel there not paid for reviews like most.

          • @XxAiDsTaRxX: had pitbull gold pro, sold it after couple of uses, razor is way better

            • @alwayspoor: Damn OK good to know. Yeah razer is always better but for people who don't use a razer these are probably the easiest options perhaps.

  • +2

    Wtf, I literally just bought this less than 24 hours ago for $69…

  • +1

    This thing is great, but be prepared for it to throw the cut hair all over your bathroom sink and mirror.

    • I only ever use it in the shower.

      • -2

        How does it do for head hair haircuts like can I go from long hair caveman to bald Johnny Sins with this one blade pro?

        • I don't know, I use a remington head trimmer for all my buzz cutting needs, also in the shower only.

          • @BaryGusey: nice so it can be run under running water in the shower?

            what is the model number or name and price?

            I figure if I start doing my own buzz cutting I will definitely save some money over a few years

  • +2

    I've owned one for over a year now. These are definitely not suited to trimming beards. BUT they're great for shaving your pubes.

    • I've had the exact opposite experience.

      • +8

        Your beard must have the same texture as my pubes

      • Can you come and shave my pubes then?

  • +1

    Goddamn just bought this last week for $69…

    • :( bought it on saturady from JB hifi for $69

  • Bought one a month or so ago, and I am still wondering why the hell I bought it.

    I suppose they're ok if you like the '5 o'clock shadow' look, but if you want something to trim your beard or hair, go elsewhere.

    • I am confused as to why people would purchase this for beard trimming. The space between the cutting blades is narrow and the combs arent good.
      There are hundreds of regular trimmers on the market that would be better for this purpose.

      The only reason to purchase this is to use it without a comb on zero setting, thats where the thin blade design excels and does better than any other trimmer on the market at getting a reasonably close shave without the issue of razor burn. Works very well in the shower as well.

      • -2

        How does it do for head hair haircuts like can I go from long hair caveman to bald Johnny Sins with this one blade pro?

        • TBH i'm not sure how it performs with long hair. It cuts stubble like butter though i can tell you that much

  • I have had this shaver for 2 years and haven't replaced a blade once. I shave every 3 days or wait until I have a full beard and shave then. What the hell do people do with these blades lol.

    There good for shaving all your hair but I find the trimmer function pretty crap and awkward to use.

    • -4

      How does it do for head hair haircuts like can I go from long hair caveman to bald Johnny Sins with this one blade pro?

      • +6

        How many times are you going to ask this stupid question?

        • -2

          Until it gets answered maybe.

          If no one asks then no ones gonna.

          Everyone's got a different answer and if you don't ask well i will let you mr smarty pants figure out the rest since you are good at something hopefully.

    • I'm about 18 months with mine with the original blade too. I only shave every couple of weeks, but at this rate, ill be set for many years with just a 2 pack of replacement blades.

  • -1

    20 off 60 makes this 40

    • How do you get it to 40 what's the code

      • +1

        Probably with latitude pay 20off 60 at HN

  • +1

    There is also this Schick Stylist that looks pretty similar to the One Blade:… at Coles or… at ShaverShop. A month or so it was half price at Coles and also the spare blades. 50$ the handle with one blade and 30$ for 2 spare ones are the full prices. Anybody used both OneBlade and Stylist or at least the Stylist to give some feedback?

    • no reviews yet, must be a new product

      • +1

        I think I first saw it at coles sometime last year.

        • Or could be poor marketting

          • +1

            @silenthillrocks: Or no marketing at all.

            • @ALBastru: It's half price again at coles. Picked one up. Looks like a direct copy of the Phillips that charges via USB. Battery is ni-mh.

              Replacement blades are expensive though, good to get some while theyre also half price.

              The pack comes with one blade only and two add on combs for different cuts.

              Not a bad buy for $25, wouldn't pay $50 though.

  • Does this have Cashback? was thinking to get that $10 Cashback from cash rewards,, but if the Cashback is zero,, there is no point

  • i use razor on my head, and oneblade i use for shaving my beard and body

    replacement razors were $15 so i stocked up, i replace mine every 6-8 months and i shave regularly 2 times a week

    • If only every comment had this kind of efficiency and information i wouldn't have to ask every single one.

      But then that would be too easy.

      • thanks
        buy without hesitation its well worth the money
        ive tried at least 6-8 different shavers and this one is the best
        however, if you like the "zero" silky smooth perfect shave you will have to use the razor

  • Wondering the same thing but no way to confirm…? Did you purchase and did it track?

  • +1

    Is it good for shaving men & women pubic hair? Thanks everyone

  • -1

    Can it shave my Balls ?

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